Jester's Haven

679 Mast Rd, Manchester Nh 03102

Weekly Events


FNM! Friday Night Magic.. Join us for our draft $15 with prize support given to all that dont drop

Past Events

07-15-2014 - 09-09-2014

This is a Fat Pack League.. Come in and join us for a sealed Fat Pack league which runs 8 weeks long at $8 a week with a $40 sign up fee required in advanced (so we can get your fat pack for you)

For questions please call (603)-232-7666

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I changed 2x [Aqueous Form] to 2x [Thassa, God of the Sea], I thought that Thassa does what Aquesous form does, but better, because it buffs all my creatures, not just one. I also changed [Voyage's End] to another [Ordeal of Thassa].

10 years ago