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Said on Planeswalker BBQ...


My goal with this deck is to aim for a win by turn 4 or 5, but if that doesn’t happen, I wanted to have a backup plan by bringing out a planeswalker or two. Ideally, I can use Sarkhan to turn them into dragons for some late-game fun. I play mostly casual games, so while I want the deck to be fast and aggressive, I also wanted to keep it flexible enough to enjoy some cool planeswalker plays.

October 2, 2024 9:07 p.m.

MTG Decks

Grixis Control

Standard bakedbean


Finished Decks 20
Prototype Decks 12
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank 1011
Helper Rank 601
Suppressed formats Standard, Standard Brawl, Historic, Pioneer, Legacy, Vintage, Commander / EDH, Pauper EDH, Canadian Highlander, Gladiator, Highlander, Duel Commander, Leviathan, 1v1 Commander, Oldschool 93/94, Limited, Pre-release, Penny Dreadful, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, Unformat, Quest Magic RPG, Quest Magic
Joined 9 years