Myr Mindservant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Myr Mindservant

Artifact Creature — Myr

(2), Tap: Shuffle your library.

DaWubber on Any cheap mana permanent with …

6 months ago

Myr Mindservant comes to mind. I use it in conjunction with Mystic Forge in heavy colorless spells decks.

Idoneity on Any cheap mana permanent with …

6 months ago

Assuming Commander, Soldier of Fortune is a directly apt choice. Elvish Reclaimer does the job well. Lantern of Insight is okay. Myr Mindservant fits anywhere. Soothsaying is pricy for the effect but acceptable. Turn the Earth does it twice with additional utility. And Weathered Wayfarer is always great.

Whilst I assumed it went without saying, I'll say it anyway. Fetchlands are splendid for many reasons; shuffling is one of them.

leodh on Arcum, the sneaky bastard v2.5 (c)

5 years ago

Why Myr Mindservant? My Arcum Arcum "Old Man Stick" Dagsson is in the same fast way, but the focus is on the CMC 1, to take more tricks and spells. Take a look!

Treehugger003 on Akiri, Equipment Slinger

6 years ago

I would remove: Myth Realized-its slow and it really doesn't boost your existing creatures so to make full use you will have to equip to it. If you like the effect Scroll of the Masters is an artifact version that I think works better in this deck, Cathar's Shield-It just doesn't do enough for you, Servo Exhibition-its a one time use and servo's don't fly. I think you might be better off and might want to keep something similar if you can find it in an instant but as a sorcery its just not worth its place,Blade Splicer and Master Splicer-its just a creature. You are really trying to kill with a voltron strategy and you should be able to do that with akiri., Frogmite-just another creature. Granted it comes in for free but its only a 2/2, Leonin Elder-1 life per artifact isn't great. Especially if you are getting lifelink off creatures/equipment. Myr Mindservant I didn't see where you were running top of deck manipulation like Sensei's Divining Top so I dont' think you need it. Thraben Inspector-its a one drop that will get you a card. Not sure its really what you want. If you are looking for a one drop creature that might work well try Mother of Runes.Militant Inquisitor if you get to the point where you want him you've probably already lost the game. The other thing is you can cut down on the equipment but equipment choices are really about personal preference.

One more thing. Please switch out Manalith for Commander's Sphere or Boros Cluestone they tap for the same mana but you can sacrafice them for card draw if you really need it.

Remember its your deck and many of the choices should be based on who you play with.


firstorb on Breya, Ghost in the Shell OVER 65 INFINITE COMBOS

7 years ago

You forgot Myr Mindservant for infinite shuffle..LOL. Great deck btw :)

Firebones675 on "Meer" - Memnarch

7 years ago

Even with a high number of mana rocks in your deck and relatively low curve, i would aim for around 35-36 lands at minimum for your deck. Let me add to your problem by first suggesting Clever Impersonator and Phyrexian Metamorph(you have Sculpting Steel already but its nice to have some redundency.). If you can make one of them a copy of Myr Galvanizer. If you can produce atleast 2 mana from your myrs, you know have infinite mana. If some of the mana you produce from this is blue you can then pay however much you need to cast memnarch from command zone and use the rest to take control of all permanents in play (including lands). Even if you can't assemble the combo, they are both good cards to have in the deck. There's also a super convoluted way of using one of them and cards you have in the deck to create infinite blue mana or infinite counters on Door of Destinies or draw infinite cards but due to needing atleast 7 cards (6 if you're just getting mana) it seems rather unlikely. (just realized you can already do it with cards in your deck if you use sculpting steel).

For either combo if you wanted to go that route with infinite mana you could theoretically cast Blue Sun's Zenith on yourself for your entire library, cast everything in your deck and use Planar Bridge/ Clock of Omens to tutor for blue sun again and again to kill everyone by making them draw infinite cards. That being said stealing all their permenants is probably good enugh anyways.'s what I think you can cut.

Myr Propagator: slow and vulnerable and mana efficient. It's cute that you can use the ability when its in the graveyard to make a copy of Myr Welder but that's the only reason i'd see keeping it in the deck and i'm not sure if that's worth it.

Myr Mindservant: it's a myr but that's about all that it has going for it. Without interactions like Brainstorm a repeated shuffle effect doesn't help much.

Thought Vessel with a lot of ramp already and without excessive card draw, i think this slot is better off being a land

Pristine Talisman: your other mana rocks are better. like with thoughtvessel it only accelates you by 1 mana

Myr Enforcer: not the greatest. A 4/4 with no abilities gets classed quickly

Perilous Myr again not the greatest myr

Cranial Plating: good card but it's not legal in your deck due to the black mana symbols. While not the worst card in the cycle, the blue one (Neurok Stealthsuit) isn't as good as plating.

Hovermyr You don't have much in the way of flyers but i'm not a huge fan of this one. You might just need to steal some

Forbid: suggesting this as a cut is questionable as it is definitely a strong card, but i couldnt see anything that seemed like it could be cut

Blinkmoth Urn: Ditto but i might try to keep it.

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