

Sorcery (1)

Reanimating Dragons for Fun and Destruction

Come to the lands of Bladewing, where dragons lurk in ancient barrow tombs and necromancers work with vile magics to resurrect their deadened forms. Drama aside, Bladewing the Risen is the commander of deck which is chaotic, explosive, and absolutely capable of changing the course of the game in a turn or two. As a commander he may seem rather slow, he is after all a seven drop, and on his own is only a 4/4 with a pump ability. However, looks can be deceiving, and it's more than possible to get seven mana's value from our zombie dragon friend. After all, he reanimates whatever dragon we put into the graveyard, and there are more than a few interesting dragon cards we can throw in there to reanimate with dark necromancy. In addition, the pump ability is easy to underestimate and is absolutely capable of making a few 4/4 dragons into lethal damage.

The Dragons

Atsushi, the Blazing Sky While a relatively humble dragon compared to some of the heavier hitters in the deck, Atsushi provides a lot of value for being a four mana dragon. I'm also never unhappy hard casting him in a game. His effect is useful, but not so overbearing as to draw exile removal from opponents. So, you'll usually get his death trigger and be happy to either ramp into Bladewing to reanimate him again, or turn him into a few playable cards in the late game.

Kokusho, the Evening Star Now Kokusho is a dragon that people want to use their exile removal on, and for good reason. Kokusho can drain a lot of life, especially in a multiplayer game, and especially if you're reanimating it again and again. It's pretty good, relatively simple and an elegant card design in general.

Dragonlord Kolaghan Alas, Dragonlord Kolaghan's bottom section of text, cool as it is, is rarely relevant in EDH. As it turns out, she does not need it to be a deadly part of this deck. Haste is important, getting damage done with out dragons means we end games faster, and if someone destroys the board.. well A) we got value from them in the form of wounded opponents, and B) we'll reanimate them again! I Digress, to get back to the point: Dragonlord Kolaghan is great, giving haste to all of your creatures is deadly & delightful.


Patriarch's Bidding & Living Death Both of these powerful cards serve a similar role in the deck:reanimating multiple dragons for good value, or reanimating dragons en masse to win the game. Many effects in the deck deal damage when dragons enter the battlefield, Dragon Tempest and Terror of the Peaks are among the best. Plenty of others like Anger and Dragonlord Kolaghan grant them haste. Combine those with token makers like Lathlis, Dragon Queen or Utvara Hellkite.. and that's a lot of damage, often enough to take out entire multiplayer tables at late stages of the game. So, that's the ceiling of Living Death and Patriarch's Bidding. The floor of course only getting one or two. Even that can be good value, paying five mana to get a seven drop like Drakuseth, Maw of flames isn't a bad bargain, even if it doesn't end the game. Both of these spells of course are symmetrical, and you'll at least want to be careful when playing again other Graveyard or Tribal decks. Still, the symmetrical nature of these cards can really turn a game on it's head and sometimes makes for memorable plays and games, even when they don't win the game.


Cursed Mirror Early game this mana rock is ramp, and does a perfectly serviceable job as ramp. But late game, copying a giant flying dragon is no joke. It's also immensely useful cloning a few specific legendary creatures in the deck. Both Kokusho and Atsushi are great targets for cursed mirror's ETB if you want to get their death triggers. You can also have the mirror enter the battlefield as a copy of Bladewing, in order to turn in into a reanimation spell.


I fully intend to write more about the deck in the future, and potentially develop this page into more of a Primer for anyone looking to build Bladewing, or even just Reanimator. If you have any questions, please ask!


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96% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 6 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 1 Mythic Rares

41 - 8 Rares

18 - 1 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.45
Tokens Dinosaur 3/1 R, Dragon 5/5 R, Dragon 5/5 R, Dragon 5/5 R, Dragon 6/6 R, Dragon Illusion */* R, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
Folders Tapped Out - User Decks, Actual Decks
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