Skywise Teachings

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Skywise Teachings


Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, you pay pay 1U. If you do, put a 2/2 blue Djinn Monk creature token with flying onto the battlefield.

KongMing on Fblthp the found

5 years ago

Some more noncreature spells that get you creatures you can use with the Staff: Abstruse Interference , Efficient Construction , Geist Snatch , Grip of Phyresis , Metallurgic Summonings , Orochi Hatchery , Rise from the Tides , Skywise Teachings , and Thopter Spy Network .

Depending on the decks in your pod, certain suggestions may be better than others.

Icbrgr on

5 years ago

Wow bakcheia, im flattered and really happy to hear that you enjoy playing with this deck! In a 1V1 scenario i can certainly see how stabilizing can be a bit tough to do (especially when they have of their own). The ninjas are honestly in here just for fun (im not a cut-throat competetive player and i wasnt looking for an infinite combo win condition).... maybe some token generators would be more up you ally to create blockers like Skywise Teachings , Talrand, Sky Summoner , Murmuring Mystic ?

Good luck, glad you are having fun with it and happy brewing!

wilkinjf on Shu Yun

6 years ago

Edited this deck from Dragon-Style: Fire and Ice into Dragon Sin of Wrath.

Here's the list of changes I made.

Jaya Ballard replaced by Jaya's Immolating Inferno

Ajani Vengeant replaced by Nahiri, the Harbinger

Skywise Teachings replaced by Land Tax

Master the Way replaced by Windfall

Singing Bell Strike replaced by Artful Dodge

Boros Charm replaced by Oblivion Stone

The cards I replaced were cards that I didn't really used and ended up slowing my fast tempo. Also I find that this deck's weakness is a Black White Removal deck. So in turn, I added more mana ramp with more removal.

kamelyan on Another WU deck to lose all your friends

6 years ago

I don't know how much value you'd get out of Skywise Teachings, but it counts toward Sphere of Safety, triggers Taigam, Ojutai Master, and creates blockers for your Planeswalkers.

You may also want Lightning Greaves for Azor's Elocutors; and "yes", you should include Inexorable Tide.

Arvail on How lazy is wotc!!

6 years ago

Are you not familiar with limited? Sometimes it's good for the draft environment for players to have access to a larger pool of a single card. For example, the Khans block had lots of powerful bomb enchantments like the siege cycle, Mastery of the Unseen, etc. In addition, tons of removal in the format came in the form of enchantments (Encase in Ice, Pacifism, Silkwrap, etc. In addition, we've got powerful stuff like Skywise Teachings at uncommon. There's also a ton of artifact mana fixing available in the format.

It absolutely makes sense for Naturalize to make two appearances across the block. In this way, someone in green doesn't have to stress about picking it up early because it's basically more of a sideboard card anyway, but you know you're going to come across one or two in your pool at later stages of the packs almost guaranteed.

Repeat cards with different arts are also a great way to showcase change on the plane.

benma78daboss on Total Mill

6 years ago

okay i know i already said it but i would at least run 2 Skywise Teachings in the side board in case you end up facing a more aggro deck

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