Burn (Modern)

Modern* thatsnotmylane


Modern League Week 2 @ GG —April 23, 2015

Deck changes:


-2 Sacred Foundry

+2 Scalding Tarn


-2 Rending Volley

+2 Pillar of Flame

Record: 2-1

Round 1: 0-2 Loss vs Elves. No 1 mana haster either game and had to mull both games. Wasn't quick enough.

Round 2: 2-1 Win vs 90 Card Living End. Game 2 I mulled to 5 and got hit by a million avalanche riders allowing him to clean up a win. Other two were pretty easy, drawing lots of burn and killing quickly.

Round 3: 2-1 Win vs Death's Shadow Dredge. Relic did work game two but I eventually lost to too many Vengevines. A top deck and a misplay from my opponent who did not murderous cut the eidolon of great revel gave me the win game 3.

I went up to 10 fetches and down to 2 sacred foundries to make mana a bit more consistent. It worked fine, was a bit sketchy when both my white sources got fulminator maged against living end. Ditched the rending volley in the side since no one in playing twin. Pilar of flame cause its amazing vs junk which is my toughest matchup in the league.