casual play

milford, ia usa

Past Events

07-20-2011 - 12-31-2011

every friday till we can get enough to start a sanctioned tourny at exile games

11-10-2016 - 12-30-2016


01-23-2017 - 04-25-2019


02-01-2017 - 02-28-2017


12-17-2020 - 12-18-2020

have fun

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SpaceNinja reeeech squee_goblin_nabob mark bionico DanteNight uaioe SkyGrRrrr mess schmitty6451 crispybrown eltrose13 arowdok Synthisis dagosto Iv4ldy bobcatt87 DeadpoolMX360 docshadow13 Rynvord AngelOfDeath626 adb_slayer Caliban FordMarine RoaringBunny Loner929 Roll_A_Will_Save makeshiftplayer Stygiandreams Matso TheScantron CouponCollector gremegity icefire033 EBZeros Metroid_Hybrid miragenite1 MMAFan1990 treevore GreatSword doc_brietz number61971 bjohnburke liqo Wendigoth ofthehawk ulthar_kitty raveman101 cowofduty5225 MrDaBucket nakrox yuyu63 Tilman44 Madevil8 CultOfTheHydra Tap_M3 Arthdirith eddrs tirpen crimsonrainbow cmskinny T_Snake zig13 favarao KrossWinter outside421 skillfulabbot fngrwizrd1993 bgarber flaccidfish00 BitBam WilliamInnocent Neirj Doragan aquiferforthwin Elerenn conviction96 JFofar KammyDuskpaw wolfsack Fimbrethil DinoManDraves Belnex Resilient-Altruist taluspaladin13 keltis Cosmonautilis roger-d-dragon Himhotepp GideonJura13 Wrathsedge brent_lathan tdekousemaeker Gabe577 Holmsteen nleffakis09 MyUsernameWasTaken xGamer97x Cesilius asaxgod TheWinlockian HenDog Sparkonoid kidkaor phanneman trample_stamp Esquire_ dcsm2002 Slipshadow ShanerMaynard gonki Dusanti pF.AngryDragon GeneralG BhaalOmega Trimaxus foreignbuddha Thyr Mac_Apple dahhahm MetroidMann GreenGhost dylan.575 Souljacker devaneyrl gunshell Solverin tjr0926 Kagalka Toads54 durathuril SaulX05 Egghead2568 Lithormane johnnyvalera Klataro Kaywinace JamminDecks13 KiljoyQ Confuzzledmaniac oxyeo4 rsxbwa Aveloc lord_markov Aking1998 MmmK spham11 monymakr45 Hornybull marvelman1127 MwC RyProv Noblecrumpet Tejina InfiniteParadoX BAUnicorn cidalblacksmoke kasona BlinkTwice duelingbanjo fullms1 vipatronon cipcakes Candyman949 Kartogath TheAgotCreature JimmyRustle ruintrooper mikeybones29 tiagomorais kameenook Cipher_8 Savagerocker099 Flodes Gemonous delta.n9ne TVDE DanteSquires pr3tori4n AL_EXcalibur14 Crescent Pyro1191 Vudkan Milk-Drops BAG1221 piccin Drask47 aladinnsane isom4498 tokendragon37 humanpoison Lack BGFsanderNL zmanraider tacolover25 guitarguru lazarusdraigon Greydragon SniperElGato TheFlashFlood Agap181 AceDallenbach kodie53 sailer41 qwezler4711 cynicalpink goblinguiderevealpls Malidorian Nerfley DocAce Murderotika desdal Melmo PremiumCola Ohar reks672 BassyBassist Knifefanatic Verdantine burkistocles ninjask123 jspydur ajaniazlan kankuroboa SaicamR RevRain HungryWampa FeedUsBacon Thor-33 HonkStonk CUJOSRAGE Mayyer Sitriga Abamaster dg1489 DiscoPanda1803 Wirewelf cael123 thardusdrass Daniel_Vestergaard mtgbass Stamina pantseater oByhring Mlayer4 DanHogan ManaZoid Larzachard TwistedDragoness no_cards ecso Ghetto-Wookie glup stealthyballoon DaddyCackler relite25 nintendork16bit Colma SlapMyBuns Asakku mommarobot felipezacani Akitou kevinwickland Diceroll01 kerilyn10 OnyxOrion Zedius migrantmean63 Rahmel Zeppol F_Dynamite v232skull kadoch Hottesty PilotCashew171 thecaleb Lord_Olga marke18968 gniknilbog Hodarimaisha Stjimi Jkwatson23 Lich_Lord Msqn23 gilder_bairn_2008 ilostmyd20 ALazySamurai CardboardB0x LordBlackthorn FaceClaimer Savaras Soren81 sammichelle dumptoaster Infer1or DracoLucian hotmaildotcom1 lolitzgarrett Illuminarrator akuzen MG017 ShartTank MisthollowGriffin myanrueller ChesterChumpass SephirothFFVll muffincancer lukedk987 DZM95VIKING Gecko soulwarden11 misterquack josephasapiens at aol dot com omniwig PuMpKiN_gOd EvrLastnGS PlatinumZombie Creatus1996 Dubstack1987 AlaskanKomodo CalvinandHobbes Jwolf Morphodontics matt7045 kjlracoon PucaPup sparticus1364 killjoygils iskeleton Shendu TrueSharinganx SZSlayer Donday AfonsoABRASousa theedman Dao greensheepman7 CaptainFro frustrationinc Rodfjell Roboblade604 AlmightySparkleFarts Rileyinabox Prerkim maziol88 CharlieMTG NixonInnes Bronana Vorborg DasTree NeoSKakrott Waveturtle scott151 BlueMage22 JakeMcChilders Therind problem_repairman07 Mirabilis kellemvor Canno ElfballSpindash ModdingFox cheetohotwl BMpatrol DickMadame HappieHeppner OrangeOnTop Dami alejandroaudio deeborf4 jcb.cbb surefire1982 RedPanda0384 frankgbosman couslar AwesomeBau5 Iconoclastes Peertje Setrin Bull_Kai TheInfiniteEye mab222 KaizaellSonge Pookey13 stealthwind crypticc0mmand thepoetmustdie Blazedivine94 Alchem1st Roxxis kaoticsofcourse MrWhitekeys Gills skep Satwel Phibbonacci halberdguard Boddi knightofsilent JamesTheNecroMage cineris mertag770 LeonSV41 corey_ OverloadBeta Elrean Matthew186 Evisorix habbosnoob TheMightyThorsin MrBronson J_S_Bach CaptainFazekas Spider42 SpasmoMcPlasmo naota481 Nidian LadyEnigma Reaksu rojeewtf Murderotic SapphireARC poeticdegree bluejag220 LordOfUnreal jtsrtr4326 RJC1212 TBPlayer Elowyn_Korjiv SilhouetteDreams Sipsification awebgsu ascottp96 yummysinsemilla P0larV0rt3X phoerix mjgilbert26 BlackwardNJ Knightofninjas Springbox lumin Olrox DeckMakerMan IoriYagamiFan37 MagicGinger Senpaij theGentlemanSeal il-Vec HumbleRex masterbam4 lucidlife9 Rivinhal LazaroTheRed boazboy skillingdakilling WiLuke Keldec desolation_angel88 DaJii UltraJesus Herbman33 MasterOfJews Crazytom32 Eboksba Tribal_lord daedrafire NathanNati0n Revotor panic48 sherman1024 SellotapeGypsy MixMasterLar Crystalline Toxic_Probe faolmor92 jkraemski NomanRumerals CLO2099 ChaosClaws will93 sakurafemme Vax Rince_wind 30_Dollar_Decks Ubervores inversecow _Miharu_ dhohn15 Sigfried89 DuTogira blackrosereaper InanimateAlex Palatiuns xibat fauxpaw lilbutterfli94 ManishWayz ZhonLord ctrlaltelite yoursocialghost Jonteman93 CypherusX Danno123 ChaseNine Jordanml85 FallenDragon Zxame holydrmidget rockjockey ticked-off-squirrel Zeak101 Giggidy45 paulbmoore1980 LegionaireMrkV Updownrisefall erniekemp444 costrander3689 cra7zzzzzzzpat arceus Mrmysticobvious BB_XIII Wombatia Supplice baldomerol Lifis ValkyrieLeonus Slint StevieG333 kmanworthy StopShot Brighton-Morrs amfibolos irmker04 danilopaiva Crayak13 TXSRanger Cheezy_Beaver DarkReshiram41 Two-Headed_Giant_Decks toddishott Flaequi m-k-tengri comboplayer1 5h4m3 Akuah316 Rudmed PhantomMTG xXCannibalCorpseXx jackofhats Klipeda kind_boss mramirez1237 GloryKairi vatternriver thejphys EG_Ace Delete1234235314 chokladdavid YaezakiSumiso kite0148 APlatypus Coldice2u Dante104 Slaking1337 StevOK FunkyMonkey luck_winner1 ppoolli SykeeC Ecktor Derperture Memnoch Mukha pummelhuff AceOfSpades Ynthem Jerex Heitor_Castellamare Avalinne Grutzrul TheCovertElk GS10 bah-bammmm Memphismaymagic5 astrozombie85 JokersGrrl woundedmermaid villattj zazanzia 5Th-Of-Jack ScarTheHedgehog4444 Zoa1718 Wheezy hydra007 ColorfulBlackLight Gabooner KrazeMTG TheRich34 Whodafispaul Cainslayer1993 NoviceMagician AzoraAetherwing Stvarosh DragonzBane Turtwitch Gisa srs1989 Epicpotato TheMagicMadman Zetaomega4 Doscar Yosaj HowIett Iarila TotSpotter m1dkn1gh7w4rr10r NervesOfJello Venon1983 Psychin144p Foolproof bdigz magicthygathering Kevinpetsca Jamesplainswalker willbobaggins MaryKat Kr0v4x Cheerlessbear NoAmMonkey DecipleofMorgueToad orihalchon Aylash Hylus meego Kakemixen Swamp_Shifter DBCooper Warlock_MD Arikarin handymendy D-Kight CynCycosis Alleck witchgirl88 Elite_Rogue robstroup Dale1164 gigagloin DRKS poorlymade Belmor xEpf4x Shower_Fairy Katybee317 Eternal_Raider Fox14120 whitefang756 consideredcrazed KoallaKaptin techwlf1019 Samiamisandwas TheViViDnightmareGazettE Zorwind blackjack419 browngx421 googaltown Knockadoon matenason RamaLama clarinetking Horrendous Fancycolin SlapChopNinja Tophoo steelmanred313 NinjaDanni wtchandler7 Enocia nightHawk2772 Salady lordmetroid AwesomeBear10 iamaskier123 Kyrovin Bumble79 heather-tron Falchion_Wielder AlmightyClay Malazark Icky101 BenTSadoke DarkVras deviant_ninja92 Androno Grrrucha DragonlordZed Quiggz FlamewrightBear86 gallowayrobert3 brent_813 HunterDorsett Primrose AzraelW Shizzle43 PokeGod54 octophon bakerc95 giantskunk8 MadJayJaspers bigcatmark874 Darwin_Green Hdub Gratitude78 Rob1466G Prophet_Abby TheSandvichChef silvercrow06 CombatHellcat Saucecup Althalus89 mattmiller15 AlucardGrey piszinger Platypus420 Aidan02 Rambulance Mortes_The_Lich_King Granflux NocensAstrum The5lacker dungeonrambler WildeFire Aldum wium sirHC sulcatatortoise7 acordle Nivulus Moezard Magnus_the_corruptable NuCk3 derpherper Wizley1117 exeterskiss dylanchamberlain ForceofWillis ColinEge SkylarkJ Emrakul-the-eons-turnt Wally87 SnowyCat GhostSpartan19 Omnick71 MrRussell78 drujeful nervousshipwreck Dukedom Exomancer FaisalTMN thewholf bug_cat Alex_Marinescu michalplatek FaytCloud alexandreprados hen-syn WishfulCanadian JazzBassJesse WHYISITALWAYSME Ironbreakox clocktamer Dirraku Slarby99 lyre4lyra adrianojfischer supergnaw tgilmore dalaslayer Borab Helpless_Seraph Severina mubhcaeb78 lukeves0010 rayxomnus Chiefy1 Hawaiiwong AScruffyHamster Tierbet Gagaguru allthatisman42 stateofcomatose Worldswerewolf88 jbump75 MordosHawk ShardsCards xX420RonaldMcDonaldXx Jarlax Klexyl Marf TekShaman JakeTheGerm lochreach ArcoDamn MTGWizz joeysweden sircalist c1elite kc3gun ArtWench SirFowler Rev_Al_B_Damned djacques103 TheGodlyTyrant BossMatt101 CynanMachae Me2021 papajustify1993 lipofefeyt dragoon45 BoulderCityGym stendika Tolarius Gatraz phynster Saroth ScionsJace Epicbobman52 mpt9000 AppleReaper Arcalight1 ConnBeleren Smiles145 trisket lukesymwalker Zerienga ath1076 judohero23 Jason_Snow Papoy brawler6190 JasonTheTechnomancer Lanna ZOMBLES127 TheThun dansface CozyBanx ksum91 trenton-hawes Big_Black_Deck _SaintBoss_ NosnortplayzMTG CalderaWolf Fullelven lightcolour MiniBits Xnerd_lifeX podracer1994 Letsgo chibiarden ArcaneEmperor Seanli Ware-wolf TimeToNutUp Kaine999 Spiderqueen WilltheNinja AlanDanger WhatTheNether rexman711 SnJester xMasterxCrunkx femurfracture swiknaba squirrel_n00b 144 justfang kietszchiel GrampyDurden el_zilcho AndysRoom1989 Xokor manbeastman shippo62 BackSansCanon Garathun krlsrrll Daxemos Randog GeoCenturion Ironbizmark SnowWolf00 Wtdou odinssun Kazmo Wargablarg Shadow51423 UrzasSpork tash HaleBacktos AbstractMarcher Gleadr92 smithkurosaki CharlesO RedFordTaranis connormce10 BloodBrothers Oghan El_Comandante mercury19 isawakumo MF-Bagel izzetmizzet KTah VampNighthawk1497 Xenych nyydynasty EdenGardenz PaoKai Ornstein_and_Smough PunkApostle xyranthin Zimmermanga tarkonis DaddyDevil101 TheChromeCrafter Jdsandman01 Morgoth45 TeslaMagi Zavcaptain KamiFe22 speccygeek drawers bobavenger1 Copper594 Gluten_Fritos ArturEld E2R4 Lugia_100 oakmclovin Crow_Of_The_Void NocturneStanza Mattscriv @TheRyanHayes15 telmios TheUltimateRogue xacto14 Dainbramaged daemonstrator Myr_Mythic HoleInTheRubber LordSorex lolkingjr Krasdero Baloney Haunt.D stormjumper7 BlueBloods unclenintendo gdesimone itserikalan Kowasenai loclif VaeVictisMTG Eumycetes Diesel24 Ranman cwyan afeuling Loading... biniou LowBudgetPlayer fremp Luna_Safire iemadie mdjacks1 nicrophiliac YungNixon Treebranch mjack159 avolpi uraztron75 Frostbitkid Hidran Moomey101 onhigherground cmoye1 xianhuo quinnadarby Roughface shadowsoflife XileFlow HiddenGreggles refrigeratorrock BlackRavenous Assassin_ian98 Anomia nfoley UriTheGod Eventyde ColdCutz vortexfalcon82 Illuminatis Some-Peoples FalkenbergRath HitokiriAfrosai SocoldintheC EnderPlaysCompetitiveMTG ShadesofMourning Awkward_Mudkip JohnEric2 AzraelDrown Didact23 MERCwthAmouth072 FatCat23476 Dreamweaver biancsthegreat fleshexe Dracoe BeastLordHiro LordGumpy Barnettalex saltyninja EmpressLily AjaxAtax Cysec Fiercaldra ArtsyAlraune Punknskarules rajcak Jobenour3 OctalArtifact64 phiichan43 Voodoux Drangleic_Knight173 mathemagic314 brabes ProgenitusServant flvmccabe Sempiternal_Nox Beleriand Kingpin4682 tvmvsh Mr_Smiley1452 Starcaller_Cat hannaha777 MtgPenguin Smoske ..Albertz.. SpencerMTGguy chatmort AngryBadger orge121 Fyedakin bigjust65 mastersigg Pilot WesomeNight Ithilwen knowledgeabletyrant kmart300 Shockz RaginGerman Kievnstavick trashbread gkourou lintxo SLP_500 Yogie Jayce_of_Kingz highlandercorpse AceofShell kakomartin senekerd Odin- RomaOfAme Eredes EndMeetHere xzone71 Faithlesspug ragnaerok GardeNoir hutch10 Estone flahoogana AuRogue rampintomonsters cc270 purpleswag2 m33pers Frozenleaf28 al2der Blackreap3r charek Vizer6 Aureliasfurry Sandman4999 dimir4lyfe Uunicornblood1 Ranger452 rocksteady tee-rex adanlaj minorokt Ilioncetic Berstito 202463 twistedmage Fairest Grakiloth jesseter AudioHarlequin BrokenSorrow MagicGuru UVAFoozle Przerywnik CascadingCuccos kcajakon OlivierB GlassCannonBOOM Snakebrook killersoap acfa getoutofmywhey Shones misspez gouveia.elvis Evan_DAuteuil Red_dragonkight Maylee72 JO3M4M4 DJHarshmallow ShapeshifterMTG Snuggle Logurt19 bbygrl9631 gcorde23 Hipstrwizard Sinisterkid neriakX ScatmanPronin MetallicBlue Blisskid danishnutter sephypants PenguinTaskForce TudyBruce Jess_Jar1994 Pianobob nickfaw Wutmeworry Druid_of_Blight Braxlin SilentSnipes ShabeTio HolyVikingHanz Cptmugge edevil27 RnG_Joker dackid19 sloth318 Mackindaw Defiant_Necromancer_3 Eleros BenThePants seanjuan SeraV raphi1409 chapin316 McToters Dragone90 Ragdalf akmenos136 TRAVENOMENON Bayonetta95 Dester Synyst3r_D3xtyr mrmrdudedude shadowkyng ComboCrazy pieboy107 TheBro_DOT_com verdett Mofogigas harleygrant Svensk CaptainofLeftovers Chloworm griffinclaw11 Zaephare ShadowsOfLight Wayfire Asgar4th turanikan Darrynx Punkinit SimonCalabuig Zer0evil Brinkhouse Clockwurk JestaGremlin Ephoras hstPheles bensontheartillarytruck ranindarkrider dkgamerofdeath kgeerejr BB6SH22 Crystalneko ShiaraM kennyt0711 CrazyDanPsycho Me_Drewsta nerdthomas Vessiliana ErinDwight Izack117 SuperWeapons2770 Thamior_Xiloscient SiegeTowerEngineer WendyHoskin Uffe _iamatree_ MsSysbit Farune RupertPhd thermalproject fuji10011 +Highrider03+ Baelfyre Gannondorf calvino Sim1cMag3 DoubleHelixGamer Church_boy42 Eilel bakerman421 FilAmTransboy retsebesh NissasMinstrel modified whizzkid5 MegaBattleJesus TheHi14312 nerdwerld Phelonis SpiralAscendant EnochRoot Lord_Castiel TheBlewBerry pusilanime Thefluffer Whiskerbiscuit BetayedGoblin klaymenard MrPhys Xervish LS-Metr0 MaxCoop_1 guillesugus BudgetSlinger vanstillson1 Taita UnknownUser NinjaByran WarCry29 xaosmori carssp Vertigo67 ausjam Choux0304 lukewulf Daalot Orzhov_FanGirl Belok Ruinei Herustari CryYouMercy Viking84 MrHuffle criticalWhale LeeRoy789 Aljones_315 BlowfishCasserole DoctorScarf cooleu21 Chucknorris13 OmegaPhoenix602 bombproofsix strife65 Icewither412 VladMarkov 13thApocalypse GingahBread Tony-10- VampireLordNick Serra8 HellHathNo armageddon1x Faflak rafaelvva Thegru3some2some STOMP56 OprahsKankles somaticglobe Squidge jackfate11 sassielassie RaulKitz Hella Dolarun Ragarokalex EIGHTZEROTWO judasken Bradmholt Jwest0313 Jose.Wildspeaker contain_spaces EvilRiver616 KingArxad RedMulligan Petey Qolorful lenneska Ten_Thousand_Salamanders Eikthyrnir SpartanWoz Dvanonod Magikarpet Spore_Frog .marijn. sharky69 caebee CocoaMix claiuto vannes1823 ashioxander Kissiltur Paintbrushie Orange+ TibaltVauler xxSataNxx Gavdog226 NorsemanZA CptZhou Iseria EventuallyClassy Sarin_isded Seismo72 Pinpollo19 BigDaddyEd901 IsheroGG Dray119 Arashee LordoftheDovah davidkelly403 johnwayne1488 Jakeman22 keithallenlaw Vikingen94 Greenleaf223 DraceRawlings 172n EmperorJellyfish Shadytloc SocialConstruct Geon444 Moesuph awolfos CommanderSheffield Jtpvdmark Wafflepann Althredore KKallik Ckriss ARC_Salty MacAttack228 lycanavenger Razulghul Hybrow BlazerTII MisterBeandipJones black_thunderbolt moon_shade Rektaroni HocusPocusOG rafe028 SteinerEffect ZPheonix budget.brews101 shikon524 bomb_arie icchibi Juggernaut7777 Themysteriousone pancake23 JonAvon KingAlabastier TheDuke jamesfargoth2 MysticKill Mistress_Spider Justicar_Nigri lampus sambadclown IamMeeks Corbinisms alexives ptownley74 Thericksterr TempleCollie Fireplay0288 desttighim skp1124 XEYeti Ilmu011 naindu Slevin07 thewildfire myrdhyn Zephyrift StarvingtheDark GotSkilledMagic iPhoenix lordkrosa Hustin.Lou SlamPorter ziegwolf MrKraken Ita neolions Akirasaur wickerwraith splat870 andross279 KingZero@MMX1986 Vamps4life Skinken 0Baker Baugen RadioactiveToxicJinxHazards admiralmerlin TheMagicPenguin BatataFilosofal AngelOfBoredom ImmoralDreams Ianco Faukken cgives WolanD-333 EternalJewmaster Clumpster Dracha davidlbd Satchels SkeldorSimulacrum 05seb05 HappyWaffle308 Gnou Cookiee35 Wickedreds snizzix451 twlock2000 Iridescent tonybcrd coffeymichael92 TRShadowMan Snydog17 Xaneluela Solowistz Jadjective Darkshadow327 Slyphor_Ever HollowedSoul87 CasualMagicSS mvharvill Iappreciatedeath Isoss MaZtermind KingHades101 danifish879 mmmtttgggelf DIMEST0RESAINT entheogeneral Pevira TriForce3 varulv93 nottobay Sauronofmorodor Piebye726 Lord_of_Squirrels Primrose_Blank Kalladdin Qawlo Carmelita TrendySayings alefabbri95 Icaruskid gunneyjdog yahelhotam leslie mcjagon chaemera Kair101 LexPerp stern22 Superbeast63 Zakaveus FaerieLore 3devils seasonalastronomer Coop_de_Grace TrutVonHahn NoLifeQueen TheSpiritombEnthusiast SkipYourDrawStep RomanCoffee Mana_ramping Coded thehumanjukebox jstein329 eve_rcha ArtBor1 LegoGuy87 Afdavis87 odiffido Titan202xc Imraz Cool_Cat brightside_usa FunMoose winteriscomingg salthegato TheDiabolic13 Ratocandel Xyryu DeckPioneer542 Redblck Weregriffon chuckboyer2016 HiberNation benettnash madzoze Haldarious Sir_Salt AlexHamato agnostic666 Sarikano Hiasu@ukun Infatuated_Amnesiac Carpinoed StarstormKK sskorakz6651 joymousepad dutchreeves Venomorphosis TreyFromPallet Xelon_The_Woof itsmeb_rad Kawaiikirakoala TheArtistOfWar Otakubouzu DeadShadows Lordbold Mister-Magic Artificer56 Paega Pocielotheria OmniMystery Mythic9 Xolrium Infini7ewarrior BurntRadish jacokotze BlakkDraggon Tomokuro EarthBound33 ItsDreamyWeather sidfrieze DragonBlitz31 nottobay13 Oldschoolpaul Doc508 AbsoluteAbsol RichardCM Thermoptic cjors DiesToDiscard Xample tcapre01 CannoliBoy the-lavender-shadows MateusAp iquake alyx22 Simon12612 drhojo1989 SkippDaReaper NivStormfront glintzy EricBennion vini-ini AlchemistAce Great_White_Drake Anti-sticky_keys GrumpyHydra vallarus Shliken Enigma337 quesomobile renatotnk its_mescalito Mill_Master Cthulhuist Magnitar GriffinisMissin rakhyvel Enjoysrandom derBleede alechodgin23 fongryan50 Sik_MtG Tarema Linkavich123 Snowman6The6Satan6 calebdean555 Hashtagdedwalrus Boroday1791 Fearior Axurial ManaRampMatt OhDracSir SBetrnaarhdol BigArmMTRob Irianne Shmookyla BudgetyBrews javilopez athurdent marrrkk Nerthus_Jord Rwbyfanatic dragonmaster666 MrMemes nbnhunt Tmart1999 Chubby_the_Magic_Mofo Max_Vroom TheHabbitKill peccatori Xesk SirBluebeard rollingstoner33 Keegancr88 StonedJesus LeviathanSenpai JupiterJones74 Chase.Sir Bolt782 Honey_Bunchezs Mezmer HydraKing666 lashdragon magicsheep NikFraggle Milo_Da_Tapped DFan101 Deadpoo111 rstanley THCue numbermatch Charles1986 Possle Gregorian_17 Luke1122 kawa Corndevil82 nemesis1012 Gymmie2235 jjalbert14 Kenobi2112 Chaseadair23 SimbasPride Bustakev420 KCornDawg Poketuza Kalvecgor12 Needlesnblades Keane NintendoHitman hsutherland3 Tsunambat JuiceD0171 Master_of_ov Jbausworth13 BerniB patrikosz foxtrot_101 Drewbit Fangskin AJMT-MTG punchuindamowf cojhonest beck91896 DocSpy Natesterizer Ambrose0088 Hasukawa xXxLeonhartxXx Th3_Ahrkitekt NoxCanis flamingseahorse snaxamillion magic1017 FormerBalloon LordBucketHead Wesjohn11 the_crestfallen ilikepickles L33py LukeRessy Sephiro117 madman-from-space CountGerhard EnbyGolem shinyapplejack Shadowarrior ScruffyHolly DSquirrel flyingscud17 miuself -Anderson_ RicBat2106 Ch0ppah Muwwy Gregarious_Potato exalibruh1590 Gunnarpsionic95 DementedShoe MarvelousHavel Maggotking666 Dariusprime tysonup jzt0 Speedbomber sedgetroll TheWeebs Rauber_Hotzefotz ysengrim LaReinadelNorte Khaine26 Trayor Biglynes Grimokk Blight52 crazyhorse6767 darksuffrage21 Spellsword407 TheDandyGun Promotheus ToHorizon EarthWeebAndFire Lucskywalker101 M-47 bsettle2002 Moosh528491 Sephus tall-asian-bro 111GoMander111 Haliscyon beggarmage DragonLord107 SirGrederick thatsexyluke Snuggruble Dyson9 srlinguite DrUnpopular lukesolo77 JamsZZZ Moltar69 DarHex ChrisFhey vwel5626 SandalBandit mountdelicious TJGys jacobtheshark0 Akonimae Anarchoholic DrummerGarrett vadereloha greenmanaranger lancellot MistressMind Daniellarusso Disz DinoInDisguise Wolfley porky27s Rimjobsteve StarLightNova gurtergurter build_it_jb Raveen92 jiffylube97 LordKingKon Shadowbound BlackDeegs LivingThing chaosshadow589 PastorSinnerxr urzasails Dumannios stgmead007 rain1783 Guhreth ShadowWalkerEH ct7259 MauiKisaragi Hello_thereBenobi iceformat THE_BO1 VaalVanir JaguarFonguS Star-Platinum Aqveteig Klazen krkinsella8 SavageKnuckleblade Metagrossle Eonaut ocaicaturista AtlusAbound Hassovonmoltke DrowsyTitan DFH_VT Shotgun_Mac Wonderczech Raynar illidan123 FalconKnight40 chamele0s Stewy4110 Novotheforemost HeyImVegan BarkinTree Starvie_Jarvie azureCatalyst Porkchips EnkiduHiisi KnockoutArtist Meeeeeeeeee WholeGrainFruitLoops darthpaul74 SpudBudd Choirboy2020 Zumbrella GreenGuru Jikkax SveinMarvin Skarekrowe BallisticJello RoseQuartz26 deathtoall555 lisaraxter1 Joyninja Daron6 SteffisPeppis skiingbeast87 GenesisOdin Phoenixplaysmtg YargleGargle RadasXXL BaronJ Lordeelord JakSprks midnightcanndy shard096 Omniscience_is_life MajorGlory182 AwesomeJMS5 Henni_die_Vernichterin ryan_johnstone RagweedTall TheOnlyRagnarok Earendur_Undomeil Romionrry Jankqueen Nivyii desmondwrite Marcos86 AzraelPayne Lord_of_the_Bottle_Gnomes GatheringWilds Fjallen Yamito MTG_phile doribelgie chouser25 AsepticVoid Big_Ed Silver67Hunter BillHat grte Lobster_Emperor TonyMestre Kipy_ camrn8 Trashcan ScyllaTheKelpie bdashdog CrookedEye Kuri_Kuri KetamineMedic Grumpy01dZom813 Darleschickens07 TangoWithTojo Yugischmoe MikeStirland Elmerich cheezhuntingbirds CoryGraves68 Lazywing JoeLossYo sokpop sw1tch Skeezy1 KingZombie Xeroflamezx Slapdragon RangersGuild ThreeOhEight CaptComplaino Archerman123 Anybo_D Mimikyu666 Badmoon_Badlands LeAtomicTurtle Gingervitis Peaceful_Lunatic yuukigasai TheDidacticD samhughes666 FatesController AgtStarling Rangza ChasenPhillips Vapor101014 Drewber_Thegreat ZuranSorcerer doctordino12 esparta15 0riginal bigbrothernoir Mr_Mustard ThickDeck Nicky2327 itheodore Fredrik morr76 nica9 ERLMERAKI qwerty12357 Wolex312 Bjmac97 Celebrith LastDroidOnMars GeoffSnow KatMan013 Phostration Blubmann Xarchrid CheezyCharlie01 Drolin22 CamHalen B16Taylor YamagoroSergei Ryusei Ojeez48 DeePro NewTronSword Heraxun Khyheauts HiryuRein Wolf8Knight isaiahnixon Ryujin_Ronin Andamacil ChronicleKeeper Supermassa TommyNL89 Nonoein Sciyo Texasmtgplayer NepXNowa Maximus997 Coolbrotoes TimTwigg81 Dungle_DD Eligner12 Baratomic real_zarek YoctoPhi huey0420 Zaki0195 thaumaturge DoktaDakka EDHski-LO Smiley7650 Taka8585 EsperFox LordChorby Holt95 NickolasAlthor dreadswolf rune_tail XTR3M3

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Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff helps give the deck the extra gas it needed. Final Showdown is good back pocket support or disruption.

a few seconds ago

Merieke Ri Berit, Manipulator of the Stack

Commander / EDH Zeddicuus


Been doing some minor tweaks to this deck since I last posted about it - that and I haven't had much of a chance to play lately

Added Opposition Agent. Thinking I will remove Bane and Toxrill. Toxrill, from what I've seen with the two times getting him into play …

2 weeks ago

Changed out some cards to improve mana ramp, speed, and reliability. Also upgraded a few creatures that were lacking.

2 weeks ago

Token Enrage

Commander / EDH* Drachos


Skull clamp removed for Sylvan Library:

I have only played it once so its a bad idea to edit it this early... BUT as predicted its possible to be stuck needing draw and having no tokens. Sylvan Library costs the same and is more consistent, even if it costs a …

3 weeks ago

Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait

Commander / EDH steakhouseking


Clue landfall fun to play surprisingly effective for multiplayer commander

2 months ago

Shelob, Child of Ungoliant

Commander / EDH BurntCheezit


I built this deck from cards I had lying around my room. I don't intend for it to be a top-tier or hyper-competitive deck but I would like some suggestions for improvement. Any feedback is very much appreciated.

2 months ago

Lets Dragons!

Commander / EDH SomaTMR99


2 months ago

Fantasy Creature

Commander / EDH Bakekujira

SCORE: 2 | 225 VIEWS

I've been making changes only to fin out that I've got only 3 hydras in the damn deck which just makes myself mad and the reason i took out some was the chameleon hydra killed all fliers when he entered the battlefield and I've been adding more and more sphinx …

2 months ago

07. The Church (Orzhov)

Commander / EDH TimTwigg81


Safe Passage removed. Answered Prayers added. Testing continues.

2 months ago

Sidisi, Brood Tyrant

Commander / EDH neke82


Removed: Tracker's Instincts - Stinkweed Imp - Geralf's Mindcrusher - Tragic Slip - Golgari Grave-Troll - Hedron Crab

Added: Izoni, Thousand-Eyed - Shigeki, Jukai Visionary - Pile On - Blossoming Tortoise - One Ring to Rule Them All - Slogurk, the Overslime

3 months ago

Bant explores

Commander / EDH Joecrain25


3 months ago

Cheeseburger and Fries

Commander / EDH CinnaToastKrunch

SCORE: 2 | 249 VIEWS

ALOT has changed, and many cards have been swapped out for others as stated in my last update. I'm super excited to test the deck out with all these new avenues to take! I noticed my traditional Animar deck was solely focused on pumping up all my creatures including Animar. …

4 months ago