Sorcery (1)

Enchantment (1)


This started out as a different deck all together.

Original version, based on lots of little pains can be found here. Rakdos, Lord of Little Pains. (3.0)

I have always wanted to build an artifact deck, but never had the catalyst before. Once I discovered the idea of casting crazy amounts of artifact creatures for cheap as free using Rakdos, Lord of Riots I was hooked.

So now it's gonna be 2 different decks. The pain one might get pared down to a 60 with focus on the rack,thumb screws, etc. Not sure yet.

So what we have here is just an Artifact/colorless deck. With all the cards I bought for the other version, and then just all my most fun artifacts.

Some cards in here I've never really used before, so that's exciting too.

Get out artifacts, do some damage, bring out Rakdos, do increasing ammounts of damage, drop more and more free artifact creatures.

Use extra mana for utilities, card draw and tutoring.

There are a few different ways this can play.

1) An artifact creature swarm that builds as mana becomes available. Behaving as a stompy, overwhelm with power beat down.

2) Get in good groove with Rakdos, and get the right cards, you can just drop a few big bashers all at once and Smash. Works best with Hammer of Purphoros on the field.

3) A fun hold over from the original idea. Which is why there is still this vestigial ammount of colour.

Using Flayer Drone, Molten Nursery, Nettle Drone Lots of little damage over and over with Rakdos free plays. Ramp it up or bring someone to an emd with a Stuffy Doll and Gruesome Slaughter

The dream. Which can be built with a couple of tutors like: Planar Bridge, Planar Portal, Ring of Three Wishes

Ping with Nettle, up to 3 cmc artifact creatures now drop for free with Rakdos. (In a pod of course) Drop somthing cheap, deal a couple more damage with the other 2 ETBs, untap, repeat until hand is empty. Use all the saved mana on card draw and tutors, keep dropping little silver shocks.

Want to really have some fun? Lay down the very interesting Noetic Scales for a little bit of control and chaos.

Help clear the board of some threats.

Now I have a mechanical army that did a bunch of damage on arrival. Then when my turn swings around, they all go back to my had, allowing me to repeat the entire ETB circus. You know, if the other 3 players don't mess it up of course.

Use card draw: Bag of Holding, Investigator's Journal, Jayemdae Tome, Oracle's Vault, Tapestry of the Ages to feed the drops.

The two monuments I have, while not using thier first ability. The second on each can really pay off. Bontu's Monument for some life gain and extra damage to make those creatures cheaper anyway and Rhonas's Monument letting me beef up others already on the field or themselves when they have haste.

Still having a tough time making this actually work and pop off. But its still, in concept one of my favorites I've ever built. Bought some new, mostly cheap cards. Actually dropping most of the big baddies in favor of more uselfull stuff instead, for now. Will try and build the big stuff back in later, once I get the overall concept performing better.


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99% Casual


Date added 2 months
Last updated 3 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 0 Rares

36 - 0 Uncommons

40 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.32
Tokens Construct 1/1 C, Enchantment Golem 3/3 C, Powerstone
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