Thoughtbound Phantasm

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Thoughtbound Phantasm

Creature — Spirit


Whenever you surveil, put a +1/+1 counter on Thoughtbound Phantasm.

As long as Thoughtbound Phantasm has three or more +1/+1 counters on it, it can attack as though it didn't have defender.

Cyberbolt21 on Mono Blue Midrange

3 years ago

psionictemplar yeah believe me i know. XD i have a habbit of always adding a bunch of cards that look interesting. This use to be way more clutered before i put this here. For the theme, like title says, im going for more of a midrange style. Mix of aggro and control. So im trying to aim for a balance of creatures and spells. I've been watching youtube videos for guidance and pull some cards from various build from Tolarian Professor, strickly better MTG and Giant monster games. In a way id like for this deck to be a jack of all trades type, can do several things but not excelling in one particular area. This is well suited for the group of friends i play with. I know abilities matter more but ive always been a person who likes to use cards that have artwork i enjoy, not solely run stuff just cuz they are objectively the best, it depends. This applies mostly with creatures for me, an old habit i have from my yugioh days XD but i digress. Thats why mono blue has been difficult for me to make, cuz a lot of creatures are meh to me. However i did find some stuff i like. So creatures like Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea Cloudfin Raptor and Thoughtbound Phantasm can get bigger over time. And for Thoughtbound Phantasm uses surveil so i threw in Narcomoeba in so i can a free creatures out. Id prefer if i could get a creature that has this same ability but with some added stuff idk. Also threw in some surveil cards like Dream Eater and Dazzling Lights to boost Thoughtbound Phantasm . Also have one Rise from the Tides for a token flood if i need it and some milling options like Mind Sculpt and have Sacred Excavation to use on Compelling Argument for more mill options. Cryptic Serpent can get out quick and cheaper with all the instants and sorceries played. And for Phyrexian Revoker i already have a full set of 4 irl cards so i might throw them here, can be good control to block card abilities, and have the other Phyrexian Metamorph to copy a creature if needed. Like i said id like this to be a jack of all trades kinda deck. I just need to get a good ratio of cards to balance out this deck.

Murphy77 on Discard Control

5 years ago

OK - I have a list of ideas to throw into the mix... After commenting earlier on your deck, something kept nagging in the back of my head. There was something about your deck that didn't quite make sense, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Yes, we all know that cards like Clear the Mind or Gaea's Blessing can devastate mill decks, but your deck is not a pure mill deck...

Here goes - As there is a lot of enchantment removal in the current meta, to get value from Psychic Corrosion you really need to swing in with a lot of card-draw once it is on the field and I don't see space to add in more card draw. A big worry is that you seem to have no early defense or negation, leaving you vulnerable to both control heavy and aggro decks. Swapping out Psychic Corrosion for Thoughtbound Phantasm might just swing the balance, creating a more resilient mid-range deck. Then, lastly, I would really want to simplify and streamline your deck, getting rid of the once-off cards that might work if you drew them at the right time. I have tried Mnemonic Betrayal in a few different decks and each time found that it promises far more than it delivers.

My version of this deck would be something like Steal or Discard, but that alternative probably still needs some work.

tjw415 on Esper Spirits

5 years ago

Merits testing, but I'm not sure Thoughtbound Phantasm has enough Surveil support to enable it to attack reliably in most games. Seems fine as an early blocker, though. Is that what you were going for with this card?

FastIsFaster on Dimir Control: pptq

5 years ago

I'd probably take out Memorial to Genius and Sorcerous Spyglass. Search for Azcanta  Flip flipped is better than MtG i think, and Unmoored Ego just does Spyglass's job better. I'm also not sure about Deadeye Tracker, I would probably sub that out for Sentinel Totem if you want to exile graveyards or something like Hostage Taker or more Doom Whisperer or even Thoughtbound Phantasm if you need early game board presence.

Poaralion on Hooked on Dimir Mill

5 years ago

I usually really dislike mill deck in standard right now but this seems pretty nice !

If you're really in need of something against mono-Red, Golden Demise might do the trick ? Or also Moment of Craving, it's really painfull to deal with ( I'm playing mostly mono-Red and I hate this one ).

Else, I would feel a bit safer with more creature but I don't know what to cut for them. They would be more Thief of Sanity or Thoughtbound Phantasm. If you go for the Phantasm, you could try to get a bit more surveil card, it will also help the Disinformation Campaign on the way.

Good luck !

alexjustdoit on Dimir Guildkit Upgrade

5 years ago

I think I'd get rid of one or both of the Dimir Guildmages depending on how much you like the card (the ability is a bit expensive for what you get in my opinion). If you like the dual utility of Dimir Guildmage you could also consider swapping it for House Guildmage which I think is a tad better unless you're really hurting for draw abilities. Same with Dinrova Horror, while flavorful 6 cmc for a 4/4 with bounce seems a bit much when you have a good number of counters, removal, or things like Unexplained Disappearance. Of surveil cards, Nightveil Sprite can give you some great mileage out of just one card. As far as Dimir Spybug and Thoughtbound Phantasm, you'll have to make the call if you think its worth it for just one copy of each. From experience playing a Dimir deck I drafted with lots of surveil but only one of each those creatures, they're amazing when you draw them, but also often I had games where I didn't draw them. Or they got immediately removed. Surveil helps filter your deck to get to them faster, so 2 of each would probably make it much better. Up to you.

You could probably replace Dimir Charm with one of the cards I mentioned that you like, since I think the best ability on the charm is usually going to be the counter, followed by the removal, and you have a fair number of counters and some removal already.

Unmoored Ego is cool but if your friends/playgroup are also playing "guild kit" style with few duplicates, then it probably wouldn't make much sense in the deck, unless you have that one pesky friend that's always rocking 3-4x of a particularly annoying card that you need to nip at the bud.

Whispering Snitch and Enhanced Surveillance are also fun if you feel like you're surveiling enough to make it worth it. Though one could also say, if you're surveilling a lot then Enhanced Surveillance is a bit unnecessary overkill.

Also keep in mind, I don't think Whispering Madness would be nearly as useful without something like Notion Thief, outside of a scenario where you only have a couple cards and your opponent/s have a full hand. If the scenario is reversed, you'll only be helping them out. However, with Notion Thief it basically becomes a reusable "opponent discards hand, you discard and redraw a full hand" or some such.

Kinda hard for me to answer specifically "replace A B C with X Y Z" since a deck with few duplicates is generally less consistent in the direction it's trying to go. Some fun cards here though for you to consider.

Oh by the way, I didn't realize this at first so I'll throw this in here in case you didn't already know, but you can bounce Etrata back to your hand after damage to get her whole "hit counter exile" wincon thing and avoid reshuffling her ;)

alexjustdoit on Dimir Guildkit Upgrade

5 years ago

Not much surveil for a Dimir deck, given it's their signature. If you want to go more with the surveil theme I'd highly recommend Dimir Spybug, Thoughtbound Phantasm, and Nightveil Sprite. If you're open to Dimir cards from past Ravnica sets, there's a bunch of cool ones all with the transmute ability (Dimir's old signature ability) like Perplex and Dimir Infiltrator (not the best examples maybe), and others like Notion Thief, Psychic Drain. I could go on and on, Dimir was always my favorite.

hydrothermia on Assassin of Sanity?

5 years ago

@pbowen331, I'd say "Welcome to Tapped Out," but you've been here longer than I have.

Etrata can work, but only on non-token creatures, since exiling a token makes them nonexistent. You'll need to work on finding another form of winning condition if the first option isn't possible. I also notice that this is very budgety, is that deliberate?

I'll try to suggest things around that if possible, but I'll will suggest some pricer cards as well. I also don't know how heavy you want to go into Surveil. While I'm not going to name all of them, just the ones that seem useful.

Hopefully that gave you some additional insight on improving your deck.

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