Into the Fire

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Into the Fire


Choose one —

  • Into the Fire deals 2 damage to each creature, planeswalker and battle.
  • Put any number of cards from your hand on the bottom of your library, then draw that many cards plus one.

Icaruskid on Imagine Dragons | Budget Rosnakht [PRIMER]

2 months ago

khayoz Great questions!

So in the current "combo" build the priority is finding a Transmogrify spell as fast as possible. This means card draw, card draw, card draw, leaving very little room for interactive spells, in fact maybe only 2 or 3 slots total are optional. I even got rid of my hand fixers Into the Fire, Fire Prophecy, and Volcanic Spite for better card draw spells to avoid consistency issues/whiffing.

So putting in removal like Wild Magic Surge and others is probably prudent but here's the challenge: take away too many Heroic spells and the deck doesn't go off at all for lack of kobold token targets. Take away draw spells and you can't find Transmogrify spells. So adding more interaction may undermine the all-in combo build's winning chances.

With mono red I think leaning into the risk/reward style is the only way to play to win. That's why I run Zada in the list because even if you are a little behind on turn 8 or have to rebuild from scratch, a single Transmogrify targeting her can drop 10 dragons on the board out of nowhere. Yes that's great explosive potential but notice how it's about consistency too. I didn't get 2 dragons on turn 4 but I got 10 of them from a combo move on turn 8 = similar outcome.

As far as dealing with removal, single target isn't a threat at all because we can play our commander with tax, a Heroic spell, and likely have the deck velocity to land multiple threats a turn. As usual it's board wipes that are the critical test. The best way to play around this is not to go all in and play every Heroic spell so that the wipe leaves you creatureless and with no cards in hand. Pace yourself. Play two Heroic spells so you have 2-3 kobolds ready and wait for the right time to strike against the control player.

The best cards here are repeatable Transmog effects like Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast and Fireflux Squad so you can keep playing threats every turn. And because nearly half the deck is card draw, rebuilding your hand kind of built-in.

Power Level is tough. This list is tuned. If I spent $50 on a precon and added $50 of upgrades I'm not sure I would win as much as this deck does in my casual $100 budget pods. But it's not oppressive, unfun to play against, or impossible to disrupt either. In fact this build is a little more of a glass cannon than go wide aggro builds. Maybe 6 or 7?

When there is no perfect answer, I think it all really comes down to taste. Combo can whiff. Voltron is even more glass cannon than aggro or combo. Aggro can run out of steam, lack threat level altogether or may have the hardest time rebuilding after multiple board wipes. That's why for me, taking the win percentage out of the equation and focusing on whether the style I'm playing is fun is important. And for me the answer was very flavor focused on seeing tiny kobolds transform into deadly dragons. Win or lose its cool to pull off!

jawz on BR Dirge for Drivnod

3 months ago

I saw a list trying to get value from Generous Plunderer and Bloodvial Purveyor as targets for the Lively Dirge. Plunderer has become my favorite ramp card recently so I'm in. Donating all these artifacts to the opponent helps maximize the Plunderer damage trigger which the Bloodletter doubles. Plunderer ramping from 2 to 4 seems better than Goldhound ramping from 1 to 3 given the deck doesn't have many 3 drops but has a lot of key 4 drops.

Purveyor is a nasty clock as a 5/6 flying trample for 4. Especially in a Bloodletter deck. Jaxis, the Troublemaker is a scary combo piece too for Purveyor or Plunderer.

I also felt like Drivnod's double death trigger ability was getting forgotten, so I looked around a bit for possible synergy cards. Body Launderer and Mask of Griselbrand caught my eye. Giving them a try too.

I decided to move away from the Bitter Reunion for Into the Fire instead. I have plenty of 2 drops but few 3 drops. Fire gives me more digging and at least an option for a small sweeper against wide aggro decks. Without the Goldhound I'm less cautious about sweepers. And I'm ok with putting some of my 2 drops into the graveyard because I can rely on Dirge to get a couple back. I don't think I need the Reunion's haste option as much as I originally thought I would.

Optimator on Anarchy Burger

10 months ago

Spiteful Banditry - ramp and a mini-wrath. Seems pretty good

Gimli, Counter of Kills - has the potential to deal certain opponents a lot of damage. Good for board wipes. Is Dwarf

Fiery Inscription - strong instant/sorcery synergy!

Erebor Flamesmith - some more bonus damage. Is dwarf

Fear, Fire, Foes! - decent multiplicative damage.

Display of Power - strong copier, if you're looking for more

Wrenn's Resolve and Reckless Impulse - quality cheap impulse-draw in Red. Doesn't get too much better than this for it's cost. Well worth noting

Nahiri's Warcrafting - weird removal/impulse-draw hybrid. Worth noting

Into the Fire - another modal damager/card selector. Seems all right

Invasion of Karsus  Flip - mini wrath that turns into an instant/sorcery payoff. Not terrible

Invasion of Regatha  Flip - mini Torbran!

Invasion of Kaldheim  Flip - pretty decent card advantage on both sides, plus damage. Well worth noting

Chandra, Hope's Beacon - probably too difficult to defend planeswalkers in this deck, but this one has all the synergy

Bloodfeather Phoenix - probably doesnt fit the deck perfectly, but it has the synergy. Better in 1v1

Curse of Opulence - very strong ramp, can get some heat off of you

Azoth2099 on Kaalia's Treasure Trove

1 year ago


Nice Kaalia of the Vast list! Loving some of these picks, like Rune-Scarred Demon, Burning-Rune Demon, Vilis, Broker of Blood, Hoarding Broodlord & Ancient Copper Dragon.

I've found that a mix of Reanimator and Stax is the best way to not only keep the deck from being overtaken, but to also increase it's resiliency & reduce it's reliance on it's Commander cheating Creatures into play to get the wheels spinning, as the deck itself cheats them into play intrinsically with the Commander's effect adding extra spice for a very focused yet multipronged strategy. Far more powerful & consistent than doubling up on triggers as a deck philosophy imo.

Underworld Breach, Entomb, Buried Alive, Unmarked Grave, Persist, Reanimate, & Final Parting are all crazy good in this context. Certain key Stax pieces like Opposition Agent, Dauthi Voidwalker, Drannith Magistrate & Grand Abolisher will stop whatever your opponents are trying to do while you advance.

Razaketh, the Foulblooded is way too good not to include in the list, though. It's synergy with Dockside Extortionist can straight up win you the game immediately if you have enough life to pay for combo assembly in this theoretical Reanimator build. I'd also recommend Ancient Gold Dragon, as it gives you insane board pressure in addition to nuking everyone in conjunction with Dragon Tempest. Sneak Attack is also empowered in this Reanimator approach, especially with the emphasis on ETBs.

I think the deck needs a bit more card draw & Tutors, though, especially for the budget. Vampiric Tutor, Enlightened Tutor & Gamble just got reprinted, so they're decently cheap right now. Scroll Rack, Sensei's Divining Top, Esper Sentinel, Archivist of Oghma, Dark Confidant, Dark Tutelage & of course Necropotence are worth consideration. Tectonic Reformation could also be very powerful here considering how many lands you're running. Cards like Valakut Awakening  Flip & Into the Fire can be deceptively powerful with other utility outside of just drawing cards.

Lastly, I'd recommend both Mother of Runes & Giver of Runes. Excellent protection.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on March of the Machine

1 year ago

The fact that Ancient Imperiosaur can be a free 20/20 is kind of hilarious to me. Pairing it with something like Xenagos, God of Revels or Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus to one shot a player for 40 life seems like a fun achievement to attempt.

City on Fire looks like a strictly better Fiery Emancipation in most decks.

Sheoldred is a house. Not sure if she is better than Rise of the Dark Realms but she is a supercharged The Eldest Reborn which does see a fair amount of commander play.

Into the Fire looks a like a new red staple and Pile On looks like a new black staple.

I know that they probably no longer have the license for it, but the fact the Kogla and Yidaro didn't get Godzilla alternate art of King Kong and Godzilla is criminal in my opinion.

I do find it a little odd that the pre-con commanders clash with the main set somewhat. Like some of the interesting convoke cards and phyrexians/incubate cards can't be played in their respective pre-cons. It's not a huge deal, but not being able to play Pile On and Hoarding Broodlord in the Jeskai convoke deck or Glissa, Herald of Predation in the Orzhov Phyrexian/Incubate deck bothers me a little.

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