Customs Depot

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Customs Depot


Whenever you play a creature spell, you may pay (1). If you do, draw a card, then discard a card.

Pal00ka on

5 years ago

The way I see it this deck is mid-range control, does not have an explicit win-condition, and has 2 Plans.

Plan A: Kadena sticks, you get a flash enabler out like Vedalken Orrery , a bounce-to-hand effect like Temur Sabertooth , and keep most of your mana open for flipping, bouncing, and free-casting. In this way you control as you see fit, build your board state, but 2/2s will not be intimidating anyone.

Helpful cards: Erratic Portal , Cyclonic Rift , Crystal Shard , AEtherize , Displacement Wave , Capsize , Beast Whisperer , Soul of the Harvest , and Curse of the Swine .

Plan B: Kadena does not stick, you still have your flash enabler and bounce-to-hand effect, but now mana is tight and you need to keep controlling the board.

Helpful cards: Wilderness Reclamation , Unwind , Rewind , Awakening , Curse of Bounty , Dramatic Reversal , and Peregrine Drake .

In both Plans you will have extra mana, either for flipping morphs or casting and flipping morphs. But what if you do not need to do those things? Now you have potentially a lot of mana "going to waste." I would suggest adding in a few outlets where you can turn extra mana in card advantage, tokens, or something else you deem needed/relevant.

Helpfull cards: Treasure Trove , Tower of Fortunes , Erebos, God of the Dead , Book of Rass , Well of Knowledge , Customs Depot , Freyalise's Charm , Greed , Mind's Eye , Ant Queen , Spawnsire of Ulamog , and Deadeye Plunderers .

In all of these instances there has been an emphasis on drawing cards because without finding more morphs the game-plan gets derailed quickly either because opponent's know which you have or wipe the board before you can bounce them back to hand. As an alternate win-condition that complements drawing cards I would say to either try to mill yourself or opponent's out.

Helpful cards: Jace's Erasure , Psychic Corrosion , Sphinx's Tutelage , Jace's Erasure , Mesmeric Orb , Altar of the Brood , Jace, Wielder of Mysteries , Laboratory Maniac , Minds Aglow , Prosperity , Blue Sun's Zenith and Fascination .

Adding in a mini voltron package is not a bad idea too, where even just one of these could be fine.

Helpful cards: Diviner's Wand , Blackblade Reforged , Nightmare Lash , Lashwrithe , and even Buried Alive + Filth , Brawn , and Wonder .

iBleedPunk on Enchantress-esque cards for artifacts

6 years ago

For commander I would personally recommend Ruhan of the Fomori. A 7/7 for and could very much benefit from leading an Equipment deck if nothing else.

As for suggestions regarding looting type effects I dug up Compulsion, Burning Inquiry, Desperate Ravings, Merfolk Looter, Urza’s Tome, and Customs Depot to name a few off the top of my noodle. I must say that alongside these effects Library of Leng is an all-star.

Hope this helped, even if it's slighlty

JordanSanFran on Ezuri (test)

7 years ago

In my opinion, I'd get rid of Customs Depot, Long-Term Plans, Snapcaster Mage (too powerful and just not necessary), Mormir Vig, Sage of Fables (multiple turns for days huh? ugh...), Lifecrafter's Bestiary (never as good as you think), The Great Aurora (too silly)... and probably 1-3 lands... in a deck with such a low average CMC, you can get away with less :)