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Volatile Post: A Story of Four-Color Bull****

Standard Artifact Control Four Color



Let me tell you how this all started: I began with wanting to make a colorless artifact deck in Standard (an idea I have not quite abandoned, just an idea set to the side for this one). I wanted to use a keyrune, though, and Grove of the Guardian required green and white mana, so it turned into a mostly-colorless-Selesnya deck. Then I thought- well, why not just use ALL the cards I want, since a good deal of my cards are colorless anyway?

So I churned out this unlikely amalgamation of cards, one that even seems to win when I don't misplay (a difficult thing to do). It's relatively hard to use, it seems just like a bunch of random crap thrown together- but as testing on Cockatrice continues, it does seem to win. I'm not even sure how.

So here I am, sitting on a pile of whatever-the-hell-this-is and tasked with the job of explaining its function and the various synergies. Shall we begin?


Trading Post forms the basis of this deck. It is life stabilization when I need it, it is constant artifact retrieval, and it is draw power. It has tons of interactions, which I will explain as I introduce the cards.

Volatile Rig is an interesting card. It is an aggressive drop, which is unusual for a control deck; but it is a blocker for a turn before it starts putting on pressure. If it blows up, aggro decks are treated to a boardwipe. Control decks have to burn removal on it or they lose a decent chunk of life each turn. Midrange decks have to take a risk of trading with it with creatures up to toughness 8, since it can block and blow up. Its interactions with Trading Post are great- Trading Post can stabilize from its explosion, and if it fails to blow up or even just leaves the field, it can be recurred for another bomb. Trading Post can even set off its detonation for card draw.

Haunted Plate Mail dodges sorcery speed removal, blocks Blood Baron of Vizkopa and anything smaller if need be, and is four damage a turn unless removal is burned on it; in which case, Trading Post can return it to the battlefield.

Prophetic Prism is color fixing, which is incredibly important in a four color deck- it also replaces itself, which is great. With Trading Post recur, it draws us 2 cards instead of 1.

Ratchet Bomb eats up aggro's low mana cost threats, and can be calibrated to Pithing Needle or a high mana cost bomb from control if placed early. With Trading Post, it is recurring removal.

Spear of Heliod makes all of our creatures hurt slightly more, including giving our goats an actual body. It doubles as creature removal.

Whip of Erebos is life stabilization. If we have multiple copies of the Rig, we can whip them back for shenanigans, as well. Only 1 copy since all it does it stabilize life.


Anger of the Gods is our only boardwipe since three colored mana is difficult to achieve for Supreme Verdict. It kills aggro but is fairly useless against other decks, which is why there are only 2 mainboard.

Dreadbore removes creatures and planeswalkers for only two mana. Used over Hero's Downfall because it can be used at about 4 mana instead of 5.

Detention Sphere removes ANYTHING, which is awesome. 5 mana is steep, but it gives time for the opponent to play their multiple copies if they have them.


Underworld Connections is draw power. Not much to say here, except blowing it up with Ratchet Bomb tends to be a problem.


Shimmering Grotto, Unknown Shores , and Transguild Promenade nets us colored mana so we can actually play half of our deck.

Mutavault- well, I absolutely HATE that it adds $140 to the cost of the deck, but it is quite necessary here. It pings for two, is a 3/3 with the Spear of Heliod, and is a chump blocker.

Encroaching Wastes kills enemy Mutavaults. Die Mutavault, die!

Grove of the Guardian is an interesting card. It does nothing for most of the game, but given enough Mutavaults, goats from Trading Post, or Rigs, we suddenly get an 8/8 creature pressure card.

Thespian's Stage is incredible here. It helps color fix if necessary, helps us get more 8/8 from Grove, and most importantly, helps us get extra Mutavaults, which is just nasty and helps feed Grove of the Guardian.


Anger of the Gods because aggro is a thing.

Pithing Needle has synergy with Trading Post because it is an artifact, and helps to stop a lot of threats, like planeswalkers and AEtherling.

Slaughter Games - against control, we name Sphinx's Revelation and then win conditions. Bleed them dry!

Thoughtseize really helps remove those control counterspells.

Whip of Erebos because aggro hurts and we can't be low against it.

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Revision 3 See all

(10 years ago)

+3 Elixir of Immortality side
-3 Pithing Needle side
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 4 Mythic Rares

42 - 8 Rares

2 - 3 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.71
Tokens Elemental 8/8 GW, Goat 0/1 W
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