Frost Marsh

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Frost Marsh

Snow Land

Frost Marsh enters the battlefield tapped.

Tap: Add (Blue) or (Black) to your mana pool.

CheapnFast on

1 year ago

Dead_Blue_, I haven't really had the chance to test the deck against more competitive decks than some casual matches with friends, but so far I would call it more of a fun deck than something that would compete against top-tier modern decks. The tap lands are a necessary evil just because you need a critical mass of snow lands to get Narfi, Betrayer King out consistently on turn 3. I also wanted to keep the deck pretty budget-friendly, but if I wanted to make the deck less clunky and less budget, a playset of Polluted Delta instead of Frost Marsh would probably be the way to go without sacrificing access to snow lands. If I was going to move away from the decks budget restrictions, I would probably also play Liliana of the Veil instead of Collective Brutality, but that would really be my only major change that might make the deck slightly more competitive.

jacobpmesser on 8 Crab

3 years ago

Because it's relevant due to a better crab reprint, there is a snow-dual land. Frost Marsh. It etb tapped but it's still a snow land.

LittleBlueHero on Yuriko (CMC Ya L8tr)

3 years ago

Don't remove Watery Grave. The 2 life is something you always pay without a thought. It's nothing in commander. And if its in your opening hand without a one drop go ahead and play it tapped.

That said you do have a lot of lands that enter tapped. If you are going to cut though cut from ones that don't get you both colors or don't really help the gameplan.

Skyline Cascade for instance is a minor effect and only gets you blue, i'd rather have Castle Vantress here. The castle could come into play tapped but only needed one isalnd isn't much of a requirement and being able to scry is extra helpful for your deck. And Crypt of Agadeem can net you a lot of mana in some situations but since you aren't filling your graveyard on purpose like a reanimator deck chances are this won't do as much as it should sometimes, i'd play a Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth over this here. The tomb comes in untapped and makes sure all your lands tap for black just in case.

Also with only 5 islands and 4 swamps (6 and 5 if you change the above) the chances of you having three of either to get Witch's Cottage or Mystic Sanctuary to enter untapped and give you the benefit is unlikely. These are both better in mono colored decks or deck that are running a lot of basics. Both can easily be basics instead.

You have 13 lands that HAVE to come into play tapped. Thats way to many. if you make the above changes that brings you down to 9 that have to come in tapped... still a lot.

So, I know why you run Vesuva but I don't think you really need it in a two color deck. It would better suited in something three or more colors so it can help you fix. Our group doesn't run enough powerful lands to really want to copy anything super crazy. I would swap for Exotic Orchard. You may or may not get access to the colors you need with it but the way i see it is its an untapped dual land more often than not.

I would swap Frost Marsh for Underground River. I know that 1 damage may look scary but 9 times outta 10 you'll only need to tap it for colorless, the colored mana is there as a failsafe. And like I mentioned before 1 and 2 life is really nothing in commander. Jwar Isle Refuge could be Fetid Pools, yes it still comes in tapped but has the ability to cycle if you draw it late in the game which can be huge.

Lastly Dismal Backwater should be Polluted Delta if you can afford it. Again, don't be afraid of one life loss to fix your mana, the delta doesn't search for basics it searches for Swamps or Islands which means you can search up one of you lands that has the dual typing like Watery Grave or Sunken Hollow.

If you really don't want to spend the 25 or whatever it is though you could run run River of Tears instead.

After all that you have 6 lands that HAVE to come into play tapped. Which is only 1 more than I usually try to stick to at 5. Its not a perfect system but its worked for me.

Valengeta on Crab pot

3 years ago

sorry forgot a some more cards to help you with snow: Frost Marsh, Scrying Sheets, Winter's Rest

jboss1642 on Nek Wheels

4 years ago

Things I'd cut: Frost Marsh just a tap land, not worth it

Spire of Industry not enough artifact to turn it on early and you don't really need it late

Diabolic Tutor too slow, you'll be drawing so many cards anyway

Karn's Temporal Sundering also slow and expensive, you'd need upwards of 10 mana to make this thing worth it

Folio of Fancies nonbo with much of the discard stuff, and mill is not the way this deck wins so why let your opponents keep extra cards?

Breathstealer's Crypt just feels not very impactful, basically an overpriced Telepathy

Exquisite Blood same deal, you don't really need lifegain and at 5 mana youd rather play nek himself

Psychosis Crawler this one's a hot take, but in a deck dedicated to making your opponents draw, he is looking for the opposite. Also 5 mana is neks spot.

Niv-Mizzet, Parun casting cost is fucking rough, but this is a maybe cuz he is really strong

Psychic Corrosion same deal as folio about this not being a mill deck

Sangromancer you don't need much life gain

Spark Double not sure what you're copying, an extra nek is nice but doesn't seem like that huge of a difference, nothing else seems worth it.

Torbran, Thane of Red Fell triple red is tough and he doesn't really change the clock that much. This is more a matter of preference though

Mission Briefing you're almost certainly using this for a wheel but why not just run another wheel and not have to pay an extra UU?

Before I say what I'd add specifically, in general I think you need a little more speed, a few more lands and a lot more interaction. 2 counters, 2 spot removal, and 3 board wipes does not feel like enough, especially for a relatvely slow deck that doesn't combo out. I would add a mix of 4-5 spot removal and counter spells and 4 more lands before even looking at any of the cards below.

Cards I would add:

Another land or two in addition to the above. Your commander is 5 mana after all and your average CMC is over 3. Average CMC times 10 or 11 is my baseline for lands

Curiosity stellar, cheap card draw

Nightscape Familiar effectively a mana dork, helps with the speed

Whirlpool Warrior another wheel

Archfiend of Ifnir pet card, turns wheels into board wipes

Vision Skeins fun card, works perfectly with your strategy

Ponder consistency

Chasmolinker on

5 years ago

Lots to churn over here. Thanks for the suggestions. RIP Frost Marsh

dingusdingo on

5 years ago

Scrying Sheets is free, reusable card advantage from a land. The only downside is that if you up fetchland density (which you should for deckthinning purposes) it has less effectiveness.

23 lands is really high. You can cut down to 20 rather easily, especially with the scry/draw you run. Frost Marsh should 100% go, ETB tapped. I would also cut Watery Grave Breeding Pool and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth , your color intensity really isn't that high and they aren't snow permanents. If you up Coldsteel Heart to 4x, you should not have any problems with color requirements, especially with fetches.

Consider Rimefeather Owl as a possible 1x or 2x finisher. Its like the Treefolk except it flies and can generate further snow advantage. I'm also surprised you aren't running the Treefolk as a 4x.

I think Icehide Golem or Rimebound Dead both are better than Phyrexian Ironfoot . You aren't using ironfoot to combo with the untap + payload, so it just means it becomes a mana sink. Icehide is better if color intensity is too high, Rimebound better against aggro decks.

Also peek Centaur Omenreader .

Lanzo493 on

5 years ago

Well, it's commander, so it's slow and you can use lands that enter tapped and are budget friendly. Dismal Backwater , Dimir Aqueduct , Dimir Guildgate , Submerged Boneyard , Jwar Isle Refuge , Frost Marsh and Salt Marsh are budget. Fetid Pools , Underground River , and Sunken Hollow are also good options. Check out for more options.

As for mana rocks. You'll need them. Commander always needs them. I like Worn Powerstone , Thran Dynamo , Hedron Archive , Everflowing Chalice , and Astral Cornucopia . Dimir Signet is really good.

I gotta say that you need a Rise of the Dark Realms . It's a bomb.

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