Elvish Spirit Guide

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Elvish Spirit Guide

Creature — Elf Spirit

Exile Elvish Spirit Guide from your hand: Add .

DreadKhan on EDH Merens Reanimator

1 month ago

The OG Fetches are very good cards in almost any deck, and as I mentioned in my first post, I don't know if it would be easy to improve this deck without either adding Fetchlands or increasing the power level.

The easiest way to increase the power level a deck like yours is to add a combo, but your present power level is high enough that you'd need to add a fairly efficient combo, something like Protean Hulk to find a complete combo (ideally via a single pile), this would leave you at a strong 8, not quite cEDH but it's fairly hard to make Meren a cEDH deck at this point, her ability is too slow/grindy for cEDH games. cEDH Meren lists are likely to make use of something like Razaketh, or possibly a Phyrexian Devourer combo. Razaketh uses something like Life / Death to turn your lands into creatures so you can keep tutoring until you find both your combo of choice as well as the mana to play it. Razaketh decks love stuff like Lion's Eye Diamond, which is extremely pricey and does very little other than combo off. You'd also want Dark Ritual type cards, and possibly things like Lotus Petal and Elvish Spirit Guide. The main problem with Razaketh is getting him out early, but something like Final Parting can get you there by putting Razaketh in the bin and a Reanimate into hand. Similarly, you can reanimate a Protean Hulk (which you then sacrifice) to tutor up a game ending combo, the advantage of Protean Hulk is that it's easier to cast when you're desperate, but the upside of Razaketh is that you can tutor up any cards you want, Razaketh just gives you a new hand in exchange for a few creatures. I think Protean Hulk is the best of the lot, but Phyrexian Devourer isn't a bad option, you use Triskelion with it by getting both into your graveyard, with a Necrotic Ooze on the battlefield, you then just exile cards to put counters on your Devourer, and the only real drawbacks are your limit on individual MV (Devourer dies if it gets too big), and you'll need enough total MV to actually kill everyone (this isn't too hard if you go off fairly early, but it can suck if you take all game to get into position and can't kill everyone because you don't have enough cards left. Another upside to Devourer is that Triskelion also wins the game with Mikaeus (you ping Triskelion with the last counter so it dies (without any counters left) and has Undying). Oh, with Protean Hulk the 'smallest' pile I am familiar with involves Disciple of the Vault, Melira, Sylvok Outcast, Lesser Masticore, and Carrion Feeder/Viscera Seer, with that pile you don't even need Activated Sleeper to nab a second Protean Hulk (with only 3 MV after you account for the Sleeper). The main drawback of this pile is that the cards are individually bad IMHO (I would run Feeder and Seer, but none of the others fit in a generic Meren deck), and the lack of redundancy (Melira and Masticore aren't used in a lot of other combos in Meren decks afaik) makes it less stable than some lists. The final one I feel is worth mention is Demon of Dark Schemes, Mitotic Slime, and Phyrexian Altar nets you infinite mana, ETBs, death triggers, Energy, and all the creatures in each graveyard can be reanimated by you. The nice thing about the Demon is that it's only 6 mana (so technically Hulk can find him), and it can do a lot of work in certain situations since it can wipe small creatures as well as reanimate cards from anyone's graveyard. It's one of the better generic reanimation effects that can go infinite, and it's sheer range of utility makes it worth looking at even if you didn't use Mitotic Slime. The Slime btw is very good in most Meren decks since it offers a plethora of tokens for only 5 mana, while Phyrexian Altar (or Pitiless Plunderer) are both amazing cards in a deck like this.

If you feel like adding a combo, I wouldn't have more than ~2 trees/paths to work with, unless the cards are shared between multiple lists.

I can go into more detail if it would be helpful, I have a Meren deck on here you could take a look at, it's a lot more combo oriented than your list, but it's combos aren't optimal, they're all made with stuff I already had.

BotaNickill on No [[rograkh]]s!!! Nah Mean

8 months ago

I finally had a chance to play this deck a couple times tonight, and I am happy to report, it went off on T1 and T3 and T2 for 3 wins in a row. I was Astonished. I mean, I wasn't playing against a blue Legacy deck of course, so, no Force of Wills or "whatever" to trip me up, but it was really cool to see the deck combos play out like they are supposed to! Landing those "Cheerios" one after another, and Lotus Petals and Simian Spirit Guide/Elvish Spirit Guides at just the right times to keep the deck flowing and then boom! Grapeshot!! Next turn, Goblin Bombardment!! OMG, It was glorious!! Ahh..... Wellp, Anywho....that's my story. Hope yawl are having a kickass Friday like I did! Peace! Love! Cheerios!!!

legendofa on Turn 0 win vs Chancellor of dross (100%)

9 months ago

Against 60 Force of Will, a sideboarded Vexing Shusher and some more Elvish Spirit Guide is my best suggestion, but that's adding more moving parts. In the mirror match, like with most of these sort of decks, it's a coin flip. It all comes down to who gets the better opening hand, or even who goes first.

legendofa on Beating a turn 0 win …

9 months ago

Beat 60x Chancellor of the Dross with 30x Nourishing Shoal and 30x Elvish Spirit Guide. In response to to the upkeep trigger, exile a card to cast Shoal, gain 2-4 life, and stock up on ESG until you can cast one. You can cut this to just the Shoals and a few mulligans if you don't mind the gameplay being 100% draw-go.

Beat the Shoal Spirit Guide combo with 60x Chancellor of the Forge. Start off with seven Goblins and attack hard and fast, outpacing their defenses and lifegain.

Beat CotForge with CotDross.

All of these will probably lose to Thoracle Combo.

Something like 15x Plains, 25x Force of Will, and 20x Angel's Grace would have a strong matchup against Thoracle. Counter the key cards, Grace in response to Thoracle, and wait a turn.

Alessolito on The Cure

9 months ago

Also, you could try Wild Cantor instead of the Deathrite Shaman, in case you need a black mana but only have one Elvish Spirit Guide left

Lup3rcal on A blight on the land - The Gitrog Monster

1 year ago

Things I might consider cutting:

Oblivion Crown - discard is nice but this one breaks as soon as the creature on it does - too flimsy.

Elvish Spirit Guide and Dark Ritual - let you do some pop off things if you draw the nuts, but unless you're winning with them I think they're not worth the card slot. Sure you can potentially turn two Gitrog, but unless you're set on that bucket list item, these wouldn't make the cut for me.

Putrid Imp - of your creature discard pieces, this one is the worst: no inherent upside for discard and can't even chump after you hit threshold. (I'm also squinting at Olivia's Dragoon; it's never going to contest anything important in the air so same concerns)

Riftsweeper - a glorified grizzly bear. It assuages the fear of losing a cool card to exile, but that card goes back to the library so you dont gain any card advantage from it. Unless your deck simply cannot function without one of the 99, riftsweeper doesnt help you win

Diabolic Intent and Ashnod's Altar - I don't see much in the way of token generation / reanimation, so these sac effects don't get great value IMO. yes, you can recycle a mana dork, but you may need those dorks to chump, and both cards are dead if your board has been damaged.

Triumph of the Hordes - similar to above, I don't see enough creatures/power in here for the payoff. You could pump the shit out of a Noose Constrictor, but Tainted Strike does the same at cheaper and instant speed. Arguably it lets the eldrazi titans one shot people but trust me, if you're swinging with those you're already winning.

Aetherflux Reservoir - doesn't seem useful outside of the citadel. Maybe you have more infinite combos turning this into a wincon, but I dont see them. But, I would be curious to see this playtested. Expect it to draw some aggro even if you're playing it "fairly".

Treasured Find - actually not awful, just curious why this over Eternal Witness or a similar dork

And suggested additions:

Abundance - let's you do the sick play of putting ALL LANDS IN YOUR DECK into your graveyard with the frog and a discard outlet then you have pure gas, and can reanimate the lands in any number of ways

World Shaper - no love for the land reanimator?

TheOfficialCreator on Counting Storms

1 year ago

Elvish Spirit Guide and Simian Spirit Guide are pretty budget mana acceleration cards. Lotus Petal also isn't a Mox, so it's decent. Murmuring Mystic as well is pretty good, and Ral, Storm Conduit is really strong with Repeated Reverberation.

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