M15 Game Day 9th Aug 2014 Champion: Junk Midrange

Standard* LarryLiu


FNM 2nd Place 2-1 —March 4, 2014

Used at LGS FNM Standard R1 BUG, Won 2-0 Versus LGS Top 8, 5th Placing Player -04 Blood Baron +02 Duress +02 Sin Collector Removes 04 Blood Baron as I did not wanna deal with a stolen Blood Baron by Ashiok. Worked well as my creatures are mostly hexproof (sylvan & reaper) while Obzedat n Whip took over.

R2: MBD, Won 2-1 -02 Golgari Charm -02 Scavenging Ooze +02 Duress +02 Dark Betrayal Played with local Hometown Pro Tour Player & Recent BNG Game Day Champion 1st game had early ramps from sylvan to 02 Blood Baron n reaper 2nd game lost to his overflowing pack rats, erebos and grey 3rd game thoughtseized away his 02 grey n dark betrayal his nightveils.

R3: UW Control Lost 1-2 Esper control 02 Sin collector 02 Duress 02 Mistcutter hydra 01 pithing needle - jace - 04 Hero Downfall - 02 Scavenging Ooze - 01 Polukrunaos Slow game with lack of swamps n conceeded the first game due to repeated Sphinx' Revelation 2nd game he sideboard against me as a GW, pushed aggressively early with a 4/4 Mistcutter and my Obzedat. Checked clear with 02 duress 01 Sin collector and 02 Thoughtseize Game 03 I made a mistake scryed away a Blood Baron in hopes of a Mistcutter. Costed me the game.

Hope to hear feedback soon!:)