Modern Mill

Modern iamacasual


2-2 at local modern tournament —Jan. 14, 2014

2-2, not as well as I could have gone.

Match 1: Melira Pod, probably my easiest tier 1 matchup. Went 2-1--dropped G2 because I kept a no-land hand.

Match 2: Esper Sorin-something. Easiest match I had for the night. Won 2-0.

Match 3: Jund. Dropped G1 because I kept a no-land hand but had 2 Archive Traps. Too greedy. G2 won handily after a 30 life-gain Crypt Incursion. G3 I misplayed early on when I had 1 Hedron Crab out--I dropped a fetch, then played another crab from my hand. Should have done it the other way around. It would have definitely made the difference between a win and loss because towards the end of the game he had 15 cards left in his deck--I know, not the 3 that I lost out on, but I had a Surgical Extraction in hand and maybe those extra three cards had a Tarmogoyf that I wanted to get rid of. Lost 1-2.

Match 4: Esper Flash. Lost 0-2. G1 started off strong but didn't draw into any mill spells. Can't win if I don't mill. G2 got close but his flyers would avoid my chumps and BOOM dead.

I could have--probably should have--gone 3-1, but that's why we go to LGS tournaments: to practice.