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[[Primer]] Knowledge & Flame

Commander / EDH* UR (Izzet)



Instant (1)


Sorcery (1)

""To those in tune with the Firemind, there is no difference between knowledge and flame."" -- Invoke the Firemind



This Primer is a WIP.

Did you ever play Megaman on SEGA? Run, and shoot. Run, and shoot. Bubble Man form, Quick Man form, Heat Man form, boom, boom, bang!

Well this is nothing like that at all... Well... Kinda.

Ok for real, this deck is all about storm, experience counters, spell slinging instant's and sorceries, pissing off your friends with counterspells, and burning their corpses until they can't be identified anymore.

The Primer.

Mizzix is the truest form of Izzet I believe. In this deck we are always holding mana to respond to any threat while slowly leading the game in your favor, eventually leading to a point where your win is undeniable. If you enjoy the following you should play Mizzix:

  • Combo. Do you think you embody the true form of a Johnny Combo Player? Do you like going infinite in a multitude of ways? Well almost all the win conditions in the deck are combos to get you the game in one turn.

  • Control. Do you like making sure the boardstate is exactly where you want it to be? Do you like telling your friends no? In this deck your friends are required to ask "does it resolve?" because even if you only have no mana or one mana open you can still find a way to counter or burn their gameplan into oblivion.

  • Burn. Do you like casting a really big Fireball ? What about a Comet Storm big enough to kill all your opponents, no matter how many there are, and all of their creatures?

  • Temporal Magic. Do you like playing magic while the rest of your table watches you and waits-- No, prays they get another turn? Expect to take anywhere from 3-5 extra turns consistently or take infinite turns if the game has drawn out.

  • Draw. Do you like drawing cards? Good. You are going to be drawing a lot of cards in this deck, you need to get to your combo pieces and your control magic as soon and as often as possible. Or maybe you just make every opponent draw their entire libraries at one time.


The Combo.

This is the crux of all the combos in the deck, and requires at least 2 Experience.

Reiterate + Reality Spasm / Seething Song

As I said this combo enables all the other combos in the deck giving you infinite mana, infinite spell copies, and in some cases infinite experience counters; the combo can also be accomplished with Turnabout instead of Reality Spasm or Seething Song . With The Combo you can achieve the following things in the deck with the cards listed.

Note to self Show


Updates Add

So after looking at all the cards spoiled by the leaks here are the cards I'm looking at adding to the deck, thoughts?

Precognition Field Show

Jaya Ballard Show

Jaya's Immolating Inferno Show

The Mirari Conjecture Show

Mox Amber Show

So what do you think?

@Suns_Champion Thoughts?


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92% Competitive

Revision 26 See all

(3 years ago)

+1 Arcane Signet main
+1 Force of Negation main
-1 Illuminate History maybe
+1 Inspiring Refrain main
+1 Jeska's Will main
-1 Laboratory Maniac main
+1 Mentor's Guidance maybe
-1 Metallurgic Summonings main
+1 Mindswipe main
+1 Muse Vortex maybe
+1 Reinterpret main
+1 Rousing Refrain main
+1 Spell Burst main
+1 Teachings of the Archaics main
+1 Thassa's Oracle main
+1 The Biblioplex main
+1 Theoretical Duplication main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #33 position overall 5 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

19 - 1 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 106
Avg. CMC 3.26
Tokens Copy Clone, Experience Token
Folders Commander
Ignored suggestions
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