How do the cards Anikthea, Hand of Erebos, growing ranks, and Battle for Bretagard interact?

Asked by bhst5019 9 months ago

So, I am looking at using Anikthea, Hand of Erebos exiling Battle of Bretagard from my graveyard. I know I am able to populate this for a few turns as it is a creature token until the final chapter happens. My question, when it is copied does it make another creature token that is a 3/3 zombie Battle of Bretagard? Or does it just make a copy of the enchantment without it being a creature?

Further question, can I take out growing ranks and copy battle of Bretagard with its own ability before it goes to the graveyard?

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1

You can use double square brackets around a card's name to create a reference link: Anikthea, Hand of Erebos, Battle for Bretagard, Growing Ranks. It's the best way to help people understand what's going on in your question.

The copies of the tokens created in this example will also be 3/3 creatures. Copy effects take into account what's written on the original plus the results of any other copy effects that the original is subject to. This means if a copy effect makes a copy with some specific different characteristics from the original, those differences will carry over to any copies of that copy.

Yes, a Battle for Bretagard that also happens to be a creature token can make a copy of itself. A saga gets sacrificed when its last chapter ability fully resolves and leaves the stack, so it will be on the battlefield long enough for its effect to work on itself.

August 25, 2023 5:44 p.m.

bhst5019 says... #2

Aweome thanks. I just wanted to confirm before I built the deck. :) I had a feeling it may work. I will try to remember about the brackets. Unfortunately, I was under a time crunch and later tried to edit it, however I could not remember how to do that.

August 25, 2023 6:12 p.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #3

The editing window only lasts a short time. I don't remember exactly how long it is but I think it's something like 5 minutes after posting. During the window there will be a little button for editing next to the post but after the window ends the button disappears.

August 28, 2023 9:11 a.m.

bhst5019 says... #4

Following up with a similiar question. If I had 2 Doubling Season and Battle for Bretagard out all as zombies, would that create a draw scenario or not?

August 28, 2023 1:29 p.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #5

It isn't a forced draw because it isn't a loop of mandatory actions. In your example you have choices about what to copy with Battle for Bretagard's final chapter ability, and one or more of those choices (i.e. anything other than the Battle, itself) will end the loop. In that situation, you have to decide on a finite number of iterations for the loop before changing your choice to something that will end it so the game can move on.

EDIT: For anyone who's wondering what's going on: Because of the two Doubling Seasons, the copies of Battle for Bretagard will enter the battlefield with 4 lore counters and immediately kick off the final chapter ability.

August 28, 2023 5:53 p.m. Edited.

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