
Artifact (1)

Creature (1)

Cook up some hate with Savra, Queen of the Golgari and stuff your opponents creatures down their own throat while walking in and one shotting them with an unopposed creature.

These are the cards you are going to feed to your other creatures.

  • Slitherhead, Dreg Mangler, Rendclaw Trow, Acolyte of Affliction, Golgari Findbroker: Dual coloured, so they allow you to remove your opponents creatures without hurting your life total. Secondary abilities interact with the graveyard in some way.
  • Corpse Hauler: One of the few creatures capable of activating your commanders ability without another sac outlet, which also allows you to return an important creature from your graveyard.
  • Plaguecrafter: This guy can get rid of two creatures at once with your commander out. Play him and sac him to his own ability.
  • Tenacious Dead, Reassembling Skeleton, and Gravecrawler: The best creatures to have in the deck. Sacrifice, kill, reanimate, repeat.
  • Synapse Necromage: A black creature that creates two more black creatures after you sacrifice it. One creature that can cause opponents to sacrifice 3 times.

These are cards that will put out creature tokens for you to sacrifice to make your opponents suffer.

  • Arasta of the Endless Web: This spider provides some much needed air defense, but also spawns spider tokens for you to block or sac to gain life.
  • Izoni, Thousand-Eyed: Another token spawning card, this one making dual coloured creatures which are the best sac options.
  • Tend the Pests: Explode one of your creatures into a number of tokens that are dual coloured and can take out more creatures.
  • Army of the Damned: This card is rough, if you pull it off your opponent will need 14 creatures just to be able to block because you are going to make them sac one for every zombie.
  • The Mycotyrant: Pumps out black creature tokens while buffing itself at the end of each turn from your sacrifices.
  • Nemata, Primeval Warden: Shuts down reanimator plays and provides some card draw.
  • Gutter Grime: The only thing better than saccing your creatures in this deck is getting free creatures whenever you do it. Keep the pain coming.
  • Garruk Relentless  /Garruk, the Veil-Cursed  : Free tokens every turn, and able to fish important creatures out of your deck.

These are all cards that act as utility doing various things to make your feast even more painful for your opponents, or keep you alive long enough to sit at the table.

  • Parallel Lives: Double token production means twice the sac targets.
  • Dina, Soul Steeper and Archfiend of the Dross: Turns sacrificing into health damage for opponents.
  • Priest of the forgotten gods, Plumb the Forbidden: Turn your sacrifices into card advantage as well as creature advantage.
  • Corpsejack Menace: Now your creatures get even stronger when you feed them other creatures.
  • Silklash Spider: This spider will solve most of your problems in the air, and if it can't you can just make your opponent sac the other problems.
  • Rescue from the Underworld: Allows you to sac a creature if you don't have an outlet in play, and then you get two more creatures to sac at the start of the next turn.
  • Killing Wave: You can play this spell and make X cost 0. Sure, maybe your opponent won't lose any creatures from this card, but it now allows you to sac any number of creatures you want for free, so odds are they are going to lose those creatures anyway. A damned if you do, damned if you don't card.

Have a creature get up over 60/60 in one turn and one shot steal a win from sure defeat using Army of The Dammed .

Have Westvale Abbey   enter the battlefield, transform into Ormendahl, Profane Prince   immediately and attack your opponent after they sacrifice their blockers.

Have Draugr Necromancer or Nemata, Primeval Warden exile your opponents dying creatures, locking out reanimator decks.

Use Jarad's Orders to put one of the Diners into your hand and a self reanimating creature into the graveyard for complete creature control.

The rest of the deck has cards to do some spot removal, bring things back from the yard, and ramp your mana by pulling lands from the deck.


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Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.91
Tokens Fungus 1/1 B, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Insect 1/1 BG, Ooze */* G, Pest 1/1 BG, Saproling 1/1 G, Spider 1/2 G, Wolf 1/1 B, Wolf 2/2 G, Zombie 2/2 B
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