

Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)

Land (1)

There's nothing much to this deck other than the word: Kill!!! Any advice is well appreciated. This deck, including its sideboard, is about $50!!! And it's amazingly efficient. Play test it and you'll be convinced. Fight your opponents creatures and kill them. Win the game. Next!!!

The first thing that you'll notice about this deck is that it utilizes creatures that have or support the Deathtouch ability. Hornet Nest may have Defender but his token pumping ability is great. Viper, Recluse, Scorpion, Archer, and Basilisk are all ready to kill. If you manage to get the Hornet Queen in God knows you'll have a great chance of finishing the game with a victory.

Ulvenwald Tracker provides that Fight Club atmosphere and backs up Epic Confrontation and Prey Upon.

During my early trials with this deck i ran into problems drawing land. So, in its evolution, i have chosen to use Caravan Vigil as a poor mans Fetch. It sped up the deck to a point where i could actually contend with Modern Burn.

The Village and Reborn both provide some cheap extra punch.

Now, the two cards that i feel are the glue to this deck. Retreat to Kazandu and Sun Droplet have kept me in the game long enough to drop a Queen!!! and Kazandu provides that extra punch with its Landfall ability.

As for the SB. In a Poor Mans deck, we lose those great sb cards like Spellskite and etc because we all know the list is everlasting. I went with Creeping Corrosion because against an Affinity deck id have not a second thought killing every Droplet in my deck in order to stop the Storm that Affinity is.

Dryad Militant is in for the mountain of Blue decks "Snap-Casting" all over the place and any other deck that utilizes cards in its graveyard.

Now, Molten-Tail Masticore is a cheap and powerful weapon against all creature based decks. He may not be the most powerful but he is reliable when it comes down to a fight.

Lastly, Oversoul of Dusk!! Her Protection against Blue, Black, and Red is fantastic!!! A 5/5 for 5 isnt Phyrexian Obliterator status but she might be able to crush the challengers stepping into the late game.

This deck has gone through alot as of late. Any suggestions would truly be helpful. But, please keep in mind, im trying to keep this deck below $60 for principles sake. Thanks.



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Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 3 Mythic Rares

10 - 6 Rares

23 - 6 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.02
Tokens Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch
Folders Decks I Like, decks i want, Budget, Budget Modern, Hornet nest
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