Our local Commander Group had a Jank Night (around the time that Battlebond came out) - Pick a Commander from a list of under-used commanders, with a maximum spend of $100 per deck and see what happens.

I picked Evra... why Evra why I don't know (okay, bad pun).

I also set myself the target of no alternative win conditions, because apparently I had decided to play on hard mode. Fun exercise, but not exactly an easy Commander to focus around for this (or so it seemed).

The end result has turned out to be surprisingly playable, it usually manages to at least alpha strike one player before everyone cottons onto the fact that it isn't quite the joke deck people thought it was. Game plan is get cards on the table to start bumping up your life ahead of a strike - or at least enough to protect you from other players - and to try to get some form of evasion on board and swing with Evra. Nothing too complicated, but it does catch people by surprise. Subsequent changes have been made, but I've tried to keep it below the $100 mark and it's a deck that often gets used against pre-cons as it's quite simple to counter.

There are also some nice tricks you can play swapping your life total with Evra and then using Axis of Mortality to swap your new (low) life total with them to almost take out two players in a turn.

Change List;
10/05/2022 - Changes once again made to bring the budget below $100, whilst bringing a little bit more acceleration & card draw has been brought in.
25/11/2022 - More card draw added as the deck was stalling with no way to refill it's hand.
20/09/2023 - A little more focus on the Voltron aspect, with less targetted removal (a lot of the creatures are quite beefy by themselves to block problem creatures).
13/02/2024 - More card draw has been added, and more creatures due to the uptick in the typical number of threats deployed in the local meta (where removal seems to a lower priority for many players). the deck has ticked over the $100 mark (it's closer to $150 now due to some cards increasing in value), but can still be thought of as a budget deck.
06/06/2024 - More Acceleration & Card Draw - the basic game plan remains the same but White & Treasure Tokens is a significant means of ramp.


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 days
Exclude colors UBRG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.37
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Angel of Sanctions 3/4 W, Copy Clone, Treasure
Folders Commander Decks, Budget Commander, Fun EDH Decks, Build
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