Sunscourge Champion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sunscourge Champion

Creature — Human Wizard

When Sunscourge Champion enters the battlefield, you gain life equal to its power.

Eternalize—, Discard a card. (, Discard a card, Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a token that's a copy of it, except it's a 4/4 black Zombie Human Wizard with no mana cost. Eternalize only as a sorcery.)

jakeelephant006 on

5 years ago

You should add more lands and more mana ramp. Your average CMC is over 4 and you only have 34 lands and 4-ish mana ramp cards. There are also some cards that don't make a ton of sense in here as they don't make tokens or don't synergize with them. Cards like Brago, King Eternal, Ixidron, Always Watching and kinda Blade of Selves and Ephara, God of the Polis don't seem to do much. I suppose Ephara draws you cards on your opponent's turn and could draw you some extra cards if you play an instant copy spell so she's alright. Blade of Selves doesn't make sense to me because the tokens don't stay around. I see a few decent ETB effects on creatures in the list but I honestly think Helm of the Host would be a better card in here. The helm makes tokens that stick and you could equip it to Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun to make multiple things unblockable each combat.

Also there seems to be a split between whether this deck wants to be a go big tokens deck or a go wide tokens deck. I suppose you can have both, but I would definitely lean towards going big and cut one of the two mono-white gods (probably Oketra). With that in mind I would look to add some Eternalize cards. Adorned Pouncer seems really good in here, as does Champion of Wits, Sinuous Striker, and Sunscourge Champion. Vizier of the Anointed would also be a card to consider if you add in some of the Eternalize cards. I would cut some of the less good go-wide cards for them.

Also adding in some card draw could be a good idea. You're pretty low on it right now.

So in sum, cut cards that don't make sense with the deck, add in more lands, ramp, and card draw, and maybe look into eternalizing some stuff.

mikexbustillos on In all their splendor!

5 years ago

Hey! I just tested a few games with it, and it got ran over pretty hard by aggro/burn decks.

Your creature curve is pretty harsh--only total of 6 creatures all the way up to the 3-slot. Authority of the Consuls is a good way to mitigate this a little bit, but not quite enough on its own. There are a handful of good white creatures out there in the 1-2-3 slot that could work with your ETB/Panharmonicon theme. Shield Mare, Sunscourge Champion, for example give you some more early plays, or even just a set of Seal Away or Baffling End to keep you alive until turn 5. Even a couple of Sacred Cats could go a long way to keeping you from dying to Bomat Courier. Knight of Grace could also be sweet--great blocker in the 2-slot. Since you're playing the Tribal bonuses in Radiant Destiny and Vanquisher's Banner (presumably putting them on Angel), you probably want Shalai, Voice of Plenty. Even without the ETB trigger, she is a great angel, and keeps your other angels hexproofed.

It's a cool shell, and a great synergy plan, but overall I found it a little inconsistent and very weak to aggressive decks. Maybe go down the one Bishop of Binding and go up the 4th Fairgrounds Warden.

In general, try to use more 4-ofs! If the card is central to the deck's strategy, play all 4 copies! If your curve is too high, then pick the one that works best. If Angel of Sanctions is your key gameplan, then use all 4 and go down the other angels that aren't AS good. This will just help your deck play more consistently--you'll get the drops you really want more often.

Then make a sideboard! Settle the Wreckage, Fumigate, some Invoke the Divine maybe. A couple of Ixalan's Binding wouldn't hurt probably.

Keep it up!

lewyniemcz on Mono-white Monument? (2nd at FNM!)

5 years ago

I've played a lot of Oketra's Monument decks since it was released and it looks very similar to mine from M19. I'd like to give you some ideas I've learned while playing it during FNM's and Showdowns.

Aviary Mechanic is insane in this deck. It allows to replay Cloudblazer, Militia Bugler for huge card advantage, bogunce Irrigated Farmland if you are flooding and if you have 2 in hand and Monument in play it pretty much allows you to make Warrior tokens for for as long as you have mana for it. I strongly believe 4 is a must in this deck.

Also Aven Wind Guide allows to gain this much needed reach in some matchups. Giving tokens flying was key in many matches, either to finish off opponent or defend against Heart of Kiran, Rekindling Phoenix, Glorybringer or Tempest Djinn. 1-2 of is very nice to have.

I've discovered that Dusk is rather nonbo with Benalish Marshal and it's more of a sideboard option. The same goes for Sunscourge Champion. Thopter Arrest is great removal option for mainboard as well.

multimedia on UW Angelic Control

5 years ago

Hey, this look good, I like this version. I like the combining of the control for the early game with the midrange Angels for the mid and late game. I also like the idea of clones with Angels, Vizier is an underrated card, but Mirror is only good here with Resplendent and Vizier is only good with Resplendent or copy an opponent's creature. Because of this I'm not sure if Mirror is worth including.

Unfortunately, coping Lyra or Shalai with a clone isn't good. You can't control two of the same Lyra or Shalai on the battlefield at the same time. For instance if copying Lyra since both Mirror Image and Vizier of Many Faces make an exact copy of Lyra including the legendary creature's name then the legendary rule applies when you copy Lyra. You can copy Lyra, but then you have have choose one and the other dies. Can't have two of the same Lyra or Shalai in your control at the same time.

Adding blue with Angels for counterspells is good, but blue also gives you draw and dig which is something that white lacks. Consider Anticipate and Supreme Will? There's some set-up required here to get the most out of the Angels. Anticipate or Will can help to find Lyra who is really the most important card for the strategy. Will for instance can be a counterspell or a dig spell turn three having this versatility is helpful. Both these spells can help to make your land drops each turn; making a land drop each turn until turn five to play Lyra.

Consider Cast Out instead of Binding? The cycling of Cast Out is really good for white because white lacks draw options. I also like that Cast Out is instant which is helpful in current Standard where there's so much powerful haste creatures and Heart of Kiran. Binding is a good sideboard card, until rotation I think Cast Out is more beneficial main deck.

A card I think is being overlooked with Resplendent is Renewed Faith. It seems good you can play it for three mana to gain 6 life and make a 4/4 Angel at the beginning of end of your end step or most importantly because it's an instant at the beginning of your opponent's end step. That's one of the most powerful parts of Resplendent's ability it can make an Angel at the beginning of both end steps as long as you gained 5+ life during the turn. Three mana at instant speed to gain 6 life and get a 4/4 Angel is pretty incredible value in aggro or midrange matchups. Faith is also another cycle card for white, more draw as well as life gain.

The big benefit of these clones is if the creature you copy has an ETB ability then the cloned copy gets this ETB ability. Good with Shield Mare and Sunscourge Champion, these creatures gain life when they ETB.

Have you been following some of the reveals from Guilds of Ravnica? One reveal is new artwork of Aurelia, the Warleader. Looks like she's going to be a big part of Boros Legion guild in the set. The GRN set symbol also looks like her pointed helmet, she could be a big part of not only Boros by the entire set. I can imagine that new Aurelia with Lyra and Resplendent is going to be great midrange fun :)

Perhaps think about brewing a Boros version of Angels to prepare for Guilds of Ravnica? Azorius is unfortunately not a guild in Guilds of Ravnica have to wait until Jan. 2019 for Azorius.

Good luck with your deck.

Kjartan on

6 years ago

Path to Exile instead of Time to Reflect would be nice. If path is too expensive Condemn is also an option.

With no fetch shock package and this many taplands, you should prbably only play 3 colors, but which color to cut, I don't know.

Cut down on your enchantments. They don't do anything the turn they are played, and they take too long for you to get back your value. Also cut down a bit on Embalmer's Tools the card if fine the context of the deck, but having 4 is still pretty clunky.

Champion of Wits, Sunscourge Champion, and maybe Anointer Priest would be good, as main cards for the deck.

Lightning Bolt, Lightning Helix, Snapcaster Mage, Negate, Mana Leak, and Electrolyze are just some viable options if you want to get more interactive, which you should, to some extent.

Faithless Looting, Serum Visions, and Thought Scour are a couple cards that can help you with set-ups.

The worst cards in your creature-base right now are Heart-Piercer Manticore, because it requires you to have another creature with the right amount of power to take out their creature to work, and it's a 4 drop that dies to bolt. Heart-Piercer Manticore because it's got awful stats, and is only good when you are really far ahead. Kami of the Crescent Moon because your opponent gets to benefit from it before you do, it costs 2 blue, and doesn't support your general strategy.

Skinken on Selesnya Exertion

6 years ago

Wow, I haven't been on untap lately, but the arguments about this deck turned pretty interesting. I would like to state my opinion.

First off, HeavyR, Shapers' Sanctuary does work with Blossoming Defense. Your opponent casts say Lightning Strike on your creature, then the sanctuary trigger goes on the stack. You can respond to the trigger by casting Blossoming Defense on your creature. Now let's resolve the stack: first the Blossoming Defense grants the creature +2/+2 and hexproof, then you draw a card from Shapers' Sanctuary, then the Lightning Strike looks to see if it's targets are all still valid. They aren't since the creature has hexproof and thus it fizzles.

While we are at it, let's make another correction: FlabbyAbs said there are no Overruns in standard. We actually have exactly a powered down overrun in Overcome. Is this something you want in your deck? I don't know how your deck tends to play out when facing other standard decks, but if you often sit on 3-6 creatures but no window to attack, then sure. If you have trouble sticking more than 2 creatures on the board don't even consider it. I would also like to think Overcome is simply better than Engineered Might.

Personally I'm a huge fan of Heroic Intervention, but only as a 1 or 2-off. I was lucky enough to draft two of them in an Aether Revolt draft last year and I went undefeated. The strength of the card lies in it's ability to take care of a lot of problems your creatures might encounter: Blockers, Attackers, Removal and Wraths. I would include a copy mainboard, and maybe one in the sideboard as well. Blossoming Defense just keeps perfoming in the games i've seen it. In my opinion it's the only card worth splashing green for, and I would prolly run the full playset if you don't run Heroic Intervention. If you run heroic, I would run a 3-1 split between the two. Cut Sheltering Light, it's just a way shittier card than the two great green options.

Lifecrafter's Bestiary is a really good card, and in a slow control game it's totally insane. It's a sideboard card for sure, but a VERY good one. The scry is already great and the card advantage is completely stupid after drawing 4-10 cards. It also synergizes with Oketra's Monument. How? Well, both cards big weakness is Abrade. The way to counter a specific removal type is to run no targets for it or way too many targets to handle anyway. While we are on the topic of Oketra's Monument, i see no reason not to run 4. The only downside is the legendary tag, but I can't think of a case where you wouldn't want it. With bestiary it becomes "Whenever you play a creature, put a 1/1 warrior token onto the battlefield, then draw a card", since the discount and extra price counteract eachother. Good stuff.

I guess I have to state my opinion on Shapers' Sanctuary and Authority of the Consuls. I don't agree with the point that bringing down the curve makes the deck more aggresive. When neither of the cards impact the board, it's a no-tempo play. Authority is great against mono-red but the purpose HeavyR presents is to delay every blocker your opponent plays by one turn. While I agree with HeavyR that you should have a way to deal with blockers, there are honestly tons of ways to do this. Angel of Sanctions removes a blocker twice, while also developing your own board. Surprisingly many decks don't play a lot of creatures early anyway. And you deal with counterattacks very well by having vigilance from Radiant Destiny and tokens form Oketra's Monument. I would say that blockers is not really your big concern with your current list. Shapers' Sanctuary is a little more tricky. Remember that it's only good if it draws 3+ card. Drawing one you might as well just play a card with cycling, and two cards for is fine but not really impressive. And this is if you draw it on turn one, wich you are unlikely to only do. Ask yourself: If I play this on turn six, can I still expect to draw at least 2 cards? If that's the case it's awesome. If not it's a lot worse than just running Dissenter's Deliverance or something like that.

I will move on to the maybeboard and some mainboard creatures now, since you asked for it. But first remember this is my opinion on your deck. Whether to run one creature or another comes down to three things: How much you should play it, how well it actually performs and how much you want to play it. If you are really competitive the last one doesn't apply but either way I can only supply you with the first one. Here are my thoughts either way ;)

Tocatli Honor Guard is amazing... If you were your opponent. But you are unlikely going to damage your opponent more than yourself. In fact, this is the kinda deck I would love to play Torpor Orb against, seems stupid to develop it yourself.

Maulfist Revolutionary is usually a surpricingly good card, and the 3/3 trample is pretty nice in itself. If you stack the triggers right you can even play it as a followup to a turn 2 Metallic Mimic to get a 5/5 trample. However, it seems very inconsistent especially with the . I would not play this.

Narnam Renegade fits into the same caterogy: pretty good when it works, but it doesn't so it's not good enough. You don't trigger revolt often enough to make it worth it, and your deck does not need a deathtoucher (no Pounce/Prey Upon/Nature's Way to abuse it).

I like the idea of Trueheart Duelist. It's a good blocker, but mostly it's a recurring creature and a token. If you include a playset you might wanna consider running a single Anointed Procession as well. By now you have enough good tokens to justify it.

Rhonas's Stalwart is a pretty cool idea, but the card is mediocre. If you want to play warriors, Bitterblade Warrior used to be a powerhouse in limited. You know what else used to be a limited powerhouse though? Gust Walker. It's sadly not a warrior but on every other level it's almost strictly better than Stalwart. This would be my choice for two-drops 9 and 10, after Metallic Mimic and Glory-Bound Initiate.

The reason to play Sunscourge Champion would be to gain life while playing creatures. Ask yourself: Why do I need 2-6 life? The answer would most likely be: I don't. There is another reason to play it, but that would require a different deck. However, if we for a moment pretend you already play 4x Oketra's Monument instead of two and also choose to play 4x Trueheart Duelist and 1-2x Anointed Procession it is very good. It helps avoid getting flooded with legendary Monuments, and it also has the potential to be doubled, wich is insane. This would be a big detour from your deck, so I'm not sure this is something you want. It's a great sideboard card though, because you might suddenly be in a spot where lifepoints are very dear to you.

Last note: some sideboard cards seem odd. Ahn-Crop Champion seems weak, even though it does help combat enchantment-removal by being a creature version of Radiant Destiny. Ashes of the Abhorrent is only good against Torrential Gearhulk since it also hurts your own angels. Engineered Might I already mention, and lastly Restoration Specialist seems bad. I get the idea, but you might as well just run some more of the enchantments you want back from the graveyard, and it's not a human nor a warrior.

The deck has improved greatly already, so great job! I hope my suggestions are less of an annoyance than a help, I know my comments tend to be on the long side ;)

razelfark on God-Pharaoh's Ascension

6 years ago

I have to say what you came up with is very interesting and I like seeing Tilonalli's Summoner find some use. I don't have a lot of experience with GPG deck types or the refurbish deck strats, so unsure what all to suggest at this point.

I do think Radiant Destiny might be unnecessary and can lead to dead turn usage when we could be playing cards to further combo or activate special cards like Summoner. The deck is also light on creatures to make a card like Destiny really feel value. May suggest adding Sunscourge Champion or a gearhulk to main board to replace the card as quick fix.

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