Ever-changing Landscape

Modern scooter1265


6th FNM —Oct. 26, 2018

6th FNM, added in 2 Prismatic Omen, 1 Lightning Bolt to the main, took the 3 Relics out, moving 2 to the side. Left Rec Sage in the main, and took out the Rec Sage in the side. Added 2 Relics to the side and took out 1 Damping Sphere

Match 1: Naya Zoo? (W 2-1)

 Game 1: Landed a Prismatic Omen and Prime Time, and won.

 Game 2: I lost this game due to only fetching a  Mountain when I should've fetched a Stomping Ground or Forest. Opponent landed an Aven Mindcensor and I kept drawing non-green lands.

 Game 3: Top decked an Anger, cleared the board of creatures and, most importantly, the Mindcensor, and Scapeshifted for 7 lands with 2 Valakuts in play.

Match 2: Grixis Hand Distuptuon (W 2-0)

 Game 1: Scapeshifted for the win!

 Game 2: Opponent never really established a board state, beat him down with Prime Time and 2 Online Valakuts

Match 3: RG Ponza (L 0-2)

 Game 1: Have 4 lands, Pact for Steve, play Cinder Glade for 6 mana, with 2 Prime Time in hand. Opponent plays, passes after I Anger'd his board. I miss my Pact trigger by drawing as soon as my turn starts, major oof.

 Game 2: Opponent lands a Blood Moon, and takes out my green lands. GG

Match 4: Bring to Light Scapeshift (L 0-2)

 Game 1: Played red lands, had green spells

 Game 2: BTL destroyed me, couldn't get anything running.

Summary: Still haven't figured this thing out yet, gonna sub out Ruric Thar for a Back to Nature and see what's what. Also, seriously considering going to BTL Shift, it seems really strong in this meta. Gonna do some research and see how everything shakes out.