2017-08-05 Game Day at CCE. 8 people played. I played GB delirium.
Match 1: GB energy 2-1 (went to extra turns, but I won on turn 5)
Match 2: RG midrange 0-2 got wrecked by Chandra Flamecaller game 1. Game 2 I lost to double Glorybringer. It didn't help that I boarded out my two Grasp of Darkness for Gonti.
Match 3: Ramunap Red 2-1 Won the die roll. Lost game 2 on turn 5. Game 3 I basically attacked for 33 something attack.
2017-08-06 Game Day at Gamescape North. 7 people played.
Match 1: Ramunap Red 2-1 Won the die roll. Lost game 2 on turn 6 to Hazoret. Ugh. Game 3 I went to 3 life but hit Kalitas off Liliana -2, then I gained 10 life from Kalitas.
Match 2: UG draft deck. 2-1 Lost game 1 due to mana screw. Then game 2/game 3 were pretty easy.
Match 3: GB energy. 0-2 Kept kind of a loose hand game 1. 5 lands, Grim Flayer, Kalitas. Grim Flayer died turn 2. Then I proceeded to draw 7 more lands + 2 Traverses, and my opponent has his own Kalitas. Eventually I die to all his creatures. Game 2 I kept a forest, swamp, double Grim Flayer, and some other stuff like Gonti and Grasp of Darkness. Both my Flayers died. Then he played a bunch of fatties again, and I don't draw a second black source until turn 12. Fun games.
It was a fairly frustrating Game Day weekend.
2017-08-11 Hour of Devastation/Amonkhet draft. Only got 4 people to play. So they decided to do 3 pack draft with a bonus pack (no drafting).
P1 rare was Neheb
P2 rare was Refuse // Cooperate
P3 rare was Dispossess (yuck)
P4 bonus pack rare was Samut (nice)
Match 1: Naya stuff 2-1 Game 1 I mull to 6. I lost game 1 because I wasn't very aggressive with my Neheb until it was too late, and then and then eventually he beat me with a combo of Oketra's Attendant and Ahn-Crop Champion (on the splash). I also forgot to use Survive to shuffle his Oketra's Attendant from his GY back into his library.
Game 2 I punted by not shuffling his Steadfast Sentinel back into his library with Survive. I eventually won this game, though.
Game 3 he mulled to 6, got stuck on lands and I overran him with fatties.
Match 2: Rakdos fatties 2-0 Game 1 I mull to 6. My opponent played a turn 6 ? Hazoret while being at 12 life with a Sunset Pyramid in play. Yikes. Staring Contest engage with me having a few creatures but not wanting to swing into his Hazoret and Vile Manifestation. Then he plays a Torment of Scarabs, I flash in a Samut, and he concedes. (?) I'll take it. Game 2 he plays an early Torment of Scarabs, but i beat him down with Neheb/Colossopede/Scaled Behemoth/Rampaging Hippo. I sort of punt because I could have played Electrify/Rampaging Hippo and Colossopede in one turn thanks to gaining 10 mana from Neheb, but it didn't matter in the end.
Match 3: UR spells 2-1 Game 1 I lose to turn 1 Proven Combatant into turn 2 Bloodrage Brawler. I seem to not draw my creatures that can interact with a 4/3, then he plays a Manticore Eternal. Game 2 he gets me kinda low between Manticore Eternal afflict 3, and Refuse dealing me 5, but I end up winning. Game 3 I mull to 6 and he mulls to 5. He plays refuse again to deal me 6 (ouch) but I end up winning because of fatties. I punt by playing Rampaging Hippo instead of Scaled Behemoth, which lets him live an extra turn.