M15 Game Day 9th Aug 2014 Champion: Junk Midrange

Standard* LarryLiu


FNM at LGS 2-1 —March 5, 2014

Pretty surprised today. Went to another LGS for standard 3rounds swiss with my slightly tweaked decklist (+02 sin collectors, +2 duress, -4 hero downfall) hoping to meet more control decks, and was R1 paired with a mirror deck, played by a very experienced player. He did not have Thoughtseize in his mainboard, but it was side boarded instead.

R1, vs Junk Midrange, 0-2 there was, at one point, 6 Blood Barons on the field.. lol

R2, vs Mono White Heroic Aggro 2-1 Cleared wth ease, took damage without shocking but had removals for weenies and various creatures.Blood Baron generally cleared the way.

R3, vs Esper Control 1-2 (opponent gave me the win as he was paired up with zero wins) Had difficulty with his endless Dissolve and Syncopates.

Advise for the day (from the experience Junk player) "We are not to be afraid of Control players, the more stuff we have in our graveyard, the better."

Things to consider: Should I move towards a Reanimator or remain as a Midrange Junk?