Borrowed Hostility

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Borrowed Hostility


Escalate 3 (Pay this cost for each mode chosen beyond the first.)

Choose one or both -

*Target creature gets +3/+0 until end of turn.

*Target creature gains first strike until end of turn.

Fibonachos on Zada's Budget Goblins

4 years ago

Dragon Throne of Tarkir would certainly improve the robustness of the deck, and I do have several spells currently in there similar to Infuriate (such as Borrowed Hostility , Brute Force ,...), but for now I am tuning the deck for pure speed. But I think as soon as I get a couple games in with my play group they will catch on to what I'm doing and I will switch to a longer game build where Dragon Throne of Tarkir will be super handy!

patrickd117 on Feather, the Reedemed

5 years ago

This deck seems sweet! Looking through the list, I'm much more convinced that the aggro side works!

I don't like: Hero of Oxid Ridge (this card just seems bad) Tormod's Crypt , (there are better graveyard removal options) Journey to Nowhere and Oblivion Ring (these always get removed in my experience) Borrowed Hostility (I think I want my pump spells to either draw a card or be stronger than this)

I'd test: Mirrorwing Dragon Pyromancer's Goggles Primal Amulet  Flip (this saves you a lot of mana on the 2+ cmc spells) Zada, Hedron Grinder (synergizes really well) Shelter (draw seems incredibly important for feather) Weathered Wayfarer (staple for boros imo) Crimson Wisps (better than accelerate) Chandra's Ignition Fight with Fire Boros Charm is probably just better than Assault Strobe and should probably come in.

lukas96 on Burn baby burn

6 years ago

you should really streamline your creatures a bit Deranged Whelp for example does virtually nothing for your deck. Reckless Bushwhacker only makes sence in a creature build an you are playing a creature spell deck. Conduit of Storms  Flip is too expensive and doesnt do enough for your deck.

Your sideboard is also pretty bad Rift Bolt can be a maindeck card but its not a sideboard card at all.

Why do you have Borrowed Hostility and Kari Zev in your sideboars at all? against which decks would you want t bring them in?

Smash to Smithereens is a great sideboard card as is Molten Rain

0b1ivi0nwa1k3r on Burn baby burn

6 years ago

Thats a good observation xyr0s i think the deck will need to include mutiple elements if DanTheBear wants to keep it MONORED and cheap, but it can forsurely be more focused. I would say either go Burn&8whack with it or Burn&Prowess the second being my recommendation.

Burn elements of your deck:

Lightning Bolt

Lava Spike

Rift Bolt

Searing Blaze

Bomat Courier

Kari Zev, Skyship Raider

Conduit of Storms  Flip


Prowess elements of your deck:

Lightning Bolt

Abbot of Keral Keep

Kiln Fiend

Monastery Swiftspear

Built to Smash

Invigorated Rampage

Borrowed Hostility

8whack elements of your deck: (disclaimer i dont know much about 8whack so take this part with a grain of salt)

Deranged Whelp

Ember-Eye Wolf

Reckless Bushwhacker

Fiery Temper

Bloodmad Vampire

D_boss on

6 years ago

Same with Borrowed Hostility and Fists of the Anvil

tanman on Zada bing, Zada boom

6 years ago

looks pretty good so far but I think some good adds would be Monastery Swiftspear, and Soul-Scar Mage they get big fast and any creature with prowess is good. Other good cards to consider are Ogre Battledriver cause haste and buff is good, Dictate of the Twin Gods Furnace of Rath Gratuitous Violence you probably wouldn't need all of these but being able to double damage outputs could be very helpful in picking up quick kills. Barrage of Boulders this is a great card because if your opponents can't block then living can be a very difficult task. Price of Glory cause play on your own turn gosh dangit

You also have cards like it but others that give good buffs are Reckless Charge, Borrowed Hostility, Rouse the Mob, although I would stick to mostly the one mana ones cause they are just easier to cast and you can cast more.

I also noticed you had some goblin tribal which is good but you could add Goblin Rabblemaster, Goblin King, Coat of Arms, Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician, and Goblin Assault, those combo well together to make all of your goblins more powerful.

The last main effect I noticed was some etb effects here are some I noticed weren't in there Genesis Chamber, Panharmonicon, Warstorm Surge, Flameshadow Conjuring, I would recomend either going for this effect all out and adding as many ways to etb hurt people as possible or not runing any except maybe Purphoros, God of the Forge cause it can be a place to dump mana if you don't have anything to cast.

I noticed you had some spells that target a creature and draw a card which I understand cause it is good but some aren't meant to target your own creatures and I think you would benefit from some better draw like Chandra, Flamecaller, Avaricious Dragon, Outpost Siege, Magus of the Wheel, Dragon Mage, Reforge the Soul, Hazoret's Monument, Ghirapur Orrery, these are better than some of the targeting draw spells you have in cause they are more consistent.

Alright so now that you can see some good cards time for what I would cut Goblin Rally for Goblin Rabblemaster even though rally gets more goblins at once rabblemaster is cheaper and buffs himself. Also Kari Zev's Expertise is the only take control spell and while you can cast something for free the only reason I could see to run it is to target your own board and cast lots of cheap instants for free but how often would that work? Also Stun, Panic, these can draw you lots of cards but these aren't meant to target your own things and there are better ways to make it so your opponents can't block and so the only reason I see these for is to draw cards and there are more consistent ways to draw cards. Rile, same thing even though they get trample the deal a damage to all of your creatures which would kill a good amount of them without buffs which you could also do but wouldn't it be nice to draw without having to worry about board wiping yourself.

Alright now talking strictly are you doing... when you look at the curve to the left it's "Man my curve is so good I'm always going to have a spell to cast each turn." then you look at your creature curve. 1 1drop, 4 2drops, 8 3drops, 6 4 drops, 7 5drops, 1 6drop. With that curve of creatures you probably aren't going to cast a creature spell (I included the sorceries that give creatures in this.) until turn three which means you cast your commander turn 4 and can start attacking turn 5 with 2 creatures (this doesn't account for ramp, or multi-creature spells) so you then have to take another turn or two to keep casting creatures. That is to slow for this deck you need to start picking up damage alot earlier if you want to win. There are also creatures in here (While amazing.) don't work as well in your deck as going more goblin tribal like Neheb, the Eternal He is really good but when are you going to cast things after combat. you should have enough haste to never need his ability for mana. That is the first one I would cut to make room for a cheaper spell other than that you need to lower your curve (or add more ramp and haste) cause even though you would get more value off your spells you would be to slow in attacking so I would stick to four or five that give you the most creatures.

I think it would be great if you made this a mostly goblin tribal deck cause #1 they flood the board with 1/1's for you to target. #2 you can get some great synergy cards and make it so your goblin's are helping each other. #3 Who doesn't love tribal decks especially ones that are outside the box like this one would be. #4 Goblin Bombardment who is going to boardwipe ten to twenty goblins when in response to the wipe you sac all of them and hurt them alot.

Well those are my thoughts on it as you probably see I didn't add every effect or explain the many uses of some cards cause I think you will see their value I merely am pointing out the main changes I would make to the deck, let me know what you think of them and I hope I didn't offend you cause that is not my intention and I would love to comment again if you make changes.

Thermall on Pump UR

6 years ago

Maybe you would like to running Reckless Charge instead of Borrowed Hostility

mana_master45 on Chaotic Good

6 years ago

Did some major changes based off suggestions from the Pauper subreddit. Big thanks to Unstoppablebac0n, Slurmsmackenzie8, await, Semper_nemo13, and most of all mrogersj5 for pointing out a lot of the flaws and/or giving suggestions and tips or insight.


A lot of them pointed out that the draw was kind of arbitrary and hindered the deck quite a bit, so I removed the strictly draw cards like Gitaxian Probe and Faithless Looting. Also had a recommendation to remove the Lightning Bolts! or add one more for a playset. Ended up removing them as I doubt they'll do better than anything in the sideboard, plus it's just more space to add pump spells but I may add them back in. With that I also added in some Goblin Deathraiders for some extra pressure, plus trample helps get around chump blockers.

Something that I should have known better against, since I play more aggro decks than anything else, is the land count was too high. I went with mroger's suggestion for land count, removed a bunch of basics and two Evolving Wilds for some Bloodfell Caves and extra spells.

As for the spells themselves, I took out Borrowed Hostility for Cartouche of Zeal in both boards as per mroger's suggestion again. Ultimately the Cartouche does more for one mana than the Hostility. Dragon Mantle was also added because firebreathing and cantrip in an aura spell is a good idea. Outside of enchantments, playsets Mutagenic Growth and Temur Battle Rage were added. I'd been considering the Growths for a while because they're really good, but it took someone else suggesting it to push me to do it. Also I mentioned needing more evasion, and Battle Rage should be able to grant Trample more often than not and if not the double strike will help immensely.


As for sideboard, I took out pretty much all of the control initially in there for what is hopefully better control. Like in the MB, Cartouches for Hostility and I kept Nihil Spellbomb in as well. I added in Vampiric Link for Aggro matchups because lifelink. The rest of it I'm iffy on and is going to mostly depend on what I run into. Diabolic Edict was removed from MB to a 3 of in SB, but that's subject to change. Electrickery was suggested to me in place of Echoing Decay but that's another thing I'm iffy on. Again will depend on what I go against. Pyroblast is another card that might end up getting replaced, probably with more Pains if Counterspell is running rampant. Finally one Flaring Pain was added in, incase of Kami Pestilence lock or anything with Spore Frog.


I had Apostle's Blessing suggested, and I really want to put it in but it'll probably be dependent on if I need it. It more than likely will get added in when I get tired of targeted removal, but for now it's in the back of my mind.

Echoing Decay is something I touched up on, but it's going to depend on if some token strats come out of nowhere.

Again big thanks to all the help on Reddit and I'm super excited to get some testing done with the new build.

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