Heightened Awareness

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Heightened Awareness


As Heightened Awareness enters the battlefield, discard your hand.

At the beginning of your draw step, draw a card.

Fingall on Eutropia Enchantments Abound (infinite +1+1/mana)

4 years ago

Breakthrough or Heightened Awareness or Nostalgic Dreams or Slate of Ancestry + Learn from the Past. While Breakthrough would be best because you can choose to keep Learn from the Past in hand. You could use Beacon of Tomorrows if you draw to your last card, It shuffles itself as your only card in your library so at the start of your next turn you get it back and will have infinite turns.

slasherturtle on

4 years ago

It may be best to try to focus on two or three specific colors to make your mana base a little more consistent. RUG are the best colors for dragons so maybe if you could drop some of your greedier-costed White and Black cards, such as Serra the Benevolent , Dakkon Blackblade , Debt to the Deathless , Pox , Settle the Score , Leyline of the Void , Heightened Awareness , and Divine Intervention and replace them with some ramp spells, cheaper dragons, and potentially some anthems, I think you've definitely got more consistency and less dead draws than you did before.

Saljen on Muldrotha EDH

5 years ago

I've been putting together a budget Muldrotha list and my budget constraints have led me to find quite a few amazing cards that pair with Muldrotha.

First off, with all your sacrifice/reanimator affects, using cards that take advantage of those affects will be beneficial. Butcher of Malakir, Dictate of Erebos, and Grave Pact add a lot of control to the deck. Cards like Fleshbag Marauder and Merciless Executioner get extra value, as does every one of your sacrifice engines. Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest makes these affects even more powerful. Pump up your whole army while picking off theirs or gaining value through sacrifice engines.

Nyx Weaver and Splinterfright are excellent ways to fill your graveyard in addition to what you're already running. Sidisi, Brood Tyrant also helps to fill your graveyard while providing extra value for your self milling in the form of a zombie army.

Executioner's Capsule is excellent repeatable removal that takes up an artifact slot. Very valuable. Tormod's Crypt helps shut down opposing graveyard strategies, over and over for free. Wayfarer's Bauble provides ramp in the artifact slot.

Attrition is an excellent sacrifice engine that is also repeatable removal. False Demise serves as a way to keep your commander on the battleground or take an opponents creature/commander. Font of Fertility provides ramp in the enchantment slot. Heightened Awareness is a great way to draw an extra card every turn for practically free. Monastery Siege provides similar value. Seal of Removal gives repeatable bounce in an enchantment slot. Vessel of Nascency gives repeatable draw and fills your yard in an enchantment slot.

Here's some good value cards I've found in my deck building process: Dawnstrider provides repeatable fogs while not really costing you anything once your commander is out. Hermit Druid fills your yard and provides land consistency. Waterfront Bouncer provides repeatable creature bouncing. Silverglade Pathfinder provides repeatable ramp. Hell's Caretaker provides repeatable reanimation. Coiling Oracle is full of value. Siren Stormtamer helps repeatedly keep your creatures safe. Best part about all of these is that they're easy sacrifice fodder once you no longer need the abilities and they work crazy well with Skullclamp, which is easily the best sacrifice engine you can run in this deck.

I love playing Muldrotha because I feel there are so many ways to play her and they're all viable. Hopefully this helps :)