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Team America World Police(F*ck Yea!)




This deck was inspired by Eric Hawkins take on American Midrange.


After testing his heavily against a jund midrange/removal deck and some playtesting online, i felt like I wasn't able to get stabilized due to mana issues and alot of clutter with higher costing spells early on. (elspeth by and large the biggest issue)

I decided to put my own spin on the deck going for more of a control like feel. From the testing I've managed to do tonight the deck did fairly well against the two aggro decks I faced. The rdw game 1 couldn't stabilize after I wiped his x3 Burning-Tree emissary drop with a single Detention sphere. Chained to the rocks was a huge help in this game since he ran nothing above the Fanatic of mogis curve. (strormbreath dragon) Assemble the legion took care of him G2 he sided in Burning earth but I removed it next turn with a detention sphere. I sided in anger of the gods and a supreme verdict and was able to wipe his board to the point of concession.

The second aggro deck i vs'd was a G/R Xenagos, Garruk, Domri aggro deck. First game went kind of long. Alot of him playing massive creatures and me chaining them or detention sphering them. After he dropped both Domri and Xenagos i figured he had the game in the bag. Thanks to my turn two blind obediencei was able to keep his dorks in check and later on when he was able to drop a domri and xenagos i thought he had the game in the back. Some very nice top decks led me to Overload Mizzium mortars on turn 12 taking care of his mana dorks and burning tree emissaries that predominantly held the field. my Turn 5 Assemble the Legion that produced lovely tokens took care of game 1.

Game two against his deck didn't go well for him. I sided in 3x anger of gods and a supreme verdict and managed to top deck both which sorely screwed the pooch. He conceded midway through the match.

I'm looking for ANY and all helpful advice. What could I do against control decks here? My sideboard definitely needs work I feel. I went far too heavy against aggro since that what my meta is currently playing. Any and all constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. +1's if you like what you see. Thank you all for the taking the time to read and helping me out. This has got to be the best magic community I've seen giving helpful advice to any and all forms of players. Thank you! :D


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 8 Rares

3 - 2 Uncommons

4 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.06
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Enchantment Cleric 2/1 W, Soldier 1/1 RW, Soldier 1/1 W
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