
Unknown (2)

  • 2x Unravel the Æther

Pull out your whole deck!

Yisan, the Wanderer Bard is going to kick so much ass once rotation happens, and while we will be losing some nice pieces from the RTR, Khans promises great new things, even though that means adding Red to the build, which is not really as large of a setback. Here's how it goes:

The Engine: Prophet of Kruphix + Yisan, the Wanderer Bard

Yisan, the Wanderer Bard-The guy this deck is based around, he works a lot like Birthing Pod, in that he creates a toolbox strategy in which you have a slew of creatures to pull from your deck depending on what you need at the time. Unlike Birthing Pot, there's not a lot of infinite combos (or any), and requires a smoother curve.

Prophet of Kruphix-What was an extremely underrated card since Theros, this card now has a time to shine. It demands an answer immediately, and if it goes unanswered, you will wreck havoc. Double the Yisan activations makes the engine just that much faster.

Kiora's Follower-This guy has uses outside of untapping Yisan, but that will usual be his main purpose. He provides nice ramp with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx as well, but that's not always going to be relevant. Just land a couple of these with Yisan and you'll be off to the races.

The Spells: All these are pretty straightforward.

Chord of Calling-Most of these decks run this in multiples, but I find it better as a 1 of to make room for the other things I need, such as you will see below. This comes in handy sometimes, and I may eventually run more, but I like this as a 1-of right now.

AEtherspouts-This card is always an absolute blowout if you are able to hold it until the last second. I've had times that by justing casting this card it forced my opponent to scoop because they knew they wouldn't be able to catch up on boardstate. I will never take out this card.

Negate-With all the Walker decks that are walking around in the Standard scene, this card is helpful. Also, there are no more uncounterable Wrath effects, meaning this card is just building in value. This deck works well against the aggro and creature based builds, so Negates are always helpful to stop annoying spells.

The Toolbox: As you notice, almost all these creatures are one-ofs due to the fact that they are situational depending on the match.

Arbor Colossus -Smacks down fliers out of the skies (I'm looking at you soon to be played Prognostic Sphix), adds 3 Green devotion, and is a big ol' fatty that wins games and helps to stabilize.

Clever Impersonator-This card is no where near as good as Progenitor Mimic was in this deck, but will serve as a good replacement in the deck as it doubles any creature I may need for a certain matchup.

Courser of Kruphix-I shouldn't really have to say a whole lot about this card. It's good, and it will always be good. If you play Green and don't run this guy, then you better be able to explain your choices.

Fleetfeather Cockatrice -This guy might get pulled soon due the fact he was anti- Desecration Demon fodder, but depending on where things go in the format, he could end up staying in as a decent flying beater.

Hornet Queen-This card is just good, it's army blocks anything and everything and immediately makes your opponent reconsider their attacks. It's an even more evil surprise when you pull it out of your deck from nowhere and absolutely ruin everything your opponent has done to setup.

Nylea's Disciple -A strong lifegaining card to crush Aggro strategies. I used to combo this with Progenitor Mimic to get over 80 life, but will be just as helpful after rotation.

Nylea, God of the Hunt-Helps to make sure those big fatties you've been setting up with hit their mark every time. Her pump ability can come in handy if the game runs very long, and is just over all a helpful card.

Polukranos, the World Eater-This card is usually run in multiples, but I found I usually use him for removal rather than a beat-stick, so I but him to a one of so that he can be used for that purpose when I need it.

Reclamation Sage-Another straightforward inclusion. Kills Courser of Kruphix. Gets that creature back that was hit by Banishing Light. No more Ornithopters.

Sagu Mauler -I love this card. Just a big beefy beat-stick. I will never not love casting him, getting him out of my deck, or even morphing him.

Savage Knuckleblade-Honestly, I'm still not all in on this guy. Don't get me wrong, he is a fantastic card, but I'm not sure about him in this build yet, as there are times I feel there could be better things used in the 3 or 4 drop slot.

Surrak Dragonclaw-He punched a bear. That's all I need to hear.

Sylvan Caryatid-This is one of the weirder ones, but I like it. It blocks the creatures in the Aggro strategy efficiently and provides mana fixing when I need it.

Other Utility:

Elvish Mystic-Ramp ramp ramp.

Genesis Hydra- I just really like this card. If I can cast him for at least X-5, then I am happy with just about anything he will get out of my deck. If I need to, I can pull those Yisans out earlier if I am not drawing them when I need to.

All +1's and comments are appreciated.


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #41 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 3 Rares

6 - 3 Uncommons

6 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.36
Tokens Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Morph 2/2 C
Folders Sex, Simic (Modern/Standard), Standard decks, Good decks , ololol, currently testing/tweaking
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