Kaya and Friends (THB)

Standard* Porkules


Against aggro, this deck sucks —Feb. 6, 2020

So, at my lgs there are about 4 esper decks, a bunch of aggro, and a couple two or monocolored control decks. The control matchups and other esperdecks arent that terrible to deal with. I threw in some ashioks Erasures to help aginst the control decks. The aggro decks, however, just rip this deck a new one. On Arena, This deck does surprisingly well in Bo3. I just sideboard in more control against aggro. At the LGS, this deck got its ass eaten like a pie at a redneck fair. I cant stress enough that the control did not help against a deck with nothing but burn and wheels and removal and dinos. Jund Aggro made from the jund/rakdos sacrifice Shell was impossible to deal with. I threw in more control and it just put out more creatures. I sideboarded in removal (Ive changed the sideboard to be more antiaggro on paper) and somehow took game three with a dreamtrawler and revoke existence. Im thinking of keeping the idea the same, but running UW or azorius megamind control and then splashing black for the planeswalkers. I would take out some of the orzhov or BW lands for more dimir or BU Temple of Deceit s. Very certain that dream trawler is one of the better non legendary creatures in standard ATM if you get to untap with it. Honestly, Im also thinking about just taking this apart and selling it so that I can build monored aggro and then monored burn/control but creatureless because fuck it. Why not just fuck over everyone, including myself?

Thanks for any help or ideas and support.