The Planeswalking Dead

Commander / EDH Graveborn Muse


Tetsuo No More! —Jan. 9, 2017

This is my second Grixis deck. For a really long time I had Tetsuo Umezawa at the helm, but I realized that his assassin ability was rarely used. It isn't just that I didn't need to use it because he deterred attacks by his very presence; instead, I was too busy casting spells to leave UBBR up every turn (unless I was lucky enough to get Leyline/Orrery out early). The Partner mechanic is the perfect opportunity to try something a little different. In theory, Kraum will be a better defensive body, and do a little bit to address my weakness to fliers, while Silas Renn will be a cheap deterrent on the ground in the early game, and let me regrow vital artifacts like Cornucopia, Chain Veil, and Rings of Brighthearth in the late game. Ironically, now that I have a higher chance of using my Commanders in combat, I might have to put Umezawa's Jitte back in.