

Battle of attrition! I've spent some time fine tuning this. Yes, I know there's 61 cards :-D

I'm tailoring this to whoop on Burn, Tron, CoCo, Living End, Affinity, Elves, Delver, U/R/W Control, Blue Moon, 8Rack, Bogles, Jund, Infect, and some other Aggro decks in my meta.


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I had a blast playing this deck tonight! Let's get into details, shall we?

Match 1- Abzan Tokens (IKR?!?!) 0-2

So I thought this was the mirror at first and got excited, but then the dude started vomiting out tokens with Intangible Virtue on the board. I stalled the best I could, but my 1-1 removal was practically useless when he kept going Lingering Souls, flashback, Sram's Expertise. Discard worked decently and bought me some time...

Game two I sided in Lost Legacy and named Lingering Souls. That felt fantastic! I kept him at bay for a bit, landed a Siege Rhino, but it wasn't enough with Sram's Expertise top-decked into Intagibke Virtue. I didn't see a SINGLE board wipe or Maelstrom Pulse that match, which was sad. I also couldn't find or obtain some MUCH needed sideboard cards and had to make do. EE would've helped immensely in that match! So... 0-1

Match 2- Esper Mill 2-0

Game one he handed me my ass fairly decently and was able to get off double Archive Trap, cast Visions from Beyond via Snappy, and come back from my discard. I beat his face a bit with some critters first...

Game two he went to 5 and kept a double Archive Trap, Ghost Quarter plus a PtE, and something else. I ate a removal spell, he dropped GQ, and got me for 26. He didn't draw another land and I stomped him a bit.

Game three he conceded after mulling to 4 and couldn't get a decent enough hand that I would tear apart with my discard.

That was ok, but I hate seeing a guy loose to his own deck. He ran 26 lands but still got the Mana Screw! Now I'm 1-1.

Match 3- Affinity. Yay (not!). 2-1

I hate playing against Affinity regardless of what deck I'm piloting. I played a friend who carpooled to Elkhart with us who is a decent pilot. He def made some play errors which helped me win the match.

Game one I was able to pick off his critters, take out his card draw and removal, then blow up his last artifact to get rid of his only land, Glimmervoid. Sick move, but it won me that game! He couldn't come back from that and lost to beatings from Spirits, Goyf, and Bob.

Game two I wasn't so fortunate... I didn't see ANY of my SB hate and went to six, keeping a mediocre hand. I should've saved a Fatal Push and used it too early on a Signal Pest. I didn't draw another and lost to an Inmoth Nexus with Cranial Plating.

Game three was nuts. I kept a hand w/o a source that had some removal, beaters, and Stony Silence. I topdecked a Plains turn 2 and dropped it, which slowed him down immensely! I later topdecked Creeping Corrosion and proceeded to hand him his ass.

That went better than expected! 2-1

Match 4- Mono Kuldotha Aggro 2-0

This was a weird one! Dude had Mox Opal, Simian Spirit Guide, Memnite, and Goblin Whackers. He gave me a run for my money and had me at 6 life game one! I was able to stabilize the board state, sac my Bob to LoTV, and stomp him w Siege Rhino and Spirit tokens.

Game two was nuts! I kept a hand of: Kitchen Finks, Kalitas, Trator of Ghet, Siege Rhino, and four lands that I could cast everything with. I took some damage, down to 10 or so, then came back on curve! I dropped Thalia, Heretic Cathar the turn after Rhino and won shortly thereafter.

Not a bad event; I went 3-1 for my first time taking this to any sort of tourney! I'll definitely be tweaking this a bit, but will leave it as is for a short while, until this update is irrelevant. Oh, crappie thing is I didn't get anything for coming in fourth, as only top three out of eleven players got packs/store credit. But hey, I had fun and that's what this game is all about!

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Revision 79 See all

(5 years ago)

Date added 10 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 1 Mythic Rares

34 - 12 Rares

10 - 2 Uncommons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.05
Tokens Spirit 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Modern, inspiration, Modern, work with, The awesome Inspiration, Abzan modern
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