

There are two versions of this deck. This version is focused on capitalizing the undying nature of vampires by sacrificing them for various benefits, which usually include either extra draws or +1/+1 counters. The other version of the deck (Sucks to Suck (Damage Themed)) is themed around applying pressure to the opponent by pumping vampires when damage to a player is dealt or when creatures die.

Shout out to user:Yogei's vampire themed deck:Vampire Deatheaters and SefTheReject's vampire aristocrat deck:Bordello of Blood for my inspirations behind these decks.


  1. The Ozolith provides me the ability to keep any +1/+1 counters by pulling them from any of my creatures that are removed from the board be it exiled, sacrificed, or destroyed.


  1. Bloodghast is one of the sacrifice workhorses of this deck with the Landfall ability to regularly yank it back into play proving me a consistent sacrifice target. His ability to gain Haste is also not to shabby.

  2. Cordial Vampire is a cornerstone of this deck as any creature that dies, including a sacrifice, triggers his ability.

  3. Indulgent Aristocrat pairs so well with the sacrifice and +1/+1 theme of the deck. A great combo is to trigger Cordial Vampire + Indulgent Aristocrat for an instant permanent boost to all vampires on the field.

  4. Oathsworn Vampire was added in as a sacrifice target. Similar to Silversmote Ghoul, his ability to be recast to the field when I gain life is ideal.

  5. Silversmote Ghoul functions similar to Bloodghast as a prime target for recurring sacrifice. His ability to sacrifice himself for a draw is also nice if I am lacking all the parts needed or the deck to function properly.

  6. Viscera Seer - Fulfills the roll of a sacrifice engine.


  1. Hardened Scales is another cornerstone of the deck as it essentially doubles any +1/+1 counter production, rapidly accelerating the deck in terms of the threats on the board.


  1. Fatal Push provides me cheap removal with some upside.

  2. Tragic Slip provides me a slightly difference removal than Fatal Push and wanted to try it out to see which I like better.

  3. Village Rites gives me something to help reload after a boardwipe or just add to my hand assuming I can sacrifice a creature.

Play-Testing Feedback and Suggestions

  1. Recently dropped Falkenrath Pitfighter for Viscera Seer for a more consistent sacrifice ability which drops the only cards in the deck down to Claim the Firstborn As much as I do love taking the opponents creatures for a turn for additional pressure and as a sacrifice source, I may end up dropping altogether and just add in more conventional removal (see Maybe board for options).

  2. Dropped from the deck. Was only being run for Claim the Firstborn and decided that running three cards was definitely not worth making this a tri-colored deck. Dropping down to just and will help with consistency.


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90% Competitive

Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year
Splash colors RG
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 7 Rares

17 - 6 Uncommons

5 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.65
Ignored suggestions
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