
Aura and Voltron strats are near and dear to my heart, hence my username. Auras/Bogles jank was one of the first 60 card decks I put together when I first started playing MtG about 9 years ago with my college friends. Tuvasa the Sunlit was one of the first EDH decks I put together, using the remnants of those old 60 card decks, and is a deck I've kept together for the past 3 years. Well, until Mazzy, Truesword Paladin was spoiled.

Anyone who has played Auras/Voltron knows that getting 2 for 1'd on removal with Aura'd up creatures is one of the most inherent weaknesses of the archetype. I love that Mazzy utilizes Red's new impulse exile design space to minimize this archetype deficiency.

Another aspect that I like about Mazzy is that she also beefs up any Aura'd up creature with the +2/+0 buff and Trample. To expand a bit on this effect, I've include a Goad subtheme along with some auras that can be "donated" to creatures around the table. I wanted to include some of the Goad tech from this Kaima, the Fractured Calm deck tech by EDH Deckbuilding

This was actually the first major version of the deck that I published, The Ol' Mazzle Dazzle. Primer is more or less the same, with the exception of the 12ish cards that were in the Goad subtheme.

Combo 1

Since this is an Aura deck, I am including the Shielded by Faith + Siona, Captain of the Pyleas combo as a potential win-con. The way the combo works:

  • Cast Siona, Captain of the Pyleas, she can help dig for Shielded by Faith, which is cool
  • Cast Shielded by Faith, enchanting any of your creatures, while Siona is also on field.
  • Siona will trigger, creating a creature token, which will then trigger Shielded by Faith.
  • A creature will be created each time Shielded by Faith attaches to a new creature, creating an "infinite" loop

I currently have Fervor as my only Haste anthem in deck so that the tokens can immediately swing out in combat.

This combo is currently supported by the following tutors: Open the Armory, Sterling Grove, & Idyllic Tutor. If needed, I have an Eladamri's Call I can add to the deck to help me look for Siona.

Additional pieces that can be added to the combo:

  • Concordant Crossroads could also help with this combo, but I'm holding off on picking up a copy until I see how all the recent reprints affect its prices.

  • Impact Tremors, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Witty Roastmaster - Each piece sends damage to the table on creature ETBs and removes the need for combat. I opted not to include any of these pieces for now because the deck doesn't create enough creature tokens consistently to make it worth it, imo. I also don't think they synergize with the deck enough outside of the combo to be worth it.

  • Altar of the Brood - Creature ETB mill to the table. Similarly, this piece doesn't really do much for the deck outside of the combo to be worth including.

  • Crashing Drawbridge - I have a copy and have used it as a Haste anthem for this combo before. I didn't like how vulnerable it felt while I waited a turn rotation to try and pull it off.

Combo 2

Fire Whip + Goldspan Dragon

Sac Fire Whip to ping damage around. Use the treasure produced by targeting Goldspan Dragon with Fire Whip each time to continuously recast it.

The draw package in this deck is going to be fairly standard for most Enchantress decks in W/G/x


Cantrip draw

The section of the deck that might change the most after some initial games. I like to try to strike a balance between "generically good" removal, plus pieces that synergize with the deck, but might be slightly more situational.

This is also the section that I might add 1-2 more pieces to, since 9 pieces currently feels a bit light for me.

Under consideration

These are all pieces I currently have in binders that I'd consider for most immediate inclusion:

For most of my decks, Interaction is the umbrella term that I use to categorize effects that prevent opponents from interacting me & my board as they would want, or effects that prevent opponents from interacting with & accessing their resources as they would want to.


Mazzy might be handing out some Auras to help incentivize opponents attacking each other. Some donations kinda suck, but others aren't so bad, and might be helpful. I think this section allows for some fun politicking and discussion

  • Bequeathal - This can be used on my own creatures, but would ideally be put on a creature in an Aristocrats piece, or anything that could be removal bait.

  • Flickering Ward - Ideally used for myself. I do like that Flickering Ward can be returned to hand, independent of Mazzy, and can be used to sweeten up a swing at an opponent.

  • Laccolith Rig - Seems like it could start some fun discussions on whether to block the enchanted creature as a means to shoot removal around the table.

  • Consuming Ferocity - A piece I would like to pull off at least once, but I think it might get replaced.

  • Custody Battle - How far can the enchanted creature make it around the table?

Miscellanous Interaction

One of the biggest weaknesses of Aura strategies is the inherent card disadvantage of getting an enchanted creature removed. These effects should help us preserve our board and... Replenish... when things seem dire.




Updates Add

Took this deck apart in early September after a friend gifted me a foil stained glass Zur, Eternal Schemer. I decided to reuse a lot of the White & Blue pieces from my old Tuvasa deck to make that possible.

This deck was okay, but struggled in my meta after multiple games (about 6-8) . My play group leans combat heavy, with "Go Wide" strategies seeing the most success. This deck struggled against wider board states when it came to pushing damage through or having sufficient blocks.


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95% Casual


Revision 18 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Shield of the Oversoul main
Top Ranked
Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

49 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.51
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Elemental 3/1 R w/ Trample, haste, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Pegasus 2/2 W, Spirit 2/2 R, Treasure
Folders Fantasy Commander Decks, Decks, Possible Builds, Budget BUILD THIS, My Retired Decks
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