Vehicles and -1/-1 counters

Asked by K4nkato 1 year ago

I'm making an Unfinity cube and have a question about state based effects and rulings.

The card in question is Clown Car. It's possible to give this vehicle persist thanks to Unfinity stickers, but if it comes back into play with Persist it should be a 0/0. My question is, when Clown Car enters the battlefield, is it an artifact and gets to activate its ETB, or is it a creature and immediately dies to state based effects?

Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1

The ETB will happen regardless, though X will be 0 since you didn't cast it and define X so you will roll 0 dice. The default state of Vehicles with Crew abilities is to be a non-creature artifact. Clown Car will not be a creature when returned with persist, so it will not die until it is crewed.

December 23, 2022 7:10 a.m.

K4nkato says... #2

Thank you!

December 23, 2022 1:01 p.m.

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