Tomb of the Dusk Rose


Profane Procession  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tomb of the Dusk Rose

Legendary Land

(Transforms from Profane Procession.)

: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool.

, : Put a creature card exiled with this permanent onto the battlefield under your control.

EDH 281 / 47
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale feature for Lands of Magic
EDH 1 / 0
Queza, Augur of Agonies feature for Esper Draw

itsbuzzi on Pioneer Lands Data Base

4 years ago

Battlefield Forge, Caves of Koilos, Command Tower, Conqueror's Foothold, Crypt of the Eternals, Forest, Gingerbread Cabin, Gold-Forge Garrison, Grove of the Guardian, Holdout Settlement, Island, Llanowar Wastes, Lost Vale, Mountain, Plains, Primal Wellspring, Rupture Spire, Shimmering Grotto, Spires of Orazca, Swamp, Temple of Aclazotz, Tomb of the Dusk Rose, Treasure Cove, Wandering Fumarole, Wastes.

I used to give me a complete list of lands and subtraced what you had. I know Command Tower doesn't actually do anything but it's still legal. Do with that what you will. I also added the basics. They seem unnecessary but the addition of Wastes may be useful information.

Hope this helps!

multimedia on Vamps and Light

5 years ago

Hey, you're welcome. I like the changes.

My advice for the sideboard is plan it for control and midrange matchups and plan the main deck for aggro matchups. Aetherborn, Legion, Seeker, Feast with Destiny is how you beat aggro. Especially Legion/Destiny, the anthems because they help against Goblin Chainwhirler's ETB. I'll first give you a full broad sideboard to consider, then explain it.

This is a broad sideboard plan for overall Standard. It's not one that's specific, geared toward the exact meta you play in since I don't know that meta. If you need a more specific sideboard plan hopefully this broad plan can help you make one:

For control matchups there's Duress, Doomfall, Blood Fast and more Prophet. In control matchups worry less about anthems pumping your Vamps (don't have to worry about Chainwhirler) and don't worry about creature removal. Instead worry about preventing board wipes, having card advantage to match your control opponent and having discard to take your opponent's answers.

Four Duress because of Settle the Wreckage. This board wipe will wreck you if you don't have some answers for it. Thankfully, Settle can only be cast by your opponent after you attack meaning you can play Duress and take your opponent's Settle before you attack. If you can better prevent board wipes then you can get the city's blessing faster which makes Prophet amazing against control if left unanswered. Duress is not just for Settle it's also for Planeswalkers as they can be hard to beat especially Teferi. It's also a way to clear the way take your opponent's counterspell so you can resolve Blood Fast or Prophet.

Doomfall is additional discard that exiles. It can exile one of any nonland card in your opponent's hand, includes a creature such as a God. Very helpful to exile your control opponent's finisher. Another mode it has is you can choose instead to have your opponent exile a creature they control, good for lone finisher creatures like The Scarab God when your opponent taps out for the five drop God hoping to stop your attacking. Your white control opponent will sideboard in Lyra Dawnbringer if you can cast Doomfall before turn five then you can possibly exile her and if that fails then Doomfall gives you another mode to possibly exile her when she's on the battlefield.

Blood Fast is most likely your best sideboard card because of the life gaining theme of Vamps. Backed up with a lot of life gain can take over games. If left unanswered even without a life gain strategy it can take take over a game. It gives you a lot of card advantage for little mana investment. It's a two drop which is another reason to play it; it can most likely be played without being countered and if it is countered then you most likely have mana left over for the turn to play something else. Blood Fast and Prophet gives you four cards that if left unanswered their draw can take over a game.

Possible Control matchup sideboard plan:

    Into main deck
  • 4x Duress
  • 2x Doomfall
  • 2x Blood Fast
  • 1x Prophet

  • Out of main deck
  • 4x Destiny
  • 2x Seal
  • 2x Arrest
  • 1x Seeker

More Prophet, Procession, Blood Fast and Binding are for midrange matchups. Midrange matchups are the most likely matchups where a stalled board will happen and that's where Prophet and Procession shine because they get better, give you more advantage, the longer they're in play. Procession is additional exile removal for Gods and creatures. It can be repeatable exile of your opponent's creatures; exiling up to three creatures and then Tomb of the Dusk Rose becomes a bomb of card advantage with reanimation. Blood Fast is great to have in a stalled board situation because you're drawing more cards then your opponent thus you can find more answers to end the board stall. Prophet has flying which is nice when you're against black and green ground creatures.

2x Blood Fast, 2x Prophet and 2x Champion of Dusk and 1x Procession gives you a ton of card advantage against midrange. Binding is even more nonland permanent exile, it can shut down your opponent from playing another copy of a threat that's hard for you deal with such as Glorybringer, The Scarab God, Lyra Dawnbringer, even Chainwhirler, etc. Black and red can't destroy Binding to prevent this.

Possible Midrange matchup sideboard plan:

    Into main deck
  • 2x Blood Fast
  • 1x Prophet
  • 1x Binding
  • 1x Procession

  • Out of main deck
  • 4x Zealot
  • 1x Conquistador

My thoughts for midrange matchups is to go bigger with cards that can swing the matchup in your favor. Goblin Chainwhirler will still be a problem against a lot midrange decks therefore I've cut Zealot.

For aggro matchups you want more two drop removal that exiles. Seal is a good way to get annoying Scrapheap Scrounger off your back for two mana. Against aggro you want instant removal to answer Scrounger, Bomat Courier and top end Glorybringer, Gods. You want removal that can kill Chainwhirler, Gifted Aetherborn, but it doesn't have to be instant to kill these guys. The card in aggro matchups that will give you the most trouble is Heart of Kiran because Seal can't target it. Cast Out can, but it's really too slow. Thopter Arrest is for Heart and it can also exile Scrounger or a God. Thankfully, Heart is seeing a lot less play in Standard because of the huge presence of Abrade and Fatal Push. If you're facing a lot of Hearts in aggro matchups then you need to change your removal options against aggro. More Arrest instead of Seal or switch to Gideon's Reproach for the sideboard.

Possible Aggro matchup sideboard plan:

    Into main deck
  • 2x Seal

  • Out of main deck
  • 2x Champion

Only two cards, more exile removal from the sideboard because the main deck is already built to play against aggro. Champion is not good in aggro matchups, it's a five drop which is too high and doesn't gain you life, it makes you lose a lot of life which is consistently too risky. Other cards you could cut for aggro matchups are Prophet and Cast Out for low mana cost cards. Playing too many four drops can be a problem when against aggro. You want more early game plays to stay alive. Seeker and Feast are four drops that can potentially gain you life this makes them much more important than other four drops against aggro.

Forsake is in the sideboard for God-Pharaoh's Gift matchups. It's another instant exile answer to go along with Cast Outs. You want instant exile in Gift matchups because your opponent is going to get Gift into play during their turn, before combat of their turn. You want to be able to before your opponent goes to combat exile Gift. A lot sideboards rely on graveyard exile for Gift matchups and that's fine, but the main card you need to deal with is Gift because your opponent can still get it into play without their graveyard.

Forsake is also helpful in white matchups where you'll be against removal that's enchantments Seal and Cast Out. End of opponent's turn destroy one of these enchantments get your creature back and attack with it on your your turn. There's a lot of matchup situations where you want instant artifact/enchantment exile. One example is Mono blue artifacts it's a deck that's starting to get popular. Having a way to stop Aetherflux Reservoir at instant speed can prevent your opponent from killing you.

I just gave a pretty detailed broad sideboard with actual plans for three types of matchups (control, midrange and aggro), but honestly this is just the tip of the iceberg for sideboard theory. I hope this helps you. The sideboard is one of the most fun aspects of Magic; it's where real thinking needs to be done. For me the most satisfaction from wining a matchup comes from when I beat an opponent with sideboard tech. It's the best way to outwit your opponent and turn a matchup that's less favorable into a favorable one.