
Reaper King deck with a small Vorthos element here and there, though it's less Vorthos now and more functional I'd argue. The deck operates by getting Pumpkinhead out early as possible, so there a ton of ramp, including non-basic ramp, to speed things up. This deck's main win con is Maskwood Nexus, which I'm working on as a 'win on the spot' combo with The World Tree. Once the King is out, there is a decent protection package in here for him, giving him Hexproof, Protection from All Colors, and making me immune to damage are all great perks that can make the deck feel more rugged.

Thus, the deck has a reasonable number of ways to get Maskwood Nexus into play, ranging from huge draw spells like Ugin's Insight that can dig 13 cards, or One with the Machine which just straight up draws 10 with no drawback, even having mana open to play another spell. I liked Muzzio, Visionary Architect more when I had a few more scarecrows for him to hit, and he only works if you've got Reaper King out, so I switched to Wargate instead. Still curious if I should be using Marrow-Gnawer in here, as a much worse Krenko? I'm not sure if I need this specific effect badly enough to want to run a 5 mana version that is generally worse. He does give my Changelings Fear, which is very nearly unblockable vs some decks.

The deck has a few ways to wipe out tons of permanents at once, including both numerous wipes and of course The King himself. Rite of Replication is pretty funny if The King is out, and is one sided. Since you are almost always fetching The World Tree asap, it is also key to get Maskwood out. While the deck doesn't run a very high creature count for what is (in theory) a creature-based deck, it can probably count on having a shot at setting up it's 'big synergy' (...can we call that much synergy a combo, just because it should almost always win the game?), which is a World Tree with Maskwood out, allowing us to put out things like Avenger of Zendikar alongside Krenko, Mob Boss and Brago, King Eternal because even more tokens is also good, and Urabrask the Hidden helps enable this with Haste. The low creature count is somewhat offset by the decent number of big draw effects, as they often lead to another draw spell for when I'm low on cards again.

Well, managed to fit in the Tokyo lands, which are pretty showy, hooray!

Is this deck too anti-fun? Are there too many payoffs for The Reaper King and Maskwood Nexus? Does Faerie Noble really look like David Bowie? How did it take me this long to add Bringer of the Black Dawn for Vorthos alone? Was pulling Muzzio, Visionary Architect the right choice, since maybe we need him for Vorthos? Now an even bigger question, is adding 2 actual serious tutors too much for this deck?


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So, did Custom Headings quickly... how badly do I need actual card draw with this much 'huge draw' combined with tutoring? Honestly curious if I should slip in some stuff like Night's Whisper and Painful Truths, at least Painful Truths feels pretty solid Vorthos-wise, but one could imagine a Faerie Noble whispering dark secrets to you at night, right? We'll see I guess.

Edit: I was thinking, should this list run the Rocky Tar Pit cycle? I have ETB untapped duals, and I have plenty of Basics. What on earth would I want to pull? I'm going to have to think about this one, because the ceiling is pretty low on these Fetches (they always enter tapped), but the fixing might be nice since any of them can find me Green, and that's a real asset in a deck like this.

Welp, just took a quick glance, and I think I could find 3 Forests and 2 Islands that could be cut without negatively impacting the deck's artistic appeal, so I might just do this for the fixing, I'd technically have access to MORE Green sources if I did this, since any of these Fetches can find a Forest for me. I also noted the deck has 3 ETB Tapped lands that HAVE to enter tapped, and 1 that would probably enter tapped, that seems like very few in a 38 land deck, so adding 5 more might not be the end of the world, especially if it helps my deck's fixing.


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92% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 weeks
Splash colors WUBRG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

7 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.65
Tokens Copy Clone, Goblin 1/1 R, Plant 0/1 G, Shapeshifter 2/2 U, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Reaper King Ideas
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