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Guul Draz: The Art of Blood [Budget]

Modern Aggro Budget Mono-Black Theme/Gimmick Tribal Vampires



"Great art can never be created without great suffering."

-Blood Artist

I go into great detail below on my card choices as well as strategies, however; this deck has a much simpler description for the lazy:

Mono-black Vampire deck that focuses mainly on removal in order to trigger Blood Artist and Eternal Thirst as much as possible, as well as the basic aggro strategy of killing your opponent as quickly as possible!

Aggro Creatures:

Vampire Nighthawk - The obvious inclusion here. Probably the most balanced creature black has. Great stats, lifelink, and deathtouch? Sounds good to me.

Guul Draz Vampire - More or less a budget Bloodghast to me, if not better. Sure, we can't bring her back every turn, but she gets a nice buff and she can be unblockable in a lot of situations.

Support Creatures:

Blood Artist - Alongside Eternal Thirst, this is one of the key players of the deck. We want to abuse him as much as possible to either outright kill him with this, or gain a superior board state.

Kalastria Highborn - Highborn puts stress on decks that utilize boardwipe/removal to keep stabilization. Late-game, where we have a lot of mana to dump into her and a lot of creatures out, boardwipe can win us the game by itself.

Captivating Vampire - Buffs our vampires and we can take control of our opponent's pivotal creatures. That hardcasted Emrakul, the Aeons Torn that just hit the board? Lemme go ahead and take that.

Gatekeeper of Malakir - This could effectively be both and aggro and support creature. I list him here because his usefulness is as a sac outlet.

Vampire Nocturnus - We're playing mono-black vampires. When does this card *not* work?


Go for the Throat - This will effectively hit almost anything in modern. Too good not to have here.

Feast of Blood - Fairly effective here also. Unless you have a waning board presence, this is fairly easy to cast and it provide a nice little amount of lifegain.

Victim of Night - Hits *almost* everything that people typically play in modern and fits the flavor.

Mutilate - Our last resort board wipe. If the trade-off is obvious, cast this as a way to try and reset the clock.

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Sideboards are very meta dependent, and you should always sideboard accordingly to what's played at your LGS. That being said, however; I've used the community's Modern Format primer to try and build a flexible sideboard. You can always read it for yourself to help develop your own sideboard.


Out: 3x Mutilate, 1x Vampire Nocturnus

In: 4x Abrupt Decay

Abrupt Decay *screams* aggro-hate. Maelstrom Pulse would do the job too, but I'd like targeted removal for the early game. Wasting a potential board wipe is a no-go.


Out: 3x Mutilate, 4x Go for the Throat

In: 2x Thoughtseize, 3x Dash Hopes 3x Tectonic Edge

Our only real strategy against Tron is to simply keep things off the board. Tectonic Edge kills off the lands, especially when most tron decks aren't going to be running basics. Bringing in two more Thoughtseize helps us pick staples right out of our opponents' hands, and Dash Hopes counters things we can't kill.

I like Dash Hopes here because it has the ability to counter three spells, or deal 15 damage. I'm fine either way. If you can't afford Thoughtseize, then Despise is also good.


Out: 2x Feast of Blood

In: 2x Thoughtseize

Our removal hits creatures like Pestermite, Deceiver Exarch, and Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, but we seriously lack enchantment removal to hit Splinter Twin directly. Thankfully, Thoughtseize can just take things like Splinter Twin, Ad Nauseam, Living End, and Scapeshift out of our opponent's hands.


Out: 4x Go for the Throat, 3x Gatekeeper of Malakir

In: 2x Maelstrom Pulse, 4x Abrupt Decay, 1x Creeping Corrosion

I'm splashing green in MB to sideboard things like Maelstrom Pulse, Abrupt Decay and Creeping Corrosion. Creeping Corrosion is straight-up board wipe, while [[Maelstrom Pulse and Abrupt Decay keep things in check to build up board presence.

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Suggestions are always welcome! And thank you for taking the time to look at the deck!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

6 - 0 Rares

18 - 4 Uncommons

17 - 11 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.38
Folders Budget, Interesting Decks
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