Got into magic around scars of mirrodin always saw kids playing never thought to get in on it one of my best friends told me he played and gave me an elf deck to try out after playing at "the table" in our student center at the local college i started to get into it like really into it. i do not kinda have hobbies if i like something i am very thorough i have probably spent more money on magic in the past year than i have on rent but that aside i love making decks i love seeing what others have done and trying do something all my own or change what they did to put my own flavor on it

MTG Decks

Keranos of corn

Standard* dtigerx

SCORE: 1 | 193 VIEWS

The Great American Pillow Fort

Standard* dtigerx

SCORE: 1 | 126 VIEWS

blue devotion homebrew

Standard* dtigerx



Standard* dtigerx

SCORE: 1 | 161 VIEWS

burn the world

Standard* dtigerx

SCORE: 1 | 162 VIEWS

kaalia of the blast

Commander / EDH dtigerx

SCORE: 1 | 139 VIEWS

stompy stomp

Standard dtigerx

SCORE: 1 | 609 VIEWS

Finished Decks 50
Prototype Decks 17
Drafts 7
Playing since Scars of Mirrodin
Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Commander / EDH
Venues The Gaming Goat IL
Joined 11 years