Chandra's Pyrohelix

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chandra's Pyrohelix


Chandra's Pyrohelix deals 2 damage divided as you choose among one or two targets (creatures, players and/or planeswalkers).

Max_game on Ghyrson Calamity

1 year ago

Regarding Flame Jab I consider Chandra's Pyrohelix more flebile but I could test yeah! Thanks!!

00gieb00gie on BR Menace Aggro

4 years ago

Have you considered running Pestilent Spirit? It turns Blazing Volley into a one-sided one mana board sweeper, makes Shock into a cheaper Heartless Act, and makes Chandra's Pyrohelix into a two for one. Best of all hes a 3/2 deathtouch menace three drop so hes a royal pain to fight

GollumWasFramed on Torbran,Superfriends

4 years ago

Forked Bolt is double Bolt with a Torbran on board. Chandra's Pyrohelix?

Quicksilver on Whirlwind of card draw

4 years ago

I admit I'm not too highly experienced with burn decks, so my first plan with the deck was to make sure my burn spells hit the player, rather than hitting creatures, Especially as U/W is so good for wraths and spot removal anyway. That's how I use Mask of Immolation in this deck, I can put it out in the early game when players are putting up their board then ping for no cost at a later point. With a soldier on the field, I can ping 2 for , much like Chandra's Pyrohelix.

Heartfire works well because this deck is littered with small tokens, some that come out at no cost that I can sacrifice easily without losing too much board presence. Lava Coil and Mystical Dispute will definitely go into the sideboard at least, though I don't really want to lean the deck too far towards control.

Dance of the Manse was something I had considered, but the reason against recursion with my enchantments is that The Birth of Meletis becomes less valuable the longer the game goes on for and there are only 4 basic plains in the deck, and Medomai's Prophecy requires 3 turns for it's most powerful ability. Once they've served their purpose, I rarely have any need for them again.

Sedohr on A Thousand Burns

4 years ago

So I've made some changes but I have "two" different versions with minor changes right now that I'm playing with to see if I prefer one over the other.

Firstly I removed all 3 Burning Prophet for 3 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame. I then replaced all 3 Chandra's Outrage with 3 Chandra's Pyrohelix. I replaced 4 Mountain with Castle Embereth, even though I only have 1 on paper I had 3 in Arena already. I then wanted to mess with lands a bit, and with Chandra's Pyrohelix being similar to Shock but 1 more cmc I removed 1 Shock for another land. This leaves me with 3 each of Shock and Chandra's Pyrohelix while retaining 3 Slaying Fire for when I need 4+ damage on a single target and all can be replayed from Chandra, Acolyte of Flame. So far it has run well, but only adding 1 land compared to before still keeps it a bit lean at 21.

Another iteration I'm looking at is to make the similar changes to above with the exception that I kept the Shock for 4x. I removed all 3 Slaying Fire to add another Torbran, Thane of Red Fell for 4x total and 2 mountains. This would leave me with just Shock and Chandra's Pyrohelix for burn spells, but if I am more likely to have Torbran, Thane of Red Fell then those burns spells jump up in damage as well to offset the fact I no longer have a higher damage burn spell. This brings the lands to 22 as well, decreasing the change of mana droughts to make sure I can play my cmc 3/4 creatures while emptying my hand of smaller creatures and burn spells towards mid game (hopefully with some Light Up the Stage for card advantage or Chandra, Acolyte of Flame to replay spells/make 1/1s)

Sedohr on A Thousand Burns

4 years ago

I've also considered dropping 1 Scorch Spitter and/or 1 Tibalt's Rager to make room for these changes on top of removing Burning Prophet. The spitter I considered since later on it doesn't do as much by itself. It's just real tempting to keep them in since they fit into most of the deck combos (Chandra's Spitfire, Cavalcade of Calamity, Torbran, Thane of Red Fell). The rager on the flip side provides me with a mana dump on his ability. So later on when I am low on cards or have an abundance of mana I can buff him.

I also obviously would not want to trim out Torbran, Thane of Red Fell so he is off limits. This leaves me with Chandra's Spitfire as the only other creature, but don't want to trim this out either since it is a high priority target from enemies and will win games.

Looking at spells I need Light Up the Stage for card advantage since I'll run out quick, so that's not really an option. Cavalcade of Calamity is an engine, so this also can't get trimmed. Chandra's Outrage is getting replaced with Chandra's Pyrohelix. Slaying Fire is an option, but it's my only real "larger creature" removal while also being versatile to burn a problematic planeswalker or the player directly. Which leaves me with Shock which is a good staple, but maybe I only need 3 since I'll be putting in Chandra's Pyrohelix too? Things for me to think about.

Sedohr on A Thousand Burns

4 years ago

re Sorin_Markov_1947 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame is likely on my list next to craft in arena to get some playtime with. The 1/1 elementals synergize so well with both Cavalcade of Calamity and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, and the -2 would let me replay Shock, Slaying Fire, and spectacle cost on Light Up the Stage. I would also be tempted to add Chandra's Triumph since I would have an actual planeswalker to combo off sometimes.

Chandra's Pyrohelix might actually go back in the deck in favor of Chandra's Outrage. The are a few reasons. Firstly if I add Chandra, Acolyte of Flame, this spell is another option for the -2 to replay (which would make every noncreature in the deck except Cavalcade of Calamity replay options). Secondly if Torbran, Thane of Red Fell is on the field it will spike the damage a lot. From 2 damage to between 4-6 if that triggers how I think it will (2+2 for single target, 1+2 and 1+2 for multiple targets). Third it can be split between creature/player similar to Chandra's Outrage to direct damage where I need it, and combo for Chandra's Spitfire and Spectacle on Light Up the Stage.

Castle Embereth is one of those where if I had everything I would put them in for sure now. Pretty much no downside since the entire deck is mountains, but being rare takes up those wildcards in Arena that could be used on more impactful cards. On that note I am tempted to put in some Dwarven Mine for the 1/1, but the deck having a low land count makes me doubtful it will come into play untapped.

Torbran, Thane of Red Fell I'm torn on actually putting in 4x or keeping 3x since he really ramps up the damage when on the field. In games I am more often to see him but still have a few without him showing up. On the flip side I do have some games with 2 or all 3 of him already in hand with no other supporting cards to play, although that might just be luck of the shuffle more than amount of copies in the deck. This slides into the conversation about mana too so I'll talk about that next.

For the total amount of lands the deck has 27 cards that are cmc 1-2 (lumping Light Up the Stage here since I expect to pay spectacle cost 99% of the time). If I remove Chandra's Outrage for Chandra's Pyrohelix, the only 4 cost is Torbran, Thane of Red Fell and brings the total in cmc 1-2 to 30. When playing if I have 2-3 land in starting hand (which is generally the case with current land base), I'm usually set for the entire match. Most of the deck can limp on 2 mana as well while still being a threat until I draw into a land or Light Up the Stage to dig for one. Burning Prophet scry can help in a pinch too. If the deck hasn't already put a large dent in the opponent by turn 5, a few extra lands for more mana isn't going to help much. On the other hand, a single creature to trigger Cavalcade of Calamity or a burn spell to possibly combo with Torbran, Thane of Red Fell or Chandra's Spitfire can save me.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on A Thousand Burns

4 years ago

Torbran, Thane of Red Fell is just too good not to be a four-of. It triples the damage from creatures and cavalcade. It's a high-priority target, so it'll get removed often, so you want four. You want to be drawing it as often as possible. Chandra's Pyrohelix seems like a good one here, as well. Chandra, Acolyte of Flame is a great one too.

You'll also need more than 20 lands. I don't care how low your curve is, 22 is a minimum. Maybe 23, with Torbran and how often you want to be double-spelling. Castle Embereth also needs to be a four-of. Activate it after the Cavalcade activations for extra damage.

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