Erebos, God of Card Advantage

Commander / EDH* drobertson5539

SCORE: 1 | 508 VIEWS

Removing the sac outlet options for better themes —July 29, 2015

Well I have decided to remove some of the sac fodder and outlet strategy in the deck as this was only supported by a few cards that HAD to be drawn together to work. For example...reassembling skeleton was useless without contamination or mind slash..which can still be expensive if I plan to empty their hands by turn 7 anyway.I feel similarly about contamination/mind slash/bloodghast. So to make this more consisten mind slash and bloodghast will be removed..being replaced by larceny and vampiric tutor. Vampiric tutor will aid the combo of reassembling skeleton/contamination and larceny should overall be more consistent and effective than mind slash. Any thoughts/comments are highly appreciated!