Wizards doing away with FNM promo cards

Standard forum

Posted on July 30, 2017, 12:11 p.m. by Argy

The Professor has a clip about it here

I'm a bit sad about it.

I used Aether Hub and Unlicensed Disintegration to pimp out a couple of my decks.

Not to mention that fact that I shoved playsets of every relevant promo in Cast a Shadow [Frontier]

TMBRLZ says... #2

That's depressing.

July 30, 2017 12:46 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #3

Honestly it's disappointing but I will still go to FNM and still compete, I was looking forward to the Amonkhet cycle of promos as I like the set art but at least for the next couple months I'll get all the tokens I could ever want :).

I feel with the backlash though that wizards is going to have to address it sooner rather than later, as a company they wont want to go back on their decision so I expect about 6 months to a year of the tokens if the backlash continues, if it doesn't I imagine the tokens could be interesting as collector's items for the foreseeable future.

July 30, 2017 12:50 p.m.

DarkLaw says... #4

Wizards has so often blatantly done the opposite to what we want that it is hard to expect that they would do anything to the contrary.

What's more, for once people are all but undivided in their disapproval for this change. Just like getting better promos in the first place.

July 30, 2017 1:57 p.m.

Argy says... #5

I'm not opposed to Tokens per se, I loved the foil Zombies, but I don't see why that can't happen for prerelease every now and then.

I had been thinking that the cards they choose as promos are sometimes not that good.

Incorrigible Youths always struck me as an odd choice.

Also the penny pinching is getting rough when you now only make one type of die per expansion.

I used to quite enjoy collecting the ones I wanted.

The ones.

July 30, 2017 2 p.m. Edited.

Oloro_Magic says... #6

The promo quality definitely had been dropping and I really was questioning how they chose which cards they print as promos, the professor brought up a good point when he mentioned that consistently bad promos followed by one good promo does not represent an adequate sample size for determining that promos must be eliminated.

July 30, 2017 2:13 p.m.

phc says... #7

Why are certain promos full art and the others foil? Is it a FNM vs pre-release thing?

July 30, 2017 8:45 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #8

It's typically a "what do we feel like doing" thing with WotC

July 30, 2017 9:09 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #9

Game Day promos are usually full art, the participation one is usually non foil and the top 8 is foil.

July 31, 2017 2:23 a.m.

Argy says... #10

FNM promos are foil alternative art cards.

July 31, 2017 4:15 a.m.

dthoreson813 says... #11

I'd like to see the foil token cards IN ADDITION TO the promo cards. I just started playing again after fifteen years and was looking forward to getting lucky on cards that I could actually use that are shiny and what not.

What if I don't play a zombie deck? Or human deck or whatever? I just SOL?

July 31, 2017 8:14 a.m.

Argy says... #12

I mean it's a bit like that anyway.

You can pick up a promo that you'd never use.

July 31, 2017 8:37 a.m.

dthoreson813 says... #13

Sure, but it could be a bomb that you'd be interested in building a deck around. I'd be less motivated to get my feet wet with a new deck strategy to use a token as opposed to a Hazoret the fervent or something.

July 31, 2017 8:48 a.m.

Argy says... #14

The FNM promos tend not to be "bombs".

They are more like support cards.

Things like Noose Constrictor, Fortune's Favor, Incendiary Flow, Servo Exhibition, Unlicensed Disintegration, and Aether Hub.

You wouldn't really "build a deck" around any of those, but you might use them to "bling" a deck you already have.

July 31, 2017 9:11 a.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #15

The promos should remain as support cards but it would be nice to see more playable cards as promos, I really only found uses for Unlicensed Disintegration and Aether Hub.

As a modern/legacy player I would also would have liked to see more staples from those formats as promos like the old days but one can only dream.

Basically, if the promos had been things like Abrade, Stasis Snare, Harnessed Lightning, or any other support card that is popular in standard I would have been fine with the promos, but Reverse Engineer and Crumbling Vestige sure they are decent cards in the right deck but I dont think they are ideal promos.

July 31, 2017 9:40 a.m.

Argy says... #16


I was lucky enough to be running a deck that used four Crumbling Vestige when that one came out, but it was very niche.

Fatal Push is about to drop, which will make some Modern players happy.

July 31, 2017 6:49 p.m. Edited.

Oloro_Magic says... #17

Yeah the promo cards wrapping up with Fatal Push is a nice send off with everything else in mind.

I'm sure there will be many people trying to get that card to bling out everything from legacy to modern to standard to even some commander decks.

July 31, 2017 7:20 p.m.

dthoreson813 says... #18

I'd like it just to have a fatal push.....

July 31, 2017 8:57 p.m.

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