[CMD] Erebos, God of Drawing Cards

Commander / EDH thisjourneyends


Planned Updates July 2019 —July 11, 2019

OUT: Liliana Vess (DDA / GVL signed foil). IN: Liliana, Dreadhorde General. I opened a copy of Liliana 6 from some WAR pack wars, and am pretty excited to try out a new toy. Liliana Vess seems like the cut to me for a number of reasons...

  • First, it's probably wise to avoid being too top heavy with planeswalkers, and Liliana 6 affects the board state MUCH better than Liliana Vess does.

  • Second, cutting a tutor effect will make my deck less homogenous. I think I liked cutting Expedition Map, and Liliana Vess is essentially just a glorified tutor.

  • Third, I won't have to look at a signed Therese Nielsen card any more. I'm just glad I bought it at a convention, and not directly from the artist.