Nantuko Shade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Nantuko Shade

Creature — Insect Shade

: Nantuko Shade gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

DreadKhan on Power Word Death

9 months ago

Dread Shade is nice, Shades usually love Dark Ritual, many players from 'back in the day' can tell you about games being decided by a couple Shades and some Dark Rituals. I remember liking Nantuko Shade a lot when I was younger.

legendofa on Pumpy Town

1 year ago

For Nantuko Shade, pumping after blockers are declared is a valid and legal strategy. The activated ability has no timing restrictions, so it can be used any time an instant spell could be cast. This timing includes after blockers are declared, but before damage is dealt.

For the singing, I can't help you there. Maybe a kick to the shin under the table? (DISCLAIMER: Violence and physical aggression should never be used to solve disputes at the table. Always be respectful of the people around you.)

Astrud on Pumpy Town

1 year ago

Hello, can my friend attack me with 4 Nantuko Shade and after I declare blockers he pumps only the one I couldn't block hitting me in the face. He calls it his pumpy town deck. It's infuriating and I don't think it feels right. Feels like he should have to pump before attacking but in my defense it has been 8 years since I've played. Possibly the worse part of all this is he sings "won't you take me to Pumpy Town" frequently while playing and attacking me. Pumping after blockers are chosen can't be a thing, can it?

RockIV on

1 year ago

Maybe Nantuko Shade its a bad idea, without the Dark Ritual

RockIV on (HELP) monoblack removal casual need …

1 year ago

New Version of the Deck Rocks Monoblack creature removal

Changed the Deck. tried to get it cheaper and more optimal. Some cards end up in the sideboard/maybeboard: For example the Dark Ritual end didnt make the final version. I actually dont like the desicion but it might be the best. Their mission was to help me to cast the Black Sun's Zenith ( i only put two of them, maybe its just very little, maybe there have to be 4 o 3 at least) and the Phyrexian Obliterator.i knew that i was going to add more lands to the deck ( i have 22 now, maybe 1 more?), also i add the Phyrexian Arena, and in addition to the Skeletal Scrying there are 5 cards that help me to draw, so i thought that will make the Rituals not that usefull. i may be wrong. I also add some cheap creatues like the Nantuko Shade, i perefer them instead of the Vampire Nighthawk and the Geralf's Messenger. Maybe the nantuko arent the best option, but they are cheaper and they can pump up. I still need to think about that. i added the Avatar of Woe because i always like it. But i have only one, it may never appear. Maybe another land or another Nantuko Shade would be better. i added Lashwrithe because of the number of swamps i was going to have. I love Unmake but i didnt put it, because i wanted to leave the deck as cheap as possible. added Tendrils of Corruption. so i have : 22 Lands, 5 cards that help me to Draw, 4 Discard, 18 removal, 14 creatures ( 3 of them are equipments too).

So whats the opinion now about the deck? any improvement?

Thx to everyon that read this :D

RockIV on

1 year ago

Changed the Deck. tied to get if cheap and more optimal. Some card end up in the sideboard/maybeboard: For example the Dark Ritual end didnt make the final version. I actually dont like the desicion but it might be best. Their mission was to help me to cast the Black Sun's Zenith ( i only put two of them, maybe its just very little, maybe there have to be 4 o 3 at least) and the Phyrexian Obliterator.i knew that i was going to add more lands to the deck ( i have 22 now, maybe 1 more?), also i add the Phyrexian Arena, and in addition to the Skeletal Scrying there are 5 cards that help me to draw, so i thought that will make the Rituals not that usefull. i may be wrong. I also add some cheap creatues like the Nantuko Shade, i perefer them instead of the Vampire Nighthawk and the Geralf's Messenger. Maybe the nantuko arent the best option, but they are cheaper and they can pump up. I still need to think about that. i added the Avatar of Woe because i always like it. But i have only one, it may never appear. Maybe another land or another Nantuko Shade would be better. i added Lashwrithe because of the number of swamps i was going to have. I love Unmake but i didnt put it, because i wanted to leave the deck as cheap as possible. added Tendrils of Corruption. so i have : 22 Lands, 5 cards that help me to Draw, 4 Discard, 18 removal, 14 creatures ( 3 of them are equipments too).

So whats the opinion now about the deck? any improvement?

Thx to everyon that read this :D

notjinzo on Mono-Black Creatures

3 years ago

A fun deck that always gets 1 or 2 wins out. Cabal Coffers is what makes this deck work, and if I can't get that out I use Crypt Ghast, I was thinking of putting Magus of the Coffers in the sideboard but this seems to work as is, mainly because Nantuko Shade makes for a great opener to last until I can get enough mana for something a little bit more stronger. Undead Gladiator helps out with card draw as well. Open to suggestions or ideas.

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