Storm Fleet Aerialist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Storm Fleet Aerialist

Creature — Human Pirate


Raid - Storm Fleet Aeralist enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it if you attacked with a creature this turn.

Murphy77 on

5 years ago

There are a number of cards that I would like to suggest, but it will involve moving from aggro to control. With a bit more creature kill, Dead Man's Chest would certainly add value. Thief of Sanity over Hostage Taker gives a permanent exile to play rather than until this card leaves the battlefied. Bladebrand can come in to get rid of a big blocker.

I think that I would want to replace Blight Keeper and Storm Fleet Aerialist with Aether Tunnel , Dead Man's Chest , Bladebrand or Cast Down , but doing so would change the focus of the deck toward / control.

Old_Man on Sphinx Surveillance Network

5 years ago

@ SnowLeo I think you should take out Storm Fleet Aerialist and get +1 Healer's Hawk and Nightveil Sprite both help you in these situation (one with gainig life and the other with finding your pieces of removal/anthem) and you will way better playing them as your top for most part. That free 1 could make a Lyra into the main because from my experience If she comes you are most of time more than just safe. You could also take one of your 4 drops for another Dovin (gaining life from him and getting yourself safe because he takes some attention make nice combination) but he is more dependant on how much chainwhirler will be played. One more thing, life gaining threats works better that Settle the Wreckage especially vs mono red (they sometimes play Banefire and Frenzy aggro is always floating). Hope it helps a little!

BlaineTog on Can't Touch This -- $11 Mono-Blue Unblockable

5 years ago


That could work, but Warkite Marauder would be strictly better (and it's only $1 a copy, too, so it wouldn't explode the budget or anything). I've found Daring Saboteur to be really good but you do sometimes have to hold off on attacking with it for a turn or two. Marauder would be a more aggressive choice; I specifically avoided including flyers in this deck so we could still attack through other decks with flyers, but Marauder is kinda ok against those decks as well since it can turn enemy flyers off.

That said, now that we have the full GRN spoilers, I've started coming to the conclusion that this deck may need to be back-burnered for now. Losing Slither Blade and Unsummon is a big deal and we don't have great replacements coming from GRN. As such, switching over to full Flyers is probably just the way to go, as Favorable Winds and Tempest Djinn are amazing payoffs for that deck and you aren't quite so dependent on small tempo plays. Something like:

4x Siren Stormtamer

4x Artificer's Assistant

4x Warkite Marauder

4x Storm Fleet Aerialist

3x Nightveil Sprite

4x Tempest Djinn

4x Favorable Winds

4x Lookout's Dispersal

3x Unexplained Disappearance

4x Chart a Course

22x Island

That's just off the cuff, of course, but a deck like that would probably just play better overall.

razelfark on Mono Blue Fliers

6 years ago

I would suggest adding the Aether Swoopers the Goldfish deck had back in. This way you have more artifact options for Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp. To make room for this card I would suggest cutting Nimble Obstructionist or Curator of Mysteries. The reason I suggest these as potential cut options is to help reduce the mana cost of duck to make cards like Storm Fleet Aerialist be able to be played with the raid trigger easier and allow you to get more creatures on the board faster so Favorable Winds has more impact.

Best of luck with the deck.

Gim on

6 years ago

If thats all youre missing from the list then Storm Fleet Aerialist can fill the spot.

Supahpikmin on Booty Bandits

6 years ago

Deciding what to take out to put in rigging runner will take some testing. The prime candidate i'd pick is Fanatical Firebrand because a 2/2 on turn 1 is just too good to pass up in my opinion. You'll have to see how much removal you end up with after refining your deck and decide if it's worth keeping Firebrand over something with more removal influence like Walk the Plank, or some 2-drop pirates, like Kitesail Freebooter or Storm Fleet Aerialist.

Smartteam on Flyrates

6 years ago

thank you Mice_Overseer and razelfark for the awesome feedback!

I will test replacing Radiant Destiny with Curious Obsession.

I love the advice on replacing Siren Lookout with some permutation of Kitesail Freebooter and Storm Fleet Aerialist thanks for the 2 drop reco's - will test now.

razelfark, I'd love to listen to more ideas!!

Thanks again.

razelfark on Flyrates

6 years ago

Interesting deck idea you have going here. I am always a fan of flying pirates and other favorable winds style decks.

My problem with your design is that you really have no need for Radiant Destiny as it just complicates your mana base and slows you down for having too many anthem effects. The card slot would be better off changing some form of board control like Fatal Push, Lightning Strike, or Lookout's Dispersal.

Another card I am not to fond of is Siren Lookout. For a three cost potential 2/3 flier, it is lacking for an aggro deck. I would cut in favor of more Kitesail Freebooter and/or Storm Fleet Aerialist . Reason for the Aerialist is that as a 2 cost for same base stats and is easy enough to make it trigger as a 2/3. It also being that one mana cheaper helps you agress faster by being able to drop more on the board sooner.

As for side deck I always make sure to have Lost Legacy when I play black just because there are enough combo decks being played and/or Second Sun decks. Being able to remove a key card to a combo or a card that just says I win the game (Approach of the Second Sun) on turn 3 is usually going to make things a lot easier.

I have a few more suggestions, but not the time to post atm. If you are interested I will try to post them later.

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