Power Couple Enchantments

Commander / EDH swordrush


Dominaria Legends —May 17, 2018

There were three very good legends from the new Dominaria block which are in my colors and all deal with enchantments: Danitha, Tiana, and Valduk. I decided to include all of them by removing Ghostblade Eidolon, Rapacious One, and Hanweir Militia Captain.

Hanweir Militia Captain never felt like she pulled her own weight. I was once excited for the additional token support, but she just never really stuck around to do that (or only provided a single token). I'm hoping that Valduk will do much better.

Ghostblade Eidolon will be a much more controversial pick. But the thing is, while lots of people really enjoy double strike effects in Anax/Cymede decks, this deck is aiming to be slower. I'm not looking to take out opponents literally as quickly as possible; however, I'm looking to build advantage over time, then take my opponents by surprise when I recover much quicker than they realized. In the end, I just never find myself playing Ghostblade. The times I do play Ghostblade is typically when I have nothing else better to play. I'm hoping Danitha proves to have a greater effect by reducing the cost of the 14 auras I have in the deck.

Rapacious One's removal actually hurts the most. I may bring Rapacious One back in sometime. The threat Rapacious One provides is immense--not only is it a strong creature in its own right, it also has natural trample, creates tokens to pump later, and in a pinch generates tons of mana. But Tiana might do something a little more important: recur those very precious enchantments. The deck can't run without enchantments. This should be a welcome addition to help survive into the late game.