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Awakening of Brisela, Voice of Nightmares

Pioneer Angels Counters Flying Mono-White




1st attempt at a pioneer deck (no longer the 1st iteration of this deck). I really wanted to try out the angels and decided to just run a mono-white deck around Brisela, Voice of Nightmares    . My strategy is based around vigilance/indestructibility to play a strong defense and work to build up 1/1 counters and over-power the board with angels using Archangel Elspeth.

I have been enjoying messing with this mono-white angel tribal deck. I have decreased the number of creatures I am running; instead placing a couple creature options in my sideboard. I have added more removal through enchantments and sorcery/instant spells. I now have what I believe is a more solidified design that is streamlined for slowing my opponent down and increasing my chances of getting Brisela, Voice of Nightmares     out.

Any advice is appreciated. I'm not trying to run any MLDs and would like to stick to only angels.

*11/08/23 - 1st official win with this deck at my local TCG store! I got a 2-0 1st round win against a Jace, the Perfected Mind mill deck. 2nd match of the round, the guy milled me 21. I had my Archangel Elspeth out with 5 loyalty. I managed to get her to 6 and protect her until my next turn. I use her ultimate to bring 8 angels back to the battlefield and since I had a Righteous Valkyrie on the board I gained a ton of life and went up to 43 life! Pass turn and nothing happens as opponent is stuck with a weak board state and had played most of their removal spells. My next turn I play Sephara, Sky's Blade and give my angels Indestructible! My opponent scoops! It was such a fun win and the other players at the table were all watching it unfold! I did lose the next 2 rounds against other players but it was a great first couple wins for the round win! (My local TCG store does pioneer nights where it's 3 rounds with each round being best of 3.)


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96% Competitive

Date added 7 months
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 3 Mythic Rares

7 - 4 Rares

12 - 3 Uncommons

14 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.28
Tokens Angel 3/3 W, Human 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Pioneer Decks
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