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[EDH][Primer] Adeline Anthem Beatdown

Commander / EDH* Equip Humans Mono-White Primer Tokens Weenie



Please be aware that the primer is under construction.

A rather quick brew around Adeline, Resplendent Cathar. She's very similar to another general, Brimaz, King of Oreskos, who is one of my favorite legendary creatures in all of Magic. However, I think Adeline is a better general than Brimaz due to her explosiveness, and as such, this decklist could be considered an evolution of my Brimaz deck.

Adeline is a very powerful and incredibly explosive combat-based weenie commander, with the potential to do insane damage rather quickly due to her essentially making three tokens every time a creature you control swings. Despite being 1/1 tokens, with anthem effects these tokens can quickly grow out of control.

The deck is designed with zero infinite combos. It wins through beating the ever-loving shit out of our opponents by punching them in the face. Despite not having any infinite combos, the deck is still incredibly powerful and as I said can get out of control very quickly.

The deck primarily wins through spamming multiple anthem effects to do large amounts of damage very quickly, or through commander damage.

Anthem Wins:

  • Cathars' Crusade - The creatures made from Adeline, Resplendent Cathar all enter at once, and as such they each get three +1/+1 counters. Just one attack from Adeline with Cathars' Crusade out has the potential to deal 19 points of damage in an instant (Adeline would be a 7/7, the three tokens would all be 4/4s).
  • Goldnight Commander - Basically identical to Cathars' Crusade, except the anthem effect disappears at the end of turn. Still very ridiculous though, as you can easily deal 19 points of damage off of just one swing (Adeline would be a 7/7, the three tokens would all be 4/4s).
  • Mirror Entity - Let's just casually make all of our tokens 4/4s instead of 1/1s. The anthem effects still happen, so you could easily make your army of 4/4s into an army of 7/7s at instant speed. Adeline still gets her bonus power from the number of creatures in play, so you could easily go from swinging for 7 damage (4/4 Adeline, three 1/1 tokens) to swinging for 20 damage (8/4 Adeline, three 4/4 tokens) at instant speed for seven mana, if you include the casting cost of Mirror Entity. You could swing for way more if you pair Mirror Entity with either of the two above, or any anthem effect for that matter.

Commander Damage:

  • Stoneforge Masterwork - This is basically the same as Veteran's Armaments. All the tokens Adeline creates are humans, which share a creature type with her as she is a human. Plus, outside of tokens we run ~18 humans in the deck, so even if you aren't swinging with all your creatures odds are you'll be getting at least +4/+4 or +5/+5 from it. Note: does not count Adeline herself when adding to her power or toughness.
  • Veteran's Armaments - This essentially gives Adeline +4/+4 every combat, as you will always swing with at least four creatures. If your tokens end up sticking around, you can easily give Adeline some insane numbers, easily allowing you to one-shot or two-shot players. Note: does count Adeline herself when adding to her power or toughness.

These are cards I've cut from the deck before. Some cards might be added back in depending on further testing and if I desire to change the direction of the deck eventually.

  • Akroma's Memorial - This card is great in token go-wide strategies like what I'm trying to do here with this deck, however, this is a very fast deck that wants to be aggressive early. I view it more of a "win-more" card in Adeline. Cut in favor of Court Street Denizen because it kind of allows us to do what Akroma's Memorial does in the first place - get around other people's creatures.
  • Avacyn, Angel of Hope - I love Avacyn. She's one of my favorite cards in Magic. However, her CMC is a little much for what this deck wants to do, despite her phenomenal ability. Cut in favor of Mangara, the Diplomat because you can never have enough methods of card draw.
  • Elspeth, Sun's Champion - This card could actually go back into the deck. Even though I really do not like planeswalkers because in my opinion they're quite slow, this is my 2nd favorite planeswalker card (the first being Garruk, Primal Hunter). Cut in favor of Coppercoat Vanguard as he provides a nice anthem effect for a lot cheaper.
  • Expedition Map - This literally did absolutely nothing for me, as I find myself fine on lands and I'd rather use the mana I do have to cast other things. Cut in favor of Disenchant for artifact and enchantment removal.
  • Gilded Lotus - I really like Gilded Lotus, but as I'm continuously trying to lower the average CMC of the deck, I don't need as many sources of mana. Cut in favor of Rumor Gatherer for more card advantage.
  • Guardian of Faith - I initially had this in the deck to offer protection to Adeline, but it honestly hasn't done much beyond take up a card slot as I haven't found it very useful. Cut in favor of Metallic Mimic, as we run 18 humans in the deck, and the tokens Adeline creates are humans, allowing us to quickly build our board's power and toughness.
  • Honor of the Pure - Legit only being replaced because powercreep. Replaced with Flowering of the White Tree because it's just a straight better version of Honor of the Pure.
  • Odric, Lunarch Marshal - I do still like Odric, but I think Myrel, Shield of Argive's effect is much more powerful than Odric's. Cut in favor of Myrel, Shield of Argive because a method of protection and an additional token maker is always good.
  • Oketra's Monument - In the grand scheme of things, this hardly does anything. Yes, it does reduce the CMC of our creatures by one generic and makes a token upon casting a white creature, but in the end it provides no real benefit. Cut in favor of Infiltration Lens, as I want to lower the CMC of the deck and add more methods of card draw.
  • Soul Warden - I already cut all the lifegain synergistic cards out of the deck, so really no point in keeping Soul Warden in the deck. Cut in favor of Demystify for additional enchantment removal.
  • Soul's Attendant - I initially had wanted a sub-theme of lifegain, however, I opted not to go too deep and include basically only Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant with little-to-no reward or payoff as Cosmos Elixir and Dawn of Hope didn't make the list. I still might put the sub-theme back in if I ever get my hands on an Archangel of Thune, but for now, there are better options. Cut in favor of Swiftfoot Boots because I'm stupid and forgot to put it in the initial decklist.
  • Sword of Sinew and Steel - I have cut this due to the lack of red in my playgroup. Cut in favor of Honor of the Pure to add an additional anthem effect.
  • Sword of Truth and Justice - I initially had this in the deck because most of the removal used by my playgroup is white and blue. It still might be added back in, but for now, the effect itself is kind of negligible and slow. Cut in favor of Anointed Procession, which can easily cause the game to spiral out of control in our favor the turn it comes down.

I'm currently testing the following cards:

  • Mondrak, Glory Dominus over ???
  • Moonshaker Cavalry over ??? - I'm really iffy on this card. When it was spoiled everyone was super pumped for it; I was as well. However, after thinking about it, by the time I get to play this card, I've either already won the game or I've already lost. This is very much a "win-more" card in my opinion, and it honestly likely won't be added in. Still debating about it though.

Deck last updated 5/26/2024.

Description last updated 4/27/2024.


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Hey y'all!

It's been probably about a year since I've worked on this deck - I even took it apart at one point completely but ended up reassembling it - and it's gone through some changes. I ended up cutting probably around ~15 cards and changing them out for other things. However, I've completely forgotten what I cut and changed out. However, I still want to continue changing the deck and improving it, adding cards like Coppercoat Vanguard and Myrel, Shield of Argive when I get the chance.

I am working on this deck, and it's probably the my deck I most want to work on right now. I want to improve the card draw and overall consistency, but with white there isn't much you can do in that regard. I haven't paid any attention really to Magic since maybe the new Kamigawa set? It's been a while and I'm definitely missing cards for this deck, but that's why EDHREC exists. If I'm missing anything obvious that isn't in the maybeboard please do leave a comment with the card., although I would ask you look at the 'Cards Testing' section in the description first to see if I'm already in the process of taking a gander at it.

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Revision 21 See all

(1 week ago)

+1 Greymond, Avacyn's Stalwart maybe
Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 week

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

49 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.49
Tokens Copy Clone, Elephant 3-3 G, Human 1/1 W, Soldier, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Other peoples decks, Astro's Personal Decks
Ignored suggestions
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