Ever-changing Landscape

Modern scooter1265


First FNM —Aug. 3, 2018

My first FNM in person with the deck. Last minute, I added in an Ancient Grudge for a Roast in the sideboard.

Match 1: GW CoCo (W 2-1)

 Game 1: I successfully Scapeshift'd my opponent with Prismatic Omen and 6 lands in play, making for 72 damage to deal out. My opponent had Worship out with a couple of creatures, so I bolted the creatures down, and the rest to his face for the game win.

 Game 2: My opponent CoCo'd me out, and landed an Aven Mindcensor and really gave me a tough time getting out of it. I lost this game.

 Game 3: This was close, but I ended up just grinding out my opponent. I landed an Anger of the Gods and Sweltering Suns to get rid of his 2 Courser of Kruphix and Knight of the Reliquary. He couldn't recover and I grinded a win out for the match win.

Match 2: 5C Humans (L 1-2)

 Game 1: I successfully Scapeshift'd my opponent and he conceded after I had 7 or 8 lands with a Valakut already online. He had me below 10 for the first game. Also, he named Anger of the Gods with Meddling Mage and I cast a Sweltering Suns to wipe his board, which was huge and bought me more time.

 Game 2: I was getting hit with 2 Mantis Riders and was down below 10, with a Scapeshift in my hand and 7 lands. Next turn, I scapeshift for 5 Mountains (with some Cinder Glades/Stomping Grounds mixed in) and 2 Valakuts, resulting in 0 triggers. If I would've gotten 6 Mountains and a Valakut, I could've wiped a good portion of his board, and maybe grinded out a win, but I punted this game HARD.

 Game 3: I just lost the race, and he beat me by turn 4. No board state really built up, and didn't get the Anger of the Gods off in time. Game and match lost.

Match 3: Lantern Control (W 2-0)

 Game 1: My opponent landed an Ensnaring Bridge, and I ended up just chipping away his life and won the grind out, surprisingly.

 Game 2: This was my favorite game I have ever played so far, I was able to dodge his Lantern and discard effects by cracking fetches and exiling my Relic of Progenitus, and ended up landing a Bloodbraid Elf and cascading into a Ancient Grudge, targeting his Witchbane Orb and Primeval Titan fetching the last two Mountains needed for the kill.

Match 4: BR Hollow One (L 1-2)

 Game 1: I ended up grinding out a win, and Scapeshift'd for lethal on turn 5 or 6, with my opponent being already at a low life total

 Game 2: A pair of Gurmag Anglers and Flamewake Phoenix made quick work of me. Lost this game quickly.

 Game 3: I should've mulliganed more aggressively for sideboard hate, but also my sideboard hate was abysmal for this matchup. Lost the race, the game, and the match.

I honestly believe that without the punt in Match 2, I might've went 3-1, but I'm very happy with how well I played the deck and how well the deck performed. Coming from Mono Green Stompy, I am ecstatic at how fun Modern is in comparisson to Standard currently.

The night, however, made me aware of a couple of key issues. My Hollow One matchup is not great post boarding, Bloodbraid Elf is extremely volitile, and I have some non-optimal cards in the side that just sat there all night. So, I'm going to adjust the mainboard and sideboard and run it next week updated. Also, I noticed there were a good amount of Scapeshift decks (by my count, 5) so I'm adding a silver bullet to my sideboard as well.

Mainboard: -4 Bloodbraid Elf, +1 Explore, +1 Farseek, +2 Solemn Simulacrum Sideboard:-1 Beast Within, -2 Roast, +2 Ancient Grudge, +1 Crumble to Dust

scooter1265 says... #1

34 cards left until the full 75!

June 27, 2018 5:38 p.m.