Deem Worthy

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Deem Worthy


Deem Worthy deals 7 damage to target creature.

Cycling [[symbol:3] (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

When you cycle Deem Worthy, you may have it deal 2 damage to target creature.

Enral on ⟳ Deckcycle | Gavi Primer

4 years ago

JimPurbrick: Excellent idea for reality shift, I'm digging it. I've just replaced Deem Worthy with it to test it out.

CyborgAeon on Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

5 years ago

NoOneOfConsequence shirei is one of the best recursion engines (so if you're beating a dead horse, at least we can expect it from a Shirei player). He provides significant advantage, provided you play an efficient & synergistic gameplan.

Bottle Gnomes is a guaranteed 3 life per turn. This does not advance your gameplan, nor does it tax your opponents. This card is cute, I'll give you that, but it's excessive.

Liliana's Shade is 4 mana to tutor for a swamp every turn. Neat, but still it's 4 mana - unless you're going balls to the wall on 28-30 lands, I can't see how this is great for you, as it's an inefficient Skittering Surveyor . You have no other Swamp cards that I can see, therefore no reason to actually run the card in place of a more efficient version.

Black Market is great turn by turn, but pound for pound it's worse than Pitiless Plunderer , as with plunderer you make mana the same turn. Black market requires you to wait an entire turn-cycle before it does anything - and in those 3 turns you're not holding up mana to respond to all of your opponent's threats - basically gambling with the hope of a payoff on your turn.

Sanguine Bond & Exquisite Blood together are 10 mana to win. Flash-hulk is 2 mana. Exsanguinate & Torment of Hailfire are at least 15 each & they don't certify a win as you have no way to make unbounded mana.

You could run, but choose not to use Scroll Rack , one of your best options for card advantage.

Your tutor suite seems to aim to find more pieces to your stax-engine. Have you considered running more tutors? Using Imperial Seal , Grim Tutor ,

Leyline of the Void is unavoidable in this build, as your win con is not coming out until late game, and any hulk deck will win first.

It's admirable that you've found so many creatures that synergise with shirei to hurt your opponents turn by turn. But here, a lot of these are redundant. In a stax deck you need many more ways to hurt your opponent decks. Including Trinisphere , Sphere of Resistance , Winter Orb , would all help your gameplan.

You could use Praetor's Grasp - as it's likely to find a card that will actually win you the game & it's a stax piece.

There are a lot of issues with your list - those t3 decks are usually decks that are unproven (imo). Your shirei deck still needs a lot of refinement for tier 3 to Deem Worthy .

I could go on about many of the other options in your Shirei build, but maybe you should re-read the comments section. I made sure to put a healthy set of options in there for you to consider several days ago.

I'd recommend doing some solid research into the cEDH meta and how cutthroat every design decision needs to be. I think there's a discord called playEDH, or look for some cEDH decks to test against. You'll find out very fast that your shirei build may be good in some metas, but in cEDH it is not enough.

Xanitsu on Jesus, Child of God Tribal

6 years ago

There was a rule change so child does hit the grave then goes back to the command zone so you don't need the grave recursion part so much. Also when I was playing indestructible board clears with the gods the deck wasn't consistent and the gods did nothing most of the time. So if you are making it tribal gods cut anything that isn't supporting the gods. Child is ok to run but you need a way to support it better, you would need a way to kill Child of Alara yourself because if that is your only board clear how will you trigger it when you want to or need to. Also there are a ton of exile cards that totally will make your deck have a bad day, so some more protection cards and counters wouldnt be a bad idea. Also you need mana ramp either in the form of artifacts or green ramp spells the deck is too slow without them and not getting the colors you need is the worst despite a solid land base.

I would cut Impetuous Sunchaser, Nobilis of War, Zurgo Helmsmasher, Heart-Piercer Manticore, Deus of Calamity, Colossus of Akros, Supernatural Stamina, Fling, Deem Worthy, Agent of Erebos, Soul of New Phyrexia, Barrin's Spite. These cards have the least synergy with the deck.

If you want This is what I am doing with mine. I didn't post my new child board clear deck but i can for more idea's.

Vortain on R/G Warrior Aggro

6 years ago

I think this needs a fair amount of work. I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, so take what I say with a grain of salt, knowing many others could give you far better advice.

I think you have a few different things you are trying to do:

However, there's so much going on, I don't think most of these things will happen consistently. You only have 1 of each of the cards mentioned above, ensuring that you'll rarely see them played (especially the Zeal combo, which isn't that good to begin with).

I think you should just focus on a few things, mainly Warriors, Exhaust, and the Haste ability, as I think that's what you want your deck to mainly be. The suggestions I make are mainly using exactly what you have, only pulling a few cards from elsewhere.

I'd say get rid of the following:

  • Trial of Zeal - It's not an instant, and it only deals 3 damage. Getting the combo off with Cartouche of Zeal is unpredictable. I'd much rather see 4 Hungry Flames in your deck, where you can clear their minions out, and deal a bit of extra damage to the player.
  • Open Fire - Again, Hungry Flames is better here, as your focus is creatures dealing damage, so just having the option to deal 1 extra damage to the player seems like a huge loss, verses the ability to clear out their creatures and deal damage to the player. Additionally, Shock seems like a much better card at only 1 red mana, if you want more Instant damage.
  • Grapeshot - You have a lot of mid to high costing cards, so at most you may get 1 extra damage with this consistently. Again, for 1 red mana, Shock trumps this (in your deck).

These I'd sideboard, maybe:

  • Bitterbow Sharpshooters - They are situational, probably best if you know you are going against blue/white or someone with flying. Otherwise, the high cost and lack of synergy is hard to justify.
  • Deem Worthy and Shivan Meteor - Both cost a lot to have as part of your core, and not very useful if you are going up a blue control deck, or aggro deck (again Shock and Hungry Flames would be useful in most all situations.) However, if you know they are packing some large creatures, then I'd stick with Meteor since it has a ton more damage, even though it lacks cycling and demands 2 red. If they have large creatures, you definitely rather overkill in case they can pump them.
  • Hijack - Simply put, it's situational. Sideboard when you know you are going up against heavy artifact/vehicle decks. Otherwise, something that straight up destroys artifacts might be better (there's a red card that destorys X artifacts, I think, and that would probably work better in your side board. It could really cripple an artifact deck).

These I like but not sure about:

  • Majestic Myriarch - I like this card a lot, but am playing it in a deck where I only have four five-cost creatures, a few three-cost, and the rest 1 and 2 cost. I don't think it fits well here, but with some changes it might. And you might play with it and find I'm very wrong. Try it and see how it plays out. If he can copy Haste and Double Strike, he could do well consistently.
  • Throne of the God-Pharaoh - I get the idea behind this, but I'm simply not sure if it works in practice. Play with 2 or 3 in your deck (to make sure you see if regularly) and see how it works out. Get rid of it if the damage in negligible.
  • Hazoret's Monument - I do like this in your deck, and probably would play with 2 or 3, but ditch it if it doesn't seem that helpful. But since you have so many red and red/green cards, it seems like it'd do well.
  • Garruk's Horde - It's expensive and only kinda useful if you can get it out. Maybe Cultivator of Blades would be a better option. Again, this one you'd have to test.

These I think you could choose one or the other:

  • Hooded Brawler or Khenra Scrapper or Ahn-Crop Crasher- These cards are nice in their own respect. I think the weakest is Hooded Brawler, mainly because he doesn't have haste and can be blocked. If you find you consistently get him out with Bloodlust Inciter to haste him, then maybe keep him. Otherwise, I'd choose Khenra and Ahn, and you should play 2, 3, or 4 of each. Ahn I think is especially strong.
  • Rubblebelt Raiders or Frontline Devastator both I like for different reasons. I think Rubblebelt is the better choice. Play 3 or 4 of them.

Things I like:

  • Samut, the Tested - This I think could pull off some beautiful combos with haste creatures, especially Ahn-Crop Crasher. Probably would add 1 more, maybe 2.
  • Lovisa Coldeyes - He fits the theme well, I'd just add more of him.
  • Bloodlust Inciter - Fits your theme well, gives haste, works as a chump blocker, works on curve. I'd probably want to have 3 or 4.
  • Prowling Serpopard - Didn't know about this, seems incredibly helpful. Might be situational though, and maybe should be side boarded. If you are going against blue, you want this. Otherwise, something like, Sheltering Word or Blossoming Defense would probably be good in all situations as it protects against direct damage spells, -1/-1 counter spells, etc where as Serpopard does not.
  • Khenra Scrapper - Seems like he could be pretty strong when you want to by pass creatures, especially in combo with Ahn-Crop Crasher and Bitterblade Warrior

Final thoughts

That's probably way more than you wanted (if you wanted any criticism) but I hope it's helpful. I think the main thing is to focus on Haste and Warriors and/or Exhaust. I think you just need to increase the card count you have on some cards. Here's a quick mock up I did, though I didn't spend a ton of time on it. The main thing you'll notice is I increased card counts on cards I liked, and sideboarded anything I felt was more situational. I also slightly adjusted the Mountain/Forest ratio.

R/G Warrior Aggro Suggestions

MindAblaze on What happened to Neheb?

6 years ago

But the card Glorious End doesn't show you what happens at the end of the Trial of Zeal. The card that shows that is Deem Worthy, so unless that's not Neheb in the art for Glorious End someone chose him for other reasons.

CursedNobleman on HOU Prerelease

6 years ago

I normally don't play Control decks, but I made a Grixis Control deck here. Three total, one to a pair Aven of Enduring Hope exhausting my removal, and two to On-Tempo Archfiend of Ifnir/Mana Drought.

Any suggestions or advice? My mana curve skewed mostly to 3-5:


Unquenchable Thirst

Cartouche of Knowledge

Essence Scatter

Burning-Fist Minotaur

Banewhip Punisher

Splendid Agony

Lethal Sting

Supreme Will

Khenra Scrapper

Open Fire

Trial of Knowledge

Wildfire Eternal

Lurching Rotbeast

Torment of Venom

Frontline Devastator


Deem Worthy

Final Reward x2

Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh

Desert of the Glorified

Ramunap Ruins

Desert of the Mindful

5:5:5 Island:Mountain:Swamp

Deltis on Ifnir's Creation

7 years ago

@Moby_Copperfield, with the right cards you can always do both. And you could add in other stuff like Shefet Monitor to help with the splash if you go green or make it a splash non-white. One of my favorite things about magic so far is the endless possibilities you can do. I've gone against someone who splashed in three colors into their previously mono-red deck and it worked amazing. I recently helped a friend splash green into his Dimir rouge deck because I got Vraska the Unseen and gave it to him. Now I have an even harder time dealing with that deck...

Even though I hardly splash my decks, I greatly see the possibilities and endless combos available with both green and red. I would also suggest, even though some of these would fit a cycling deck better, Haze of Pollen, Shefet Monitor, and Gift of Paradise for green; and Bloodrage Brawler, Deem Worthy, Hazoret the Fervent, Tormenting Voice, and Merciless Javelineer for red. All of those are really good cards without even looking outside of Ahmonkhet. If you really cant decide, you can always do both by splashing into your main deck and having your side deck have splashed of the other color along with those already in your side deck. I might actually do that now myself.

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